英语 中的 loving 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 loving 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 loving 的说明。

英语 中的loving 表示爱的 ài de, 表现爱意的 biǎo xiàn ài yì de, -loving, 爱 ài, 爱情 ài qíng, 爱,热爱 ài,rè ài, 喜爱 xǐ ài, 爱 ài, 爱,热爱,爱好,喜爱 ài,rè ài,ài hào ,xǐ ài, 喜爱做某事, 情人 qíng rén, 宝贝 bǎo bèi, 伙计 huǒ jì, 热情,激情 rè qíng,jī qíng, 性爱 xìng ài, 对…的钟爱, 零分 líng fēn, 钟爱的事物 zhōng ài de shì wù, 爱 ài, 和…性交 hé xìng jiāo, 喜欢玩乐的, 为了纪念, 关怀爱护 guān huái ài hù, 恩爱夫妻 ēn ài fū qī, 慈爱 cí ài, 热爱和平的, 喜欢享受的,追求生活乐趣的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 loving 的含义

爱的 ài de

adjective (feeling love)

Matt had a loving family, so it was a surprise when he ran away.

表现爱意的 biǎo xiàn ài yì de

adjective (that shows love)

Zoe gave her boyfriend a loving kiss.


adjective (liking [sth]) (后缀,意为“喜欢…的”)

My cheese-loving boyfriend would never give up eating dairy, even if it made him sick.

爱 ài

noun (uncountable (affection)

Love is perhaps the most important human emotion.

爱情 ài qíng

noun (uncountable (romantic feelings)

You could see her love for him in her eyes.

爱,热爱 ài,rè ài

transitive verb (feel affection for)

Of course I love my mother.

喜爱 xǐ ài

transitive verb (be fond of)

I love Jane. She's always such fun to be with!

爱 ài

transitive verb (have romantic feelings for)

You can tell that she loves her boyfriend by the look on her face.

爱,热爱,爱好,喜爱 ài,rè ài,ài hào ,xǐ ài

transitive verb (like strongly)

I love basketball.


verbal expression (activity: enjoy)

I love jogging in the park when the weather is warm.

情人 qíng rén

noun (lover)

She was my first love.

宝贝 bǎo bèi

interjection (informal (affectionate term) (爱称)

Can you give me the remote control, please, love?

伙计 huǒ jì

interjection (UK, informal (friendly term of address) (昵称)

When I got to the bar, the barman asked me, "What would you like, love?"

热情,激情 rè qíng,jī qíng

noun (passion)

His love made her feel so good.

性爱 xìng ài

noun (slang (sexual gratification) (俚语)

He was in a good mood. His wife probably gave him some love the night before.


noun (strong liking)

His love for basketball was apparent to everybody.

零分 líng fēn

noun (tennis score: zero) (网球)

The score is now thirty-love.

钟爱的事物 zhōng ài de shì wù

noun ([sth] loved, interest)

Ballet was her first love.

爱 ài

intransitive verb (have deep affection)

She just loves too much.

和…性交 hé xìng jiāo

transitive verb (slang (have sex) (俚语)

I want you to love me passionately tonight, baby.


adjective (enjoying amusement)

Elena's fun-loving younger sister can be quite a handful sometimes.


expression (in commemoration of [sb])

This bench was constructed in loving memory of Harry's grandfather. The gravestone read: "In loving memory of a dear husband and father."

关怀爱护 guān huái ài hù

noun (affectionate attention)

The young boy lavished loving care on his pet rabbit.

恩爱夫妻 ēn ài fū qī

noun (two people in a caring relationship)

Matt and Anna are such a loving couple!

慈爱 cí ài

noun (affection and consideration)

A good husband always treats his wife with loving kindness.


adjective (pacifist, opposed to war)


adjective (enjoys good things in life)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。