英语 中的 term 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 term 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 term 的说明。

英语 中的term 表示词 cí, 期限 qī xiàn, 学期 xué qī, 刑期 xíng qī, 任期 rèn qī, 关系 guān xì, (合同、协议)条款 hé tóng xié yì tiáo kuǎn, 费用 fèi yòng, 条款 tiáo kuǎn, 足月分娩 zú yuè fēn miǎn, (方程式的)项 fāng chéng shì de xiàng, (数列的)项 shù liè de xiàng, 称…为 chēng wéi, 普通用语, 通项, 固定期限的,定期的 dìng qī de, 四年任期 sì nián rèn qī, 到期,从头到尾 dào qī ,cóng tóu dào wěi, 干满任期的, 期中假 qī zhōng jià, 期中假的, 从长远来看,就长期而言, 短期内 duǎn qī nèi, 长期的 cháng qī de, 长期影响, 长期记忆 cháng qī jì yì, 中期的 zhōng qī de, 期中的 qī zhōng de, 新学期 xīn xué qī, 监禁期限 jiān jìn qī xiàn, 徒刑 tú xíng, 学期 xué qī, 固定期限 gù dìng qī xiàn, 设定好的条件, 设定条件, 短期的 duǎn qī de, 短时记忆 duǎn shí jì yì, 夏季学期,暑期学期, 专门名称 zhuān mén míng chēng, 昵称,爱称 nì chēng,ài chēng, 任期 rèn qī, 学期论文 xué qī lùn wén, 条款清单, 学期期间, 学期内的, 学期住址。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 term 的含义

词 cí

noun (word or phrase)

The term 'basket case' has an interesting origin.
‘basket case’一词的起源很有趣。

期限 qī xiàn

noun (period of time)

There is a thirty-day term for making payments.

学期 xué qī

noun (part of the school year) (学校的)

She enrolled in five classes for the spring term.

刑期 xíng qī

noun (prison) (服刑的)

The thief was sentenced to a four-year term of imprisonment.

任期 rèn qī

noun (tenure)

The president serves a four-year term.

关系 guān xì

plural noun (relationship)

I heard that they are not dating any more. Are they still on friendly terms?

(合同、协议)条款 hé tóng xié yì tiáo kuǎn

plural noun (agreement)

The two sides came to terms, and signed the contract.

费用 fèi yòng

plural noun (fee and conditions)

What are your terms for performing the operation privately, doctor?

条款 tiáo kuǎn

plural noun (legal conditions or rules)

It all depends on the terms of the contract. Is there a warranty?

足月分娩 zú yuè fēn miǎn

noun (full pregnancy)

She carried the baby to term, and it was born healthy.

(方程式的)项 fāng chéng shì de xiàng

noun (mathematics: part of an equation) (数学术语)

The first term is unknown and denoted by an 'x'.

(数列的)项 shù liè de xiàng

noun (mathematics: part of a series) (数学术语)

The first four terms of this geometric series are 1, 2, 4, 8.

称…为 chēng wéi

transitive verb (express)

It all depends on how you want to term it; is it cheap or is it inexpensive?


noun (everyday word for [sth])


noun (mathematics: shared item)

固定期限的,定期的 dìng qī de

adjective (lasting for a specified period of time)

四年任期 sì nián rèn qī

noun (official period of four years)

In the United States the President serves a four-year term.

到期,从头到尾 dào qī ,cóng tóu dào wěi

noun (completion)


adjective (complete)

John F. Kennedy was not a full-term president as he was assassinated after less than three years in office.

期中假 qī zhōng jià

noun (school, etc.: mid-trimester break) (学校)

We're planning to spend a few days in Wales during half term.


noun as adjective (relating to mid-trimester break)


adverb (well into the future)

The investment in new machinery will cost a lot of money, but will be worthwhile in the long term.

短期内 duǎn qī nèi

adverb (temporarily, for a brief time in the future)

长期的 cháng qī de

adjective (extended, over a long time)

How can I improve my long-term memory?


noun (often plural (impact extending into the future)

长期记忆 cháng qī jì yì

noun (permanent recall of facts)

My long-term memory is fine, but I have no idea what I did this morning.

中期的 zhōng qī de

noun as adjective (finance: of bonds, etc.) (债券等)

These bonds are medium term and have an average maturity of 4.5 years.

期中的 qī zhōng de

adjective (during term)

The results of the mid-term vote surprised everyone.

新学期 xīn xué qī

noun (school, college: new trimester)

The children are all ready for the new school term.

监禁期限 jiān jìn qī xiàn

noun (period of imprisonment)

She's serving a six-month prison term for assaulting her landlord.

徒刑 tú xíng

noun (punishment: prison sentence)

The judge sentenced him to a long prison term.

学期 xué qī

noun (part of school year)

Children can start school at the beginning of the school term following their fifth birthday.

固定期限 gù dìng qī xiàn

noun (fixed period)

Board members are elected for a set term of two years. Home mortgage loans are payable over a set term, usually fifteen or thirty years.


plural noun (established conditions)


(establish conditions)

We weren't in a position to set terms so had to go along with what they decided.

短期的 duǎn qī de

adjective (temporary, not long-lasting)

My short-term educational goal is to graduate college.

短时记忆 duǎn shí jì yì

noun (capacity for recall over a brief period)

His short-term memory began to fail when he reached 80 years of age.


noun (school trimester from spring to summer)

专门名称 zhuān mén míng chēng

noun (specialist name for [sth])

The technical term for bad breath is halitosis.

昵称,爱称 nì chēng,ài chēng

noun (affectionate name)

"Sweetie", "sugar" and "honey" are terms of endearment.

任期 rèn qī

noun (period in power)

The mayor's term of office is coming to an end.

学期论文 xué qī lùn wén

noun (graded essay)

My term paper for history class is due on Monday.


noun (business contract document) (一种商业合同)


noun (UK (months when classes are in session)


noun as adjective (UK (relating to term time)


noun (home during academic term)

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term 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。