英语 中的 touching 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 touching 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 touching 的说明。

英语 中的touching 表示感人的 gǎn rén de, 关于 guān yú, 触 chù, 接触 jiē chù, 触摸 chù mō, 感动 gǎn dòng, 接触, 触摸, 抚摸, 风格 fēng gé, 能力 néng lì, 触觉 chù jué, 触感 chù gǎn, 联系 lián xì, 感觉 gǎn jué, 态度 tài dù, 笔触,(一)笔 bǐ chù,yì bǐ, 修饰 xiū shì, 借钱 jiè qián, 一点 yì diǎn, 接触 jiē chù, 与…接触 yǔ … jiē chù, 使邻接 shǐ lín jiē, 比得上 bǐ de shàng, 联系上 lián xì shàng, 伤害 shāng hài, 吃 chī, 谈及 tán jí, 与…相关 yǔ … xiāng guān, 向…借钱 xiàng jiè qián, 与…相切 yǔ xiāng qiē, 使轻度受损。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 touching 的含义

感人的 gǎn rén de

adjective (emotionally affecting)

There's a touching scene at the end when the lovers say goodbye.

关于 guān yú

preposition (regarding)

So far we've heard nothing touching the cost of the mission.

触 chù

noun (act of touching)

You can look at the animals, but remember – no touching!

接触 jiē chù

transitive verb (enter into contact with)

He touched her shoulder.

触摸 chù mō

transitive verb (feel with the hands, etc.)

She touched the blouse to feel its fabric.

感动 gǎn dòng

transitive verb (move emotionally)

She was touched by the woman's life story.

接触, 触摸, 抚摸

noun (physical contact)

His touch comforted her.

风格 fēng gé

noun (figurative (style)

The designer from Milan added an Italian touch to the room.

能力 néng lì

noun (skill)

He has a good touch with the football.

触觉 chù jué

noun (sense)

He has no sense of touch in his fingers.

触感 chù gǎn

noun (sensation, the way [sth] feels)

Many people like the touch of silk.

联系 lián xì

noun (communication)

I need to get in touch with him. Let me phone him now.

感觉 gǎn jué

noun (awareness)

The leader has lost touch with popular will.

态度 tài dù

noun (figurative (manner)

She has a nice touch with the customers that they appreciate.

笔触,(一)笔 bǐ chù,yì bǐ

noun (stroke of a pencil, etc.) (铅笔等)

The penman put a bold touch on every serif.

修饰 xiū shì

noun (figurative (detail)

They have added some nice touches to this kitchen. Look at those details.

借钱 jiè qián

noun (US, informal, figurative (request for money)

That was a touch for five thousand dollars! How rich does he think I am?

一点 yì diǎn

noun (small amount)

John is staying home from work today because he has a touch of fever.

接触 jiē chù

intransitive verb (be in contact)

The two tables touched.

与…接触 yǔ … jiē chù

transitive verb (be in contact with)

The table touches the wall.

使邻接 shǐ lín jiē

transitive verb (bring into contact)

Move the sofa back so it touches the wall.

比得上 bǐ de shàng

transitive verb (figurative (rival)

She can't touch you for efficiency. You are so reliable.

联系上 lián xì shàng

transitive verb (figurative (reach)

I asked him to talk to me about his problems, but wasn't able to touch him.

伤害 shāng hài

transitive verb (harm)

Don't you touch her or I will kill you!

吃 chī

transitive verb (eat)

The child hadn't touched his food.

谈及 tán jí

transitive verb (cover, deal with)

This article doesn't touch the problems in Sudan.

与…相关 yǔ … xiāng guān

transitive verb (concern, affect)

Don't worry. This matter doesn't touch you.

向…借钱 xiàng jiè qián

transitive verb (borrow money from)

He touched me for twenty pounds yesterday.

与…相切 yǔ xiāng qiē

transitive verb (be a tangent to) (几何)

The line touches the circle at point "A".


transitive verb (damage slightly)

The flowers have been touched by the frost.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。