英语 中的 moving 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 moving 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 moving 的说明。

英语 中的moving 表示可移动的 kě yí dòng de, 感人的 gǎn rén de, 用于搬家的 yòng yú bān jiā de, 搬家 bān jiā, 移动 yí dòng, 前进 qián jìn, 换位,移动,挪动 huàn wèi,yí dòng,nuó dòng, 转移到,换到 zhuǎn yí dào, 改变到,转到, 采取行动 cǎi qǔ xíng dòng, 移动 yí dòng, 感动 gǎn dòng, 搬家 bān jiā, 动作 dòng zuò, 移动 yí dòng, 一步棋,走棋 yí bù qí,zǒu qí, 步 bù, 搬家 bān jiā, 该…走了,轮到…了, 活动,移动 huó dòng,yí dòng, (朝某个方向)前进 cháo mǒu gè fāng xiàng qián jìn, 售出,被卖,脱手 shòu chū,bèi mài,tuō shǒu, 走棋,走子 zǒu qí,zǒu zǐ, 排空,排泄 pái kōng,pái xiè, 提议 tí yì, 搬家 bān jiā, 走一步棋, 活动 huó dòng, 卖 mài, 因感动而做某事, 导致某人做某事, 快速移动的, 情节紧凑的, 动起来 dòng qǐ lái, 快走 kuài zǒu, 永不止步 yǒng bù zhǐ bù, 移动平均数 yí dòng píng jūn shù, 下个话题, 搬家卡车 bān jiā kǎ chē, 搬运家具卡车 bān yùn jiā jù kǎ chē, 行动迟缓的 xíng dòng chí huǎn de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 moving 的含义

可移动的 kě yí dòng de

adjective (changing position)

This clock has many moving parts.

感人的 gǎn rén de

adjective (emotionally touching)

I read a moving novel with a deep message.

用于搬家的 yòng yú bān jiā de

adjective (of moving)

We called a moving van to transport our things.

搬家 bān jiā

noun (changing location or residence)

I hate moving, but I want to live in California.

移动 yí dòng

intransitive verb (be in motion)

Stop moving and the wasp will leave you alone.

前进 qián jìn

intransitive verb (advance)

The protesters moved towards the line of police.

换位,移动,挪动 huàn wèi,yí dòng,nuó dòng

intransitive verb (change position, location) (换位置)

This seat is reserved. I'm afraid you'll have to move.

转移到,换到 zhuǎn yí dào

(change position, location) (把位置等)

Amy moved to a seat near the front of the room.


(turn attention to) (把注意力)

I want to move to the question of how we are to finance this project.

采取行动 cǎi qǔ xíng dòng

verbal expression (take action)

He moved to open the door but she grabbed his arm.

移动 yí dòng

transitive verb (change position, location of)

I moved the car closer to the house.

感动 gǎn dòng

transitive verb (often passive (affect emotionally)

Everyone was moved by the film.

搬家 bān jiā

intransitive verb (change residence)

When I was five years old, we moved.

动作 dòng zuò

noun (movement)

With a sudden move, he grabbed the robber.

移动 yí dòng

noun (step toward [sth])

The sheriff blocked the outlaw's move for the door.

一步棋,走棋 yí bù qí,zǒu qí

noun (game: turn) (棋类游戏)

It is my move next.

步 bù

noun (game: choice of action) (游戏)

My opponent anticipated my every move.

搬家 bān jiā

noun (informal (house move: change of residence)

All our belongings are packed up in boxes, ready for the move.


noun (game: turn, go) (游戏)

It's your move; hurry up and roll the dice.

活动,移动 huó dòng,yí dòng

noun (action, step)

The police tried to anticipate the criminal's next move. Critics believe the government's move to tackle poverty does not go far enough.

(朝某个方向)前进 cháo mǒu gè fāng xiàng qián jìn

intransitive verb (follow a course)

The storm is moving to the east.

售出,被卖,脱手 shòu chū,bèi mài,tuō shǒu

intransitive verb (merchandise: be sold) (商品)

The new merchandise isn't moving.

走棋,走子 zǒu qí,zǒu zǐ

intransitive verb (game: take a turn) (棋类游戏)

It's your turn to move.

排空,排泄 pái kōng,pái xiè

intransitive verb (bowels: evacuate) (肠道、肠胃)

The food made his bowels move quickly.

提议 tí yì

(make a proposal)

The council member moved to adjourn the session.

搬家 bān jiā

transitive verb (change residence)

She moved apartments twice last year.


transitive verb (advance: a game piece)

He moved his piece forward four spaces.

活动 huó dòng

transitive verb (put in motion)

He moved his arms up and down.

卖 mài

transitive verb (informal (sell: goods, merchandise)

We have to move the merchandise before the end of the fiscal year.


(impel emotionally)

Karen was moved to take in the stray dogs.


(cause, provoke)

His actions moved her to call the police.


adjective (quick)

The fast-moving traffic on this street makes it dangerous to cross.


adjective (action, plot, novel: fast-paced)

Right now I'm reading a fast-moving novel about a man's journey around the world.

动起来 dòng qǐ lái

verbal expression (informal (act now)

They woke up at 10 o'clock but didn't get moving until noon.

快走 kuài zǒu

verbal expression (informal (go now)

We should get moving if we don't want to miss the flight.

永不止步 yǒng bù zhǐ bù

verbal expression (not stay still)

Some species of sharks have to keep moving to survive.

移动平均数 yí dòng píng jūn shù

noun (statistical mean) (统计)


interjection (change of subject)

搬家卡车 bān jiā kǎ chē

noun (vehicle used for removals)

We rented a moving van to clean out my boyfriend's store.

搬运家具卡车 bān yùn jiā jù kǎ chē

noun (vehicle used to move furniture)

When we changed apartments we hired a moving van, but loaded it ourselves.

行动迟缓的 xíng dòng chí huǎn de

adjective (sluggish, unhurried) (人)

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moving 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。