英语 中的 cost 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 cost 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 cost 的说明。

英语 中的cost 表示要价 yào jià, 价格,价钱 jià gé ,jià qián, 费用 fèi yòng, 代价 dài jià, 花费,业务费用 huā fèi,yè wù fèi yòng, 估算成本(费用) gū suàn chéng běn fèi yòng, 估算…的成本, 以…为代价 yǐ wéi dài jià, 估算出…的费用, 实际成本 shí jì chéng běn, 不惜任何代价 bù xī rèn hé dài jià, 以很大的代价 yǐ hěn dà de dài jià, 花了很大的代价,做了很大的牺牲 huā le hěn dà de dài jià,zuò le hěn dà de xī shēng, 承担费用 chéng dān fèi yòng, 支付...的费用, 昂贵的代价, 花费很多 huā fèi hěn duō, 成本会计 chéng běn kuài jì, 价格昂贵, 成本规避, 成本中心, 成本削减, 成本削减, 成本估算, 花费很少 huā fèi hěn shǎo, 不太费力 bú tài fèi lì, 耗费金钱 hào fèi jīn qián, 不花钱 bù huā qián, 不费吹灰之力 bú fèi chuī huī zhī lì, 借贷成本,借款成本, 生活费用 shēng huó fèi yòng, 节省费用, 共担费用, 成本效益的, 注重节约成本的, 削减成本 xuē jiǎn chéng běn, 削减成本的, 成本效益高的, 性价比, 具成本效益的 jù chéng běn xiào yì de, 成本加成的, 固定费用 gù dìng fèi yòng, 一小部分费用, 免费的 miǎn fèi de, 高成本的, 投入成本, 人工成本,劳动力成本 rén gōng chéng běn, 便宜, 低成本的 dī chéng běn de, 低成本航空公司,廉价航空公司, 经营成本 jīng yíng chéng běn, 间接费用,间接成本 jiàn jiē fèi yòng,jiàn jiē chéng běn, 不顾价格 bú gù jià gé, 不顾代价 bú gù dài jià, 运行成本, 经营管理费用 jīng yíng guǎn lǐ fèi yòng, 运费 yùn fèi, 货运费, 标准成本 biāo zhǔn chéng běn, 单位成本 dān wèi chéng běn, 不计代价 bú jì dài jià。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 cost 的含义

要价 yào jià

transitive verb (price)

This book costs ten dollars. This dress cost me $50.

价格,价钱 jià gé ,jià qián

noun (price)

The cost of petrol is very high.

费用 fèi yòng

noun (expense)

She paid for the whole wedding, at great cost to herself.

代价 dài jià

noun (sacrifice)

At great cost, we will keep our promise.

花费,业务费用 huā fèi,yè wù fèi yòng

noun (law: legal expenses) (法律)

The defendant must bear the costs of the trial.

估算成本(费用) gū suàn chéng běn fèi yòng

intransitive verb (determine costs)

I'll do the ordering and you can cost.


transitive verb (calculate the cost of)

The accountants need to cost the project plan.

以…为代价 yǐ wéi dài jià

transitive verb (entail a loss)

Drunk driving costs many lives.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (determine cost in advance)

实际成本 shí jì chéng běn

noun (total price)

Maintenance fees must be taken into account to determine the actual cost.

不惜任何代价 bù xī rèn hé dài jià

adverb (however high the cost may be)

We will win this war at any cost.

以很大的代价 yǐ hěn dà de dài jià

adverb (at great financial expense) (一般指经济方面的)

花了很大的代价,做了很大的牺牲 huā le hěn dà de dài jià,zuò le hěn dà de xī shēng

adverb (figurative (involving great sacrifice or loss)

承担费用 chéng dān fèi yòng

verbal expression (pay)

Taxpayers will bear the cost of health care reform.


verbal expression (pay)


verbal expression (UK, figurative, slang (be expensive)

花费很多 huā fèi hěn duō

verbal expression (informal, figurative (be expensive)

I bet that dress cost a pretty penny.

成本会计 chéng běn kuài jì

noun (costing: tracking business costs)


verbal expression (slang, figurative (be expensive)


noun (measures to reduce expense)


noun (business)


intransitive verb (reduce spending)


noun (reduction in expenses)

The company's profits were boosted last year by cost cuts, including the thousands of redundancies made in January.


plural noun (expenses: projected)

花费很少 huā fèi hěn shǎo

verbal expression (be inexpensive)

A first aid kit costs little but can save lives.

不太费力 bú tài fèi lì

verbal expression (figurative (require little effort)

It costs little to be polite.

耗费金钱 hào fèi jīn qián

verbal expression (be expensive)

If you want the product delivered tomorrow, it'll cost money.

不花钱 bù huā qián

verbal expression (be free of charge)

If they say it costs nothing, it must be a scam of some kind.

不费吹灰之力 bú fèi chuī huī zhī lì

verbal expression (figurative (require no effort)

Being helpful and friendly to people costs nothing.


noun (banking: interest rates) (银行业:利率)

生活费用 shēng huó fèi yòng

noun (cost of basic necessities)

The cost of living is outrageous in this city.


plural noun (measures to reduce expense)


noun (fee split between two parties)

Health insurance plans have various cost-sharing structures.


noun as adjective (weighing costs and benefits)


adjective (frugal, thrifty)

削减成本 xuē jiǎn chéng běn

noun (business: reduce expenses)


adjective (to reduce expenses)


adjective (providing value for money)

It wouldn't be cost-effective to turn my hobby into my profession.


noun (good value for money)

具成本效益的 jù chéng běn xiào yì de

adjective (providing value for money)


adjective (pricing: expenses plus profit) (定价)

固定费用 gù dìng fèi yòng

noun (often plural (set price or fee)

My biggest fixed cost is the rent I pay for the premises.


noun (small part of total price)

The house painter is quoting $8,000 to paint the house, but we could do it ourselves for a fraction of the cost.

免费的 miǎn fèi de

adjective (not requiring payment)

Anti-pollution measures are never free of cost.


noun as adjective (expensive)


noun (production expenses) (生产费用)

人工成本,劳动力成本 rén gōng chéng běn

plural noun (cost of paying workers)

The company tried to reduce labor costs by employing unskilled staff.


noun (cheap price)

The tablet's advantages are its low cost and user-friendly design.

低成本的 dī chéng běn de

adjective (cheap, budget)

You can save money by booking a low-cost flight.


noun (cheap air travel company)

Steve became a millionaire after setting up a low-cost airline.

经营成本 jīng yíng chéng běn

plural noun (expenses involved in running a business)

They forgot to include operating costs in their initial budget, so their profits were considerably lower than anticipated.

间接费用,间接成本 jiàn jiē fèi yòng,jiàn jiē chéng běn

noun (basic business expense)

不顾价格 bú gù jià gé

adverb (however high the price)

She wanted that fur coat regardless of the cost.

不顾代价 bú gù dài jià

adverb (figurative (however bad the consequences)

They were determined to win the war regardless of the cost.


noun (amount spent to maintain [sth])

The new refrigerator uses far less electricity, so its running cost is half that of the old one.

经营管理费用 jīng yíng guǎn lǐ fèi yòng

plural noun (business overheads)

You need to keep your overheads and running costs down.

运费 yùn fèi

noun (overseas delivery charge) (指跨国运输)


noun (charge for transporting goods)

标准成本 biāo zhǔn chéng běn

noun (usual or average price)

单位成本 dān wèi chéng běn

noun (price per item)

不计代价 bú jì dài jià

adverb (no matter what is required)

We'll try to free the hostage whatever the cost.

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cost 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。