英语 中的 under 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 under 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 under 的说明。

英语 中的under 表示在…底下 zài … dǐ xià, 在…表面下 zài … biǎo miàn xià, 低于,在…之下 dī yú ,zài … zhī xià, 低于 dī yú, 在...下面, 未满的 wèi mǎn de, 低的 dī de, 次等的 cì děng de, 低于的,少于的 dī yú de,shǎo yú de, 麻醉中无意识的, 向下地 xiàng xià de, 在下面地 zài xià miàn de, 在…统治期间, 在…(保护、监督)下 zài bǎo hù jiān dū xià, 在…(照看)之下 zài zhào kān zhī xià, 在…分类下, 在…目录下, 按照 àn zhào, 由于 yóu yú, 在…(教育、指导)之下 zài jiào yù zhǐ dǎo zhī xià, 让步 ràng bù, 爬到...下面, 属于… shǔ yú, 属于…的管辖范围, 到…下面 dào … xià miàn, 到了…下面, 达到…以下, 破产,倒闭,跨掉 pò chǎn,dǎo bì,kuà diào, 控制 kòng zhì, 使麻醉 shǐ má zuì, 屈服 qū fú, 压倒,压制 yā dǎo ,yā zhì, 把…卷到水底, 杀死 shā sǐ, 用雪覆盖, 忙于...而不可开交, 压倒,击败 yā dǎo ,jī bài, 被评估, 在保修期内, 在审查中,在审核中, 认为 rèn wéi, 在保修期内, 迫于压力屈服, 推动 tuī dòng, 用尽各种污言秽语辱骂某人 yòng jìn gè zhǒng wū yán huì yǔ rǔ mà mǒu rén, 归入 guī rù, 遭到, 因为...而成为万夫所指, 把…完成, 把…的…清理干净, 去澳大利亚或新西兰, 不清醒驾驶, 躲进, 扎入, 酒后驾驶,醉酒驾车,酒驾 jiǔ hòu jià shǐ,zuì jiǔ jià chē, 摔倒在…下面, 低于,小于 dī yú, 手术 shǒu shù, 获得 huò dé, 发怒的 fā nù de, 把...放在...下面, 保密 bǎo mì, 遮盖..., 把...盖起来, 被…所蒙蔽 bèi … suǒ méng bì, 把…犁入土中, 已入土的,已下葬的, 在墓中, 发誓 fā shì, 对(罪行等)有所怀疑 duì zuì xíng děng yǒu suǒ huái yí, 中了魔咒 zhòng le mó zhòu, 中了魔咒 zhòng le mó zhòu, 正在积极考虑中 zhèng zài jī jí kǎo lǜ zhōng, 考虑周全 kǎo lǜ zhōu quán, 不到一小时 bú dào yì xiǎo shí, 进入战备状态 jìn rù zhàn bèi zhuàng tài, 被逮捕的, 遭到攻击 zāo dào gōng jī, 遭受攻击,被批判地 zāo shòu gōng jī,bèi pī pàn de, 被严密监视地 bèi yán mì jiān shì de, 严密监视下的 yán mì jiān shì xià de, 被迫地 bèi pò de, 在考虑之中 zài kǎo lǜ zhī zhōng, 在建设中 zài jiàn shè zhōng, 在控制下 zài kòng zhì xià, 在…的掩护下 zài … de yǎn hù xià, 在押 zài yā, 正在讨论,正在商讨, 在护送下, 受到严厉批评, 监禁中地 jiān jìn zhōng de, 监禁中的,被关押的,被囚禁的 jiān jìn zhōng de,bèi guān yā de ,bèi qiú jìn de, 被锁藏起来的,被严密保管的,被锁起来的 bèi suǒ cáng qǐ lái de,bèi yán mì bǎo guǎn de,bèi suǒ qǐ lái de, 决不 jué bù, 受誓言的约束 shòu shì yán de yuē shù, 有义务地 yǒu yì wù de, 不太舒服 bú tài shū fú, 不太舒服 bú tài shū fú, 被处以…的惩罚, 在压力之下 zài yā lì zhī xià, 副秘书, 副部长,副次长 fù bù zhǎng,fù cì zhǎng, 遭围困 zāo wéi kùn, 在监管下,在监督下, 处于监视中 chǔ yú jiān shì zhōng, 处于监视中的 chǔ yú jiān shì zhōng de, 涉嫌 shè xián, 受…保护, 在…支持之下 zài zhī chí zhī xià, 经…批准,经…允许, 受…管辖 shòu guǎn xiá, 在这种情况下 zài zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng xià, 在…的掩护下 zài … de yǎn hù xià, 私下地,偷偷地 sī xià de,tōu tōu de, 私下地,偷偷地 sī xià de,tōu tōu de, 在…的眼皮底下 zài … de yǎn pí dǐ xià, 被迫做某事,迫于压力做某事, 受…影响的 shòu yǐng xiǎng de, 喝醉的 hē zuì de, 根据法律规定, 在某人的领导下。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 under 的含义

在…底下 zài … dǐ xià

preposition (beneath)

The mechanic is working under the car.

在…表面下 zài … biǎo miàn xià

preposition (below the surface of)

The rock made a big splash and disappeared under the water.

低于,在…之下 dī yú ,zài … zhī xià

preposition (of lower rank) (职位、权势等)

The general respects the people under him.

低于 dī yú

preposition (less than)

The car costs under ten thousand.


preposition (behind)

Experts detected a simple drawing under the painting.

未满的 wèi mǎn de

adjective (prefix (lacking)

That car is under-powered.

低的 dī de

adjective (on a lower level)

The under shelf is sagging from the weight of the books.

次等的 cì děng de

adjective (dated (class: subordinate)

He is an under official, with little authority.

低于的,少于的 dī yú de,shǎo yú de

adjective (lower in amount, degree) (数量程度等)

The under dosage resulted in continued fever.


adjective (informal (unconscious as result of anesthesia)

While she was under, they removed her tonsils.

向下地 xiàng xià de

adverb (down)

Let's go under and hunt for shells.

在下面地 zài xià miàn de

adverb (beneath)

The carpet belongs under, and the furniture on top of it.


preposition (while subject to)

Things improved under the reign of the queen.

在…(保护、监督)下 zài bǎo hù jiān dū xià

preposition (subject to)

The product is still under warranty.

在…(照看)之下 zài zhào kān zhī xià

preposition (receiving care from)

My mother is under a new doctor now and says he's much more attentive.

在…分类下, 在…目录下

preposition (for classification) (表示在某种状态中)

What should I file these receipts under?

按照 àn zhào

preposition (according to)

Under current rules, you have lots of power.

由于 yóu yú

preposition (because of)

Under these circumstances we are content.

在…(教育、指导)之下 zài jiào yù zhǐ dǎo zhī xià

preposition (taking instruction from)

He studied under a master teacher.

让步 ràng bù

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (give in)

I finally buckled under and quit the organization.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (crawl beneath)

When the thunder started, the dog crept under the bed and stayed there until it stopped.

属于… shǔ yú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be categorized within)


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (come within control, jurisdiction of)

The crime of desertion falls under the jurisdiction of the military justice system.

到…下面 dào … xià miàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (go underneath [sth])

The dog dug a hole to get under the fence.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (reach underneath [sth])

It was raining and the damp got under the car bonnet.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (achieve lower score)

No matter how much I practice golf, I can't get under 85.

破产,倒闭,跨掉 pò chǎn,dǎo bì,kuà diào

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (business: go into liquidation) (比喻,商业)

GM did go under, despite their claims.

控制 kòng zhì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (keep under oppression)

使麻醉 shǐ má zuì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (keep under anesthesia)

屈服 qū fú

phrasal verb, intransitive (acquiesce)

压倒,压制 yā dǎo ,yā zhì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (overwhelm) (人)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (tide: drag beneath the water)

The strong tide pulled the young girl under and she drowned.

杀死 shā sǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (anaesthetize)

Local anesthetics don't work on me, so the dentist has to put me under.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (cover with snow)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (usually passive (overwhelm with work, etc)

压倒,击败 yā dǎo ,jī bài

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (usually passive (sports: defeat completely)

The points Jackson made kept his team from being snowed under.


verbal expression (be tested or assessed)

The new plan is under evaluation for its cost effectiveness.


verbal expression (be covered by a warranty)

I didn't have to pay for repairs because the washing machine was still under guarantee.


verbal expression (be examined or reconsidered)

The proposed changes to the law are still under review.

认为 rèn wéi

verbal expression (with clause: believing, sensing)


verbal expression (be covered by a written guarantee)

My computer worked great as long as it was under warranty; then it died a month after the warranty expired.


verbal expression (figurative (give in to stress)

推动 tuī dòng

verbal expression (figurative (prompt to take action or work faster)

用尽各种污言秽语辱骂某人 yòng jìn gè zhǒng wū yán huì yǔ rǔ mà mǒu rén

verbal expression (figurative (repeatedly insult [sb])

You can call me every name under the sun, but it doesn't change the situation one bit.

归入 guī rù

verbal expression (be categorized, grouped within)

This report comes under the heading of "Finance", so it can be filed in that folder.


verbal expression (be exposed to, suffer)

The squadron came under attack. The policy came under intense scrutiny.


verbal expression (figurative (be criticized harshly)


verbal expression (US, figurative (complete accumulated tasks) (积压的任务)

Once I've dug out from under this backlog of paperwork, you and I will celebrate by going out to lunch.


verbal expression (clear accumulated disorder, dirt)

They had to dig their boat out from under the mud left by the flood.


adverb (informal (in, to Australia, New Zealand) (非正式用语)

I'm moving to start a new life down under.


noun (operating a vehicle while drunk)


(dive, hide)

To avoid saying hello, he ducked under a desk.


(plunge into water) (水下)

Ryan ducked under the water and resurfaced a few seconds later.

酒后驾驶,醉酒驾车,酒驾 jiǔ hòu jià shǐ,zuì jiǔ jià chē

noun (US, uncountable, written, initialism (driving under the influence) (driving under the influence缩写)

In this state, driving under the influence is punishable by up to a year in jail.


(drop, tumble beneath)

低于,小于 dī yú

(figure: go lower than) (指数字)

Viewing figures went under 10 million after the lead actor left the show.

手术 shǒu shù

verbal expression (informal (have surgery)

She is going under the knife on Tuesday.

获得 huò dé

verbal expression (figurative, informal (have achieved, acquired [sth])

Evie's got three college degrees under her belt.

发怒的 fā nù de

adjective (slang, figurative (angry, agitated)

He got very hot under the collar when I politely suggested he might be mistaken.


(keep [sth] beneath [sth])

保密 bǎo mì

verbal expression (figurative, informal (not reveal)

The company is keeping the latest model under wraps until the official launch.

遮盖..., 把...盖起来

verbal expression (statue: cover up)

The museum is keeping the statue under wraps while restoration work continues.

被…所蒙蔽 bèi … suǒ méng bì

(used in expressions (mistakenly believe)

The company is labouring under the illusion that it can take shortcuts to get the results it wants.


(bury under dirt by plowing)


adjective (dead and buried)


adverb (in one's grave)

发誓 fā shì

noun ([sth] sworn to be true)

If you make a false statement under oath, you can be charged with perjury.

对(罪行等)有所怀疑 duì zuì xíng děng yǒu suǒ huái yí

adverb (suspected of guilt, mistrusted)

He was under a cloud of suspicion.

中了魔咒 zhòng le mó zhòu

adverb (in a trance)

The wicked witch put the princess under a spell.

中了魔咒 zhòng le mó zhòu

adjective (entranced, enchanted)

Everyone who heard him speak fell under the spell of his rhetoric. I've been under her spell ever since I kissed her that first time.

正在积极考虑中 zhèng zài jī jí kǎo lǜ zhōng

adverb (being deliberated)

Thank you for submitting your resume for the job position; your credentials are under active consideration.

考虑周全 kǎo lǜ zhōu quán

adverb (US (into consideration)

I hope he will take the new information under advisement.

不到一小时 bú dào yì xiǎo shí

adverb (less than 60 minutes)

It takes under an hour to fly from Seville to Madrid.

进入战备状态 jìn rù zhàn bèi zhuàng tài

adverb (ready for armed combat)


adjective (taken into police custody)

遭到攻击 zāo dào gōng jī

adverb (subjected to physical aggression)

They became aware that the castle was under attack.

遭受攻击,被批判地 zāo shòu gōng jī,bèi pī pàn de

adverb (figurative (subjected to criticism) (语言上)

His critique of the policy is under attack from the conservatives.

被严密监视地 bèi yán mì jiān shì de

adverb (being watched intently)

The government kept the official under close surveillance.

严密监视下的 yán mì jiān shì xià de

adjective (watched intently)

被迫地 bèi pò de

adverb (as an obligation)

Confessions obtained under compulsion are illegal.

在考虑之中 zài kǎo lǜ zhī zhōng

adverb (being deliberated)

A new road is under consideration to reduce congestion. Your suggestions are currently under consideration.

在建设中 zài jiàn shè zhōng

adverb (currently being built)

The new hospital is currently under construction. The website is under construction.

在控制下 zài kòng zhì xià

adverb (being managed)

Don't worry, I've got everything under control here at the office.

在…的掩护下 zài … de yǎn hù xià

expression (concealed)

Under cover of legitimate businesses, the Mob continued its illegal activities.

在押 zài yā

adverb (in custody)


adverb (subject: being debated) (话题)


adverb (with armed accompaniment)


verbal expression (figurative (be criticized harshly)

监禁中地 jiān jìn zhōng de

adverb (to or in prison)

This type of deviant behaviour will get you put under lock and key.

监禁中的,被关押的,被囚禁的 jiān jìn zhōng de,bèi guān yā de ,bèi qiú jìn de

adjective (person: in prison) (人)

He's under lock and key after he committed that robbery last year.

被锁藏起来的,被严密保管的,被锁起来的 bèi suǒ cáng qǐ lái de,bèi yán mì bǎo guǎn de,bèi suǒ qǐ lái de

adjective (thing: locked away) (东西)

I want you to stop overspending so I put your credit card under lock and key.

决不 jué bù

adverb (not for any reason)

Under no circumstances should Johnny eat sweets today.

受誓言的约束 shòu shì yán de yuē shù

adverb (having sworn to tell the truth)

I was put under oath before I took the stand. Lying under oath is a form of perjury.

有义务地 yǒu yì wù de

adverb (compulsorily)

If we sign the treaty, we are under obligation to reduce pollution by 10% in 10 years.

不太舒服 bú tài shū fú

adjective (informal (unwell)

Alicia had the flu and was feeling under par.

不太舒服 bú tài shū fú

adjective (informal (inferior, not up to standard)

I'm disappointed in your work: this project is really under par.


expression (formal (risking punishment by)

We declare under penalty of perjury that these statements are correct.

在压力之下 zài yā lì zhī xià

adverb (subjected to coercion)

He was under pressure to make a decision so he finally said "yes.".


noun (US (subordinate to principal secretary)

副部长,副次长 fù bù zhǎng,fù cì zhǎng

noun (UK (UK government official) (英国内阁的职位)

遭围困 zāo wéi kùn

adverb (being surrounded and attacked)

The city was under siege for months before its people finally surrendered.


adverb (being watched or monitored)

处于监视中 chǔ yú jiān shì zhōng

adverb (under close observation)

The police had the gang under surveillance for several weeks. We're keeping those two men under surveillance.

处于监视中的 chǔ yú jiān shì zhōng de

adjective (being closely observed)

The building was under surveillance for a long time.

涉嫌 shè xián

adverb (suspected of a crime)

The police are watching the house. I'm under suspicion of murder.


expression (formal (guided or protected by) (正式用语)

This child is now under the aegis of the court.

在…支持之下 zài zhī chí zhī xià

preposition (being guided, protected by)


expression (being guided by)

受…管辖 shòu guǎn xiá

expression (within the control of)

在这种情况下 zài zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng xià

adverb (in view of the situation)

Under the circumstances, we have no other choice but to expel John from school.

在…的掩护下 zài … de yǎn hù xià

expression (being protected by)

The candidate accused her opponent of pursuing his own interests under the cloak of patriotism.

私下地,偷偷地 sī xià de,tōu tōu de

adjective (figurative (secret, illegal) (交易等)

Alan had done an under-the-counter deal to obtain a supply of contraband cigarettes.

私下地,偷偷地 sī xià de,tōu tōu de

adverb (figurative (secretly, illegally) (交易等)

She was being paid under the counter so she avoided paying taxes.

在…的眼皮底下 zài … de yǎn pí dǐ xià

preposition (observed)

Under the eyes of his tutor, James became the smartest kid in his school.


expression (figurative (pressured to do [sth])

受…影响的 shòu yǐng xiǎng de

adjective (affected or controlled)

Under the influence of communist rhetoric, Peter refused to consider the positive aspects of capitalism.

喝醉的 hē zuì de

adjective (intoxicated)

He got pulled over by the police because he was driving while under the influence.


adverb (from a legal point of view)


adverb (with [sb]'s management or guidance)

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