英语 中的 counter 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 counter 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 counter 的说明。

英语 中的counter 表示柜台 guì tái, 售票处 shòu piào chù, 厨房台面 chú fáng tái miàn, 柜台 guì tái, 筹码 chóu mǎ, 相反的 xiāng fǎn de, 计数器 jì shù qì, 反驳 fǎn bó, 数数目的人 shǔ shù mù de rén, (皮鞋的)后跟 pí xié de hòu gēn, 反对,相反 fǎn duì,xiāng fǎn, 相应,相对应, 反对 fǎn duì, 对抗 duì kàng, 以…还击, 反提议 fǎn tí yì, 与…相反 yǔ xiāng fǎn, 应对措施,对策 duì cè, 反宗教改革, 天主教改革, 反改革, 用来驳斥的观点 yòng lái bó chì de guān diǎn, 反攻 fǎn gōng, 反击 fǎn jī, 复查 fù chá, 抵抗力 dǐ kàng lì, 对抗 duì kàng, 复查 fù chá, 逆时针的 nì shí zhēn de, 逆时针地 nì shí zhēn de, 反传统文化 fǎn chuán tǒng wén huà, 逆主流文化,反传统文化 nì zhǔ liú wén huà,fǎn chuán tǒng wén huà, 反传统文化的 fǎn chuán tǒng wén huà de, 逆流 nì liú, 对立思潮, 反间谍 fǎn jiàn dié, 反间谍的 fǎn jiàn dié de, 反例 fǎn lì, 镇压叛乱 zhèn yā pàn luàn, 反间谍活动 fǎn jiàn dié huó dòng, 有悖常理的,违反直觉的, 对策 duì cè, 对策 duì cè, 事与愿违的 shì yǔ yuàn wéi de, 反提案 fǎn tí àn, 反革命 fǎn gé mìng, 反革命的 fǎn gé mìng de, 反革命分子 fǎn gé mìng fèn zǐ, 反恐怖主义, 反恐的, 报复性恐怖主义, 工作台,操作台 gōng zuò tái, 展示柜的顶层 zhǎn shì guì de dǐng céng, 冷荤柜台, 盖氏计量器 gài shì jì liàng qì, 厨房台面,厨房操作台 chú fáng tái miàn, 场外地, 场外的, 不用处方地, 非处方的,不用处方的 fēi chǔ fāng de, 非处方药 fēi chǔ fāng yào, 违反 wéi fǎn, 私下地,偷偷地 sī xià de,tōu tōu de, 私下地,偷偷地 sī xià de,tōu tōu de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 counter 的含义

柜台 guì tái

noun (flat, elevated surface)

You can fill out the form at the counter over there.

售票处 shòu piào chù

noun (sales window)

I bought three tickets at the counter.

厨房台面 chú fáng tái miàn

noun (kitchen surface)

He leaned over the kitchen counter to cut the carrots.

柜台 guì tái

noun (in shop, etc.: surface)

The jeweller displayed the rings on the counter.

筹码 chóu mǎ

noun (game token)

If you throw a five, move your counter forward five spaces.

相反的 xiāng fǎn de

adjective (opposing)

His counter move resulted in his winning the game.

计数器 jì shù qì

noun (device for counting)

The counter tallied the number of pages printed on the press.

反驳 fǎn bó

noun (witty reply)

His counter to the criticism of his politics made everyone laugh.

数数目的人 shǔ shù mù de rén

noun (person who counts)

At the entrance to the carnival stood a counter, keeping track of how many people had paid to get in.

(皮鞋的)后跟 pí xié de hòu gēn

noun (shoes: heel piece)

I need to take these shoes to the repair shop for new soles and counters.

反对,相反 fǎn duì,xiāng fǎn

prefix (against) (前缀)

For example: counterbalance, counteract


prefix (corresponding) (前缀)

For example: counterpart

反对 fǎn duì

intransitive verb (respond to argument)

He countered that the plan was impractical.

对抗 duì kàng

transitive verb (move in opposition to)

The manager found a way of countering the other team's tactics.


transitive verb (move in opposition to)

He countered his opponent's move with a swift blow.

反提议 fǎn tí yì

noun (offer made in response to an offer)

The sellers have accepted our counter offer for the house.

与…相反 yǔ xiāng fǎn

preposition (in opposition to)

That idea runs counter to popular wisdom about how to grow tomatoes.

应对措施,对策 duì cè

noun (act that opposes another action)

反宗教改革, 天主教改革

noun (historical (historic Roman Catholic Church movement)


noun (reformation counteracting a previous one)

用来驳斥的观点 yòng lái bó chì de guān diǎn

noun (rebuttal, refutation)

反攻 fǎn gōng

noun (military: retaliation)

They quickly waged a counter-attack to try to regain the upper hand.

反击 fǎn jī

noun (verbal response)

The journalist published a scathing counterattack.

复查 fù chá

noun (second check)

抵抗力 dǐ kàng lì

noun (an opposing restraint)

对抗 duì kàng

transitive verb (restrain or counteract)

复查 fù chá

transitive verb (double-check)

逆时针的 nì shí zhēn de

adjective (direction: opposite to clock hands)

Turn the handle in a counterclockwise direction to switch off the machine.

逆时针地 nì shí zhēn de

adverb (movement: opposite to clock hands)

To open the jar, you have to turn the lid counter-clockwise.

反传统文化 fǎn chuán tǒng wén huà

noun (nonconformism: social, political)

It doesn't take long for the counterculture to become the mainstream culture.

逆主流文化,反传统文化 nì zhǔ liú wén huà,fǎn chuán tǒng wén huà

noun (dated (lifestyle: non-conventional) (过时用语)

反传统文化的 fǎn chuán tǒng wén huà de

noun as adjective (hippie, nonconformist)

Ken Kesey was a major figure in the counterculture movement of the 1960s.

逆流 nì liú

noun (current flowing against another)


noun (figurative (movement against established opinion)

反间谍 fǎn jiàn dié

noun (counteracting spies)

反间谍的 fǎn jiàn dié de

noun as adjective (counteracting spies)

反例 fǎn lì

noun (rebuttal)

镇压叛乱 zhèn yā pàn luàn

noun (military: anti-guerrilla activity)

反间谍活动 fǎn jiàn dié huó dòng

noun (anti-espionage)

The counterintelligence agent was crucial in discovering the network of foreign spies.


adjective (not logical)

This new operating system seems very counterintuitive and hard to use.

对策 duì cè

noun (retaliation: act opposing an action)

对策 duì cè

noun (response)

The government's counter-measures don't seem to be working.

事与愿违的 shì yǔ yuàn wéi de

adjective (self-defeating)

Eating a pint of ice cream after you exercise is counterproductive.

反提案 fǎn tí àn

noun (alternative to idea proposed)

It doesn't matter what we offer since they'll inevitably return with a counterproposal.

反革命 fǎn gé mìng

noun (revolt against a revolution)

反革命的 fǎn gé mìng de

adjective (opposed to revolution)

The counterrevolutionary militia arrested fifteen suspects.

反革命分子 fǎn gé mìng fèn zǐ

noun (opponent of a revolution)


noun (efforts to prevent terrorism)


noun as adjective (aimed at preventing terrorism)


noun (retaliatory terrorism)

工作台,操作台 gōng zuò tái

noun (work surface)

The apartment comes with beautiful granite countertops.

展示柜的顶层 zhǎn shì guì de dǐng céng

noun (US (shop: top of serving desk)

A basket of candy sat on the countertop.


noun (abbreviation (in shop: serves cold meat)

The deli counter was busy so I just bought packaged meat.

盖氏计量器 gài shì jì liàng qì

noun (device that measures radioactivity)

The more radiation present, the faster the tick of the Geiger counter.

厨房台面,厨房操作台 chú fáng tái miàn

noun (work surface used for cooking)

After she finished preparing supper, she wiped off the kitchen counter.


adverb (initialism (over the counter)

This drug cannot be bought OTC.


adjective (initialism (over-the-counter)

Rufus went to the pharmacy to get an OTC painkiller.


adverb (drugs: without prescription)

Aspirin and Ibuprofen are examples of medicines that can be purchased over the counter.

非处方的,不用处方的 fēi chǔ fāng de

adjective (drugs: sold without prescription) (药)

非处方药 fēi chǔ fāng yào

noun (medicine: no prescription)

The hypochondriac used a lot of over-the counter drugs.

违反 wéi fǎn

verbal expression (go against [sth])

Cheating on an exam runs counter to what my parents told me was the right thing to do.

私下地,偷偷地 sī xià de,tōu tōu de

adjective (figurative (secret, illegal) (交易等)

Alan had done an under-the-counter deal to obtain a supply of contraband cigarettes.

私下地,偷偷地 sī xià de,tōu tōu de

adverb (figurative (secretly, illegally) (交易等)

She was being paid under the counter so she avoided paying taxes.

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counter 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。