英语 中的 understanding 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 understanding 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 understanding 的说明。

英语 中的understanding 表示同情的 tóng qíng de, 宽容的 kuān róng de, 了解 liǎo jiě, 了解 liǎo jiě, 协定 xié dìng, 理解方式 lǐ jiě fāng shì, 相互理解 xiāng hù lǐ jiě, 同情 tóng qíng, 宽容 kuān róng, 理解 lǐ jiě, 理解(某一概念) lǐ jiě mǒu yí gài niàn, 领会,了解 lǐng huì ,liǎo jiě, 熟悉 shú xī, 认为 rèn wéi, 知道 zhī dào, 明白 míng bái, 推断某人会做某事, 接受 jiē shòu, 知道 zhī dào, 明白...的意思, 理解...的意图, 难以理解 nán yǐ lǐ jiě, 不可理解的 bù kě lǐ jiě de, 认知,认知理解 rèn zhī, 共识 gòng shí, 一般理解,常规认识, 了解 liǎo jiě, 形成共识 xíng chéng gòng shí, 谅解备忘录, 相互理解 xiāng hù lǐ jiě, 自我理解,自我了解,自我认识。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 understanding 的含义

同情的 tóng qíng de

adjective (sympathetic, compassionate)

He is so understanding with his employees.

宽容的 kuān róng de

adjective (tolerant, accepting)

Sorry for the delay, and thank you for being so understanding.

了解 liǎo jiě

noun (knowledge)

Most people's understanding of other countries is limited.

了解 liǎo jiě

noun (limit of knowledge)

I might be wrong, but it is my understanding that they are no longer dating.

协定 xié dìng

noun (agreement)

The two nations reached an understanding on oil transport.

理解方式 lǐ jiě fāng shì

noun (perspective, interpretation)

The communist had a different understanding of the world.

相互理解 xiāng hù lǐ jiě

noun (good relationship)

We used to quarrel a lot, but now we have a really good understanding.

同情 tóng qíng

noun (sympathy, compassion)

She is a great therapist and has great understanding.

宽容 kuān róng

noun (tolerance, acceptance)

We are closed until the end of January. Thank you for your understanding.

理解 lǐ jiě

transitive verb (comprehend)

Do you understand what I'm saying?

理解(某一概念) lǐ jiě mǒu yí gài niàn

transitive verb (grasp the concept of)

She doesn't understand algebra.

领会,了解 lǐng huì ,liǎo jiě

transitive verb (interpret)

She can't understand the instructions.

熟悉 shú xī

transitive verb (be conversant with)

I don't fully understand the traffic laws, so I can't advise you.

认为 rèn wéi

transitive verb (be given the impression that)

I understand that the situation is grave.

知道 zhī dào

transitive verb (believe)

I understand them to be very nice people.

明白 míng bái

transitive verb (assume to be agreed)

We understand the contract to be valid.


verbal expression (infer)

When my husband says the food I've cooked is "interesting," I understand him to mean he doesn't like it. I understood John to be in Fiji, but I had it completely wrong; he was in Venezuela.

接受 jiē shòu

transitive verb (accept with tolerance)

Although I don't agree with him, I understand his point of view.

知道 zhī dào

transitive verb (limit of knowledge)

I understand that you hate her. Is this true?


transitive verb (comprehend [sb]'s meaning)

Sorry, I don't understand you; could you speak more slowly.


transitive verb (comprehend [sb]'s character, motivations)

I don't understand you! How could you do something like that?

难以理解 nán yǐ lǐ jiě

adjective (incomprehensible)

Why Janet stayed with her cheating husband is beyond all understanding.

不可理解的 bù kě lǐ jiě de

adjective (impossible to comprehend)

Quantum theory was beyond Simon's understanding. What she sees in him is beyond understanding!

认知,认知理解 rèn zhī

noun (intellectual interpretation)

共识 gòng shí

noun (mutual agreement)

We have reached a common understanding.


noun (usual interpretation (of [sth])

The common understanding of the word "silent" is no noise whatsoever.

了解 liǎo jiě

verbal expression (learn about)

After playing he began to gain an understanding of the game.

形成共识 xíng chéng gòng shí

intransitive verb (have an informal agreement)

My wife and I have an understanding: she does the cooking and I do the washing up.


noun (abbreviation (memorandum of understanding)

相互理解 xiāng hù lǐ jiě

noun (shared agreement)

We argued at first, but came to a mutual understanding eventually. We did not have a written contract, but we had a mutual understanding that she would pay me when the job was finished.


noun (ability to understand yourself)

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understanding 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。