英语 中的 who 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 who 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 who 的说明。

英语 中的who 表示谁,什么人 shuí ,shén me rén, …的人 de rén, 谁,什么人 shuí ,shén me rén, 世界卫生组织 shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī, 世界卫生组织 shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī, 搞清, 不敢想, 询问 xún wèn, 知道 zhī dào, 查明 chá míng, 不管是谁 bù guǎn shì shuí, 意识到 yì shí dào, 谁在乎! shéi zài hū, 谁晓得!天晓得! shéi xiǎo de tiān xiǎo de, 谁能想得到呢? shuí néng xiǎng dé dào ne ?, 谁想要,谁将, 谁已经,谁之前, 谁会,谁将, 是谁, 谁在, 社会精英,名人 shè huì jīng yīng,míng rén, 身份 shēn fèn, 谁会, 神秘人。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 who 的含义

谁,什么人 shuí ,shén me rén

pronoun (what person or people?) (疑问代词)

Who ate the bread?

…的人 de rén

pronoun (person, people: that) (关系代词)

The person who broke it is not here.

谁,什么人 shuí ,shén me rén

pronoun (informal (whom) (相当于宾格 whom)

Who are you talking to?

世界卫生组织 shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī

noun (initialism (World Health Organization)

The WHO recommends that you eat vegetables.

世界卫生组织 shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī

noun (UN agency) (联合国机构之一)


transitive verb (facts: ascertain)

"We must determine what exactly happened that night," said Inspector Brown.


verbal expression (find unpleasant to imagine)

I dread to think how the victim's family must be feeling.

询问 xún wèn

transitive verb (formal (with clause: ask)

I am writing to to inquire as to whether your company has any vacancies.

知道 zhī dào

transitive verb (be aware)

Does he know that we've arrived?

查明 chá míng

(details, reasons: ascertain)

After weeks of work, the detective finally learned who the killer was.

不管是谁 bù guǎn shì shuí

expression (with clause: whoever)

No matter who says that the sky is green, they are still wrong.

意识到 yì shí dào

(be aware) (后接疑问词)

He doesn't realize how important this is for me.

谁在乎! shéi zài hū

interjection (informal (I don't care) (非正式用语)

So you've made a few teeny mistakes – who cares!

谁晓得!天晓得! shéi xiǎo de tiān xiǎo de

interjection (expressing that [sth] is unknown)

I wonder why she said such a weird thing - who knows!

谁能想得到呢? shuí néng xiǎng dé dào ne ?

interjection (expressing surprise)

Wow, that's really interesting – who would've thought?


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (who would)

Who'd want a job like that? Who'd be able to afford to buy such an expensive pair of shoes?


contraction (informal, abbreviation (who did)

Who'd you say that man was?


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (who will)

Who'll be at the party?


contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (who are)

Who're those people over there?


contraction (colloquial, contraction (who is)

Who's knocking at the door?

社会精英,名人 shè huì jīng yīng,míng rén

noun (US, informal (social elite)

All the best families are listed in the Who's Who.

身份 shēn fèn

expression (identities)

I'm not sure who's who in these old family photos.


expression (contraction (who have)


noun (informal ([sb] unnamed but understood)

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who 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。