英语 中的 without 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 without 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 without 的说明。

英语 中的without 表示没有 méi yǒu, 没有 méi yǒu, 无 wú, 在…外面 zài wài miàn, 没有…也行 méi yǒu yě xíng, 没有…将就, 缺少…而对付着 quē shǎo … ér duì fù zhe, 不再有, 匮乏 kuì fá, 不请假外出 bù qǐng jià wài chū, 擅离职守地 shàn lí zhí shǒu de, 很明显,不用说 ,不言而喻 bú yòng shuō ,bù yán ér yù, 包括但不限于, 没有…,离开… méi yǒu …,lí kāi, 不打自招 bù dǎ zì zhāo, 不管部长 bù guǎn bù zhǎng, 一分耕耘,一分收获, 如有变更,恕不另行通知, 不消说 bù xiāo shuō, 一刻不停地 yí kè bù tíng dì, 毫无线索 háo wú xiàn suǒ, 毫无疑问地 háo wú yí wèn de, 无影无踪,不留痕迹 wú yǐng wú zōng, 不声不响 bù shēng bù xiǎng, 不妥协,不让步 bù tuǒ xié,bú ràng bù, 无休无止地 wú xiū wú zhǐ de, 永恒地 yǒng héng de, 无人能及地 wú rén néng jí de, 无人能及的 wú rén néng jí de, 毫无例外地 háo wú lì wài de, 务必 wù bì, 务必 wù bì, 毫无根据 háo wú gēn jù, 不再等待, 不可拖延, 不必解释 bú bì jiě shì, 毫不迟疑地 háo bù chí yí de, 毫无希望地 háo wú xī wàng de, 毫无希望的 háo wú xī wàng de, 一往无前 yì wǎng wú qián, 无情地 wú qíng de, 没有事先通知地 méi yǒu shì xiān tōng zhī de, 无可比肩地 wú kě bǐ jiān de, 无可比肩的 wú kě bǐ jiān de, 毫无偏见地 háo wú piān jiàn de, 无损法定利益或要求 wú sǔn fǎ dìng lì yì huò yāo qiú, 没有理由,没道理, 不考虑 bù kǎo lǜ, 不管 bù guǎn, 莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào, 莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào, 不知羞耻地 bù zhī xiū chǐ de, 不停地 bù tíng de, 徒劳无益 tú láo wú yì, 毫无预兆地 háo wú yù zhào de, 永远 yǒng yuǎn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 without 的含义

没有 méi yǒu

preposition (lacking)

I went to work without my mobile phone today.

没有 méi yǒu

preposition (excluding)

Don't go to the cinema without me.

无 wú

preposition (lacking [sth])

She sang without enthusiasm.

在…外面 zài wài miàn

preposition (literary (outside of)

It is smoky within the house and foggy without.

没有…也行 méi yǒu yě xíng

phrasal verb, intransitive (abstain)

We've run out of milk; you'll have to do without until I can get to the shops.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (endure not having)

James can't do without his morning coffee, so he has bought himself an espresso machine.

缺少…而对付着 quē shǎo … ér duì fù zhe

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (not need)

I can get along without luxuries in this economy.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be deprived of, not have)

A camel can go without water for a week. // Personally, I can go without television.

匮乏 kuì fá

phrasal verb, intransitive (not have [sth], suffer deprivation)

My parents went without so that my sister and I could have everything we needed.

不请假外出 bù qǐng jià wài chū

adjective (soldier: missing)

He refused to go back to base after his home leave, so he was declared absent without leave.

擅离职守地 shàn lí zhí shǒu de

adverb (soldier: missing)

很明显,不用说 ,不言而喻 bú yòng shuō ,bù yán ér yù

verbal expression (be obvious)

It goes without saying that you can't leave your bike unlocked in the city.


expression (law: including said thing and maybe more)

没有…,离开… méi yǒu …,lí kāi

(be deprived of: [sth] or [sb])

不打自招 bù dǎ zì zhāo

verbal expression (freely admit one's guilt)

The police were surprised she made a confession without duress; the thought they would have to pressure her into admitting guilt.

不管部长 bù guǎn bù zhǎng

noun (government official without specific remit)


expression (informal (it is worth making an effort)


adjective (liable to vary without warning)

Tour prices are subject to change without notice due to currency fluctuations.

不消说 bù xiāo shuō

interjection (informal (that is self-evident)

You always look lovely - that goes without saying.

一刻不停地 yí kè bù tíng dì

adverb (incessantly, non stop)

I worked straight through from noon till 9 p.m. without a break.

毫无线索 háo wú xiàn suǒ

adverb (not knowing)

I went into the meeting without a clue about why they wanted to see me.

毫无疑问地 háo wú yí wèn de

adverb (definitely)

Without a doubt, this is the best chocolate cake I've ever tasted.

无影无踪,不留痕迹 wú yǐng wú zōng

adverb (leaving no indication or mark)

不声不响 bù shēng bù xiǎng

adverb (informal (in straightforward way)

And then, without any fuss, he grabbed the document and signed it.

不妥协,不让步 bù tuǒ xié,bú ràng bù

adverb (by making no concessions)

无休无止地 wú xiū wú zhǐ de

adverb (relentlessly or continuously)

This house is haunted and these ghosts torment us without end!

永恒地 yǒng héng de

adjective (eternal)

Heaven is a paradise without end.

无人能及地 wú rén néng jí de

adverb (unmatched, superior)

She is a singer without equal.

无人能及的 wú rén néng jí de

adjective (unmatched, superior)

毫无例外地 háo wú lì wài de

adverb (all included)

You must arrive on time for this job every day without exception.

务必 wù bì

adverb (invariably)

Our mail's delivered at 11:30 each morning without fail. When we go out to eat, without fail Robert orders a steak.

务必 wù bì

adverb (for certain)

Promise me you'll be home by midnight without fail.

毫无根据 háo wú gēn jù

adverb (with no basis in truth)

Your accusation is without foundation. Many of the advertising claims for that product are without foundation.


expression (immediately, with no more delay)


expression (promptly, without postponing anymore)

不必解释 bú bì jiě shì

adverb (informal (implicitly, tacitly)

I hope that you'll accept what I say without my having to spell things out.

毫不迟疑地 háo bù chí yí de

adverb (immediately, willingly)

The soldier was willing to shoot without hesitation.

毫无希望地 háo wú xī wàng de

adverb (desperately, helplessly)

After being stranded in the woods for three days, the hikers felt their situation was without hope.

毫无希望的 háo wú xī wàng de

adjective (desperate, helpless)

一往无前 yì wǎng wú qián

adverb (with no regrets)

Rob left the job without looking back and says it was the best decision he's ever made.

无情地 wú qíng de

adverb (cruelly)

The drug-crazed killer shot the innocent bystander seven times without mercy.

没有事先通知地 méi yǒu shì xiān tōng zhī de

adverb (with no warning)

I was always on time and did my job well, but my boss fired me without notice.

无可比肩地 wú kě bǐ jiān de

adverb (unmatched, superior)

无可比肩的 wú kě bǐ jiān de

adjective (unmatched, superior)

His talent is without parallel.

毫无偏见地 háo wú piān jiàn de

adverb (fairly)

Governmental programs must be administered without prejudice.

无损法定利益或要求 wú sǔn fǎ dìng lì yì huò yāo qiú

adverb (law: without loss of rights or privileges.)

This case is dismissed without prejudice.


adverb (unnecessarily, unprompted)

In the middle of the speech, Mr. Walters just walked out of the room without reason.

不考虑 bù kǎo lǜ

expression (with no concern for)

He kept talking loudly on his cell phone without regard to the other theater patrons.

不管 bù guǎn

preposition (with no concern for)

Millionaires can buy what they want without respect to the cost.

莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào

adverb (inexplicably)

He yells at me without rhyme or reason, and I just can't understand why.

莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào

expression (inexplicable)

Your belief that Daisy doesn't like you is without rhyme or reason; she's never done anything to make you think that.

不知羞耻地 bù zhī xiū chǐ de

adverb (brazenly)

She wore the mini skirt and halter top to the funeral without shame.

不停地 bù tíng de

adverb (relentlessly or continuously)

He complained about the new regulation without stopping.

徒劳无益 tú láo wú yì

adverb (unsuccessfully, in vain)

Thomas Edison worked without success on his light bulb for many years, but he never gave up.

毫无预兆地 háo wú yù zhào de

adverb (unexpectedly)

Without warning, the power went out and left us in the dark.

永远 yǒng yuǎn

adverb (literary (forever) (书面语)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。