英语 中的 wood 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 wood 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 wood 的说明。

英语 中的wood 表示木头 mù tou, 木质的 mù zhì de, 树林 shù lín, 木料,木材,木头 mù liào,mù cái,mù tou, 柴火,木柴 chái huǒ,mù chái, 木管乐器 mù guǎn yuè qì, 木质球杆, 生殖器勃起, 生长在树林中的 shēng zhǎng zài shù lín zhōng de, 用来对木材进行处理的,用来截断木头的,用来在木头上雕刻的 yòng lái duì mù cái jìn xíng chǔ lǐ de,yòng lái jié duàn mù tóu de,yòng lái zài mù tóu shàng diāo kè de, 轻木 qīng mù, 圆叶风铃草 yuán yè fēng líng cǎo, 沼木,泥炭栎木, 褐枭, 一叶障目,不见森林, 雪松木 xuě sōng mù, 樱桃木 yīng táo mù, 切东西的机器 qiē dōng xī de jī qì, 球棒 qiú bàng, 纹理,花纹 wén lǐ,huā wén, 老天保佑, 松木 sōng mù, 松林, 林鸽,斑尾鸽, 雕木 diāo mù, 木雕 mù diāo, 斑鸠, 木浆, 木材炉, 烧木头的炉子, 柴烧的, 版木 bǎn mù, 木雕艺人 mù diāo yì rén, 林地 lín dì, 潮虫,土鳖虫 cháo chóng,tǔ biē chóng, 锯木场。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 wood 的含义

木头 mù tou

noun (uncountable (tree fibre) (不可数)

Is this plastic or wood?

木质的 mù zhì de

noun as adjective (wooden: made of wood)

Some houses have wood panelling.

树林 shù lín

noun (UK, often plural (small forest)

They lived in a cottage at the edge of a wood.

木料,木材,木头 mù liào,mù cái,mù tou

noun (uncountable (lumber) (不可数)

Houses in the US are usually built of wood.

柴火,木柴 chái huǒ,mù chái

noun (uncountable (firewood) (不可数)

Do we have enough wood to get through the winter?

木管乐器 mù guǎn yuè qì

noun (woodwind instrument)

The woods were drowned out by the sound of the trumpets.


noun (golf) (高尔夫球)

This shot calls for a wood, not an iron.


noun (slang, figurative (erection)

I get wood just thinking about you.

生长在树林中的 shēng zhǎng zài shù lín zhōng de

noun as adjective (living in woods)

The wood owl is quite a sight to see.

用来对木材进行处理的,用来截断木头的,用来在木头上雕刻的 yòng lái duì mù cái jìn xíng chǔ lǐ de,yòng lái jié duàn mù tóu de,yòng lái zài mù tóu shàng diāo kè de

noun as adjective (used to work with wood) (工具)

You can use a wood plane to smooth this area here.

轻木 qīng mù

noun (lightweight wood)

He enjoys building model planes out of balsa.

圆叶风铃草 yuán yè fēng líng cǎo

noun (woodland bellflower)

There are bluebells all over the woodland floor.


noun (wood preserved in peat bog)


noun (nocturnal bird of prey)


verbal expression (cannot see the big picture)

Gina can't see the wood for the trees; she's concentrating too much on the details.

雪松木 xuě sōng mù

noun (wood of cedar tree)

Joe discovered a large chest made of cedar in the attic.

樱桃木 yīng táo mù

noun (wood of the cherry tree)

I used to have a cherry-wood guitar that not only looked beautiful but also had a lovely sound.

切东西的机器 qiē dōng xī de jī qì

noun (machine for grinding wood)

Be careful not to get your hands close to the blade of the chipper.

球棒 qiú bàng

noun (golf) (高尔夫球)

He used a driver to hit over the sand trap.

纹理,花纹 wén lǐ,huā wén

noun (uncountable (wood: pattern of fibers) (木料等的)

The wood grain in the oak table was beautiful.


expression (said in order to avoid bad luck)

Everything's going well so far—touch wood!

松木 sōng mù

noun (wood of a conifer)


noun (forest of pine trees)


noun (Eurasian pigeon)

雕木 diāo mù

noun (making sculptures from wood)

My husband took a wood carving class in high school.

木雕 mù diāo

noun (object sculpted from wood)

I bought a lovely wood carving to take home as a souvenir. When I was in camp I made a wood carving with my name in it.


noun (European bird)


(treated wood)


noun (cooker: fuelled by wood)


noun (cooker: fueled by wood)


adjective (heated in a wood kiln)

版木 bǎn mù

noun (block of wood for printing) (印刷)

木雕艺人 mù diāo yì rén

noun (craftsperson who sculpts wood)

林地 lín dì

noun (US (area for planting trees)

潮虫,土鳖虫 cháo chóng,tǔ biē chóng

noun (bug: small crustacean) (一种臭虫)


noun (where wood is cut or stored)

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wood 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。