英语 中的 workers 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 workers 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 workers 的说明。

英语 中的workers 表示雇员 gù yuán, 工人 gōng rén, 工蜂 gōng fēng, 工蚁 gōng yǐ, 援助人员 yuán zhù rén yuán, 体力劳动者 tǐ lì láo dòng zhě, 社会福利工作者 shè huì fú lì gōng zuò zhě, 无治疗权的社工, 临时工 lín shí gōng, 行政人员,职员 xíng zhèng rén yuán,zhí yuán, 同事 tóng shì, 建筑工人 jiàn zhù gōng rén, 同事 tóng shì, 码头工人 mǎ tóu gōng rén, 工厂工人 gōng chǎng gōng rén, 聪明的人 cōng míng de rén, 能快速与异性交往的人, 同事 tóng shì, 全职工作者 quán zhí gōng zuò zhě, 外籍工人 wài jí gōng rén, 辛勤工作的人 xīn qín gōng zuò de rén, 关键工作人员, 重要工作人员, 洗衣工 xǐ yī gōng, 锻造金属的工人 duàn zào jīn shǔ de gōng rén, 外籍务工人员 wài jí wù gōng rén yuán, 外来务工人员 wài lái wù gōng rén yuán, 办公室职员 bàn gōng shì zhí yuán, 外展工作者, 兼职员工 jiān zhí yuán gōng, 铁路工人 tiě lù gōng rén, 救援人员, 研究人员 yán jiū rén yuán, 道路工人, 轮班工作者,倒班工作者, 社会工作者 shè huì gōng zuò zhě, 志愿工作者,义工 yì gōng, 从事福利事业的工作者 cóng shì fú lì shì yè de gōng zuò zhě, 白领工人 bái lǐng gōng rén, 雇员所有的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 workers 的含义

雇员 gù yuán

noun (employee)

The company values its workers.

工人 gōng rén

noun (labourer)

The workers went on strike for more money.

工蜂 gōng fēng

noun (bee)

In a beehive it is the workers that collect nectar.

工蚁 gōng yǐ

noun (ant)

Workers collect food for the ant colony.

援助人员 yuán zhù rén yuán

noun (person who works for charity)

Their government sends a lot of aid workers to foreign countries following natural disasters.

体力劳动者 tǐ lì láo dòng zhě

noun (manual labourer)

Western Pennsylvania has many blue-collar workers such as steel workers and coal miners.

社会福利工作者 shè huì fú lì gōng zuò zhě

noun ([sb] employed in social services)

A care worker visits Rita's home every morning to help her get washed and dressed.


noun (arranger of social services) (不一定需要相关学位或执照,但也没有治疗权)

The case worker interviewed the family to see what help they needed.

临时工 lín shí gōng

noun (temporary worker)

行政人员,职员 xíng zhèng rén yuán,zhí yuán

noun (administrative assistant, clerk)

同事 tóng shì

noun (colleague)

Sally and a co-worker were discussing a problem at the office water cooler.

建筑工人 jiàn zhù gōng rén

noun (builder)

The construction workers on this site all wear hard hats for protection.

同事 tóng shì

noun (colleague)

Karen and Betsy are not only coworkers, but also friends.

码头工人 mǎ tóu gōng rén

noun (stevedore, shipping worker)

Reginald wanted a better future than being a dockworker in the small coastal town.

工厂工人 gōng chǎng gōng rén

noun (manufacturing labourer)

The factory workers at the plant went on strike for better wages.

聪明的人 cōng míng de rén

noun ([sb] shrewd)


noun ([sb] who charms opposite sex)

同事 tóng shì

noun ([sb] in same industry or company)

全职工作者 quán zhí gōng zuò zhě

noun ([sb] employed on a full-time basis)

外籍工人 wài jí gōng rén

noun (person working in foreign country)

Mika went to Australia for three months as a guest worker.

辛勤工作的人 xīn qín gōng zuò de rén

noun ([sb] who works diligently)

Julie is a hard worker who does everything that's asked of her.

关键工作人员, 重要工作人员

noun ([sb] providing vital goods or services)

洗衣工 xǐ yī gōng

noun ([sb] who washes clothes for a living)

The laundry workers have ruined all my best bed linen.

锻造金属的工人 duàn zào jīn shǔ de gōng rén

noun ([sb] who forges or shapes metal)

I hired a metalworker to restore the antique iron trellis in my garden.

外籍务工人员 wài jí wù gōng rén yuán

noun ([sb] who finds work in a foreign country)

Unscrupulous employers sometimes take advantage of migrant workers.

外来务工人员 wài lái wù gōng rén yuán

noun (US ([sb] who moves frequently to do seasonal work)

Every summer thousands of migrant workers go north to find work harvesting crops.

办公室职员 bàn gōng shì zhí yuán

noun (employee in an office)

Office workers in the city were particularly affected by the power cuts.


noun (worker who serves community) (为社区服务)

兼职员工 jiān zhí yuán gōng

noun (employee: not full time)

Many mothers are part-time workers: they can't work full-time because of their children.

铁路工人 tiě lù gōng rén

noun (UK (railroad employee)


noun ([sb] helping victims of a disaster, etc.)

研究人员 yán jiū rén yuán

noun (investigative scientist)


noun (person employed to do roadworks)


noun (atypical work schedule)

社会工作者 shè huì gōng zuò zhě

noun ([sb] who assists local community)

Social workers visit families if there are suspicions that the children are at risk.

志愿工作者,义工 yì gōng

noun (unpaid employee)

从事福利事业的工作者 cóng shì fú lì shì yè de gōng zuò zhě

noun ([sb] who does social or community work)

Some welfare workers visit elderly people who live by themselves.

白领工人 bái lǐng gōng rén

noun (office employee, clerical worker)

The Labor Party seeks to represent both white-collar and blue-collar workers.


adjective (business: owned by employees)

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workers 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。