Wat betekent yourself in Engels?

Wat is de betekenis van het woord yourself in Engels? Het artikel legt de volledige betekenis uit, de uitspraak samen met tweetalige voorbeelden en instructies voor het gebruik van yourself in Engels.

Het woord yourself in Engels betekent jezelf, jezelf, zelf, jijzelf, jezelf, myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, yourself, yourself, Save yourself the trouble!, do-it-yourself kit, DIY kit, Make yourself at home!, Don't bother!, Don't bother!, do-it-yourself-, do-it-yourself, ingratiate yourself with, Behave!, Behave yourself!, Behave!, Behave yourself!, make yourself comfortable, Brace yourself!, Hold on tight!, beside yourself, do it yourself, Let yourself go!, take pains, take trouble, live on your own, live by yourself, zich schuldig voelen, opbouwen, zich opkleden, zich schamen, voor zichzelf opkomen, voor zijn rechten opkomen, zich hechten aan, in alle staten, buiten zichzelf, in alle staten, buiten zichzelf, zichzelf tekort doen, zich voorbereiden, zich klaarmaken, zich voorbereiden, zich klaarmaken, Maak je borst maar nat!, Hou je vast!, zich voorbereiden, zich camoufleren, bewegen, zich concentreren, zich focussen, zich focussen, zich concentreren, verwringen, verdraaien, jezelf voor de gek houden, jezelf bedriegen, zich terugtrekken uit, zich losmaken van, zich te schande maken, zich distantiëren van, zich distantiëren van, afstand nemen, doe het zelf-, zich vermaken, jezelf overtreffen, zich vertrouwd maken met, zichzelf redden, voor jezelf, zelf, bevrijd jezelf, jezelf opfrissen, zich opfrissen, Krijg de tyfus!, zich opdoffen, jezelf helpen, iets zelf pakken, zich verstoppen, zich verschuilen, zich identificeren met, zich herkennen in, zichzelf gunnen, zichzelf verwennen, zich te goed doen, zich uitleven, zich bezeren, jezelf in de maling nemen, ga vooral je gang, leef je maar uit, veel plezier ermee, zich verlagen, zich verlagen, zichzelf verzorgen, zich belachelijk maken, zichzelf voor lul zetten, doen alsof je thuis bent, Doe alsof je thuis bent!, duidelijk maken wat je bedoelt, het jezelf gemakkelijk maken, zijn stem verheffen, openstaan voor kritiek, zich oriënteren, zich te veel inspannen, zichzelf overschatten, zichzelf verwennen, meineed plegen, Doe wat je wilt! Ga je gang!, trots scheppen in, prat gaan op, beweren, zich ter aarde werpen, beheers je, verman je, de moeite nemen, de moeite nemen, zichzelf iets aandoen, financieren, bekostigen, zichzelf aanrekenen, zichzelf verwijten, de maagdelijkheid bewaren, je laten zien, blijk geven, zich overgeven aan, jezelf verzorgen, hou je haaks!, zichzelf over de kop werken, doodongerust zijn. Raadpleeg de onderstaande details voor meer informatie.

Luister naar uitspraak

Betekenis van het woord yourself


pronoun (you: singular, with reflexive verbs) (je, jij)

Stop looking at yourself in the mirror all the time. Make sure you take care of yourself.


pronoun (you: after as, than, but)

There's nobody here but yourself.


pronoun (on your own, without assistance)

Please do your homework yourself.


pronoun (you: singular, for emphasis) (versterkte vorm als onderwerp)

You, yourself, said that it was too difficult to do.


pronoun (figurative (your normal self) (je, jij)

You don't seem yourself today. What's up?

myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves


(pronoun: Replaces noun--for example, "He took the cookie and ate it." "I saw you yesterday.")



(pronoun: Replaces noun--for example, "He took the cookie and ate it." "I saw you yesterday.")


(versterkte vorm van u)

(pronoun: Replaces noun--for example, "He took the cookie and ate it." "I saw you yesterday.")

Save yourself the trouble!

(Doe geen moeite!)

(interjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!")

do-it-yourself kit, DIY kit

(voor zelfbouw)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

Make yourself at home!


(interjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!")

Don't bother!

(het is OK zo)

(interjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!")

Don't bother!

(er kan niets aan gedaan worden)

(interjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!")



(prefix: Added to front of word stem--for example, unsaid = un+said.)



(expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own.")

ingratiate yourself with

(figuurlijk (in de gunst willen komen)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

Behave!, Behave yourself!

(hou je manieren!)

(interjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!")

Behave!, Behave yourself!

(hou je manieren!)

(interjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!")

make yourself comfortable

(niet veel moeite doen)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

Brace yourself!

(figuurlijk (opgelet!) (figurative)

(interjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!")

Hold on tight!


(interjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!")

beside yourself

(buiten zichzelf) (figurative)

(adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down.")

do it yourself


(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

Let yourself go!

(laat je maar gaan)

(interjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!")

take pains, take trouble

(zich inspannen)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

live on your own, live by yourself

(kind: het huis uitgaan)

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")

zich schuldig voelen

(informal, figurative (feel guilty or bad)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (career, etc.: build up)

She's succeeded in carving out a nice career for herself in marketing.

zich opkleden

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (dress for an effect)

The Real Housewives of New Jersey get themselves up like cheap hookers.
The Real Housewives of New Jersey kleden zich op als goedkope hoeren.

zich schamen

verbal expression (feel shame)

You should be ashamed of yourself for failing that test!

voor zichzelf opkomen, voor zijn rechten opkomen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (be insistent or firm)

It's important to assert yourself when you feel you are being treated unfairly.

zich hechten aan

verbal expression (figurative (become devoted to [sb]) (figuurlijk)

in alle staten, buiten zichzelf

adjective (figurative (out of your senses) (figuurlijk)

in alle staten, buiten zichzelf

preposition (figurative (out of your senses) (figuurlijk)

My mother was beside herself with worry when I didn't call.

zichzelf tekort doen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (go against your own values)

I would be betraying myself if I voted for that party.

zich voorbereiden, zich klaarmaken

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (figurative (prepare for shock)

The doctor warned the patient's family to brace themselves.

zich voorbereiden, zich klaarmaken

verbal expression (figurative (prepare for shock)

Everyone is bracing themselves for the foot of snow forecast for tonight.

Maak je borst maar nat!

interjection (figurative (prepare for shock)

Brace yourself, I've got some bad news.

Hou je vast!

interjection (prepare for impact)

Brace yourself. We're about to land.

zich voorbereiden

verbal expression (prepare for impact)

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Joel braced himself for the blow of the other man's fist.

zich camoufleren

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (conceal self using color, etc.)

Many insects camouflage themselves to avoid being eaten.


transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (posture: hold yourself)

The ballerina carries herself well.

zich concentreren, zich focussen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (make yourself calm, focused)

zich focussen, zich concentreren

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (figurative (emotions: calm)

Let me collect myself before I go out on stage. I'm still a bit emotional.

verwringen, verdraaien

transitive verb (twist)

jezelf voor de gek houden, jezelf bedriegen

verbal expression (not be honest with yourself) (informeel)

You're deceiving yourself if you think Lily is going to lend you so much money.

zich terugtrekken uit, zich losmaken van

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (figurative (end involvement in [sth]) (figuurlijk)

Alan was unable to disentangle himself from his family's problems.

zich te schande maken

(do [sth] dishonourable)

Just try not to disgrace yourself again. He disgraced himself by getting too drunk at his sister's wedding.

zich distantiëren van

verbal expression (distance yourself from [sb])

Diane eventually dissociated herself from her troublemaker friends.

zich distantiëren van

verbal expression (distance yourself from [sth])

The nominee tried to dissociate himself from the racist remarks of his former friends.

afstand nemen

verbal expression (keep away)

Preferring solitude, I distanced myself from the group.

doe het zelf-

noun (UK, colloquial, initialism (do-it-yourself) (in samenstelling)

I'm staying at home this weekend for a little DIY on the house.

zich vermaken

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (have a good time)

We're enjoying ourselves by the beach.

jezelf overtreffen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (do [sth] better than ever)

zich vertrouwd maken met

verbal expression (get to know)

zichzelf redden

verbal expression (manage, cope alone)

Julian left home at 18 and learned to fend for himself.

voor jezelf

adverb (to benefit you)

Lola wears make-up for herself, not to impress anyone else.


adverb (by yourself)

Je kunt de dingen maar beter zelf doen.

bevrijd jezelf

intransitive verb (unburden yourself of [sth])

No one else can cure your addiction; you must free yourself.

jezelf opfrissen, zich opfrissen

verbal expression (have a quick wash)

I'm just going to freshen myself up before we go out to dinner.

Krijg de tyfus!

interjection (vulgar, offensive, slang (expressing anger or contempt) (slang, vulgair, beledigend)

zich opdoffen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (person: make yourself neat)

My brother spends hours grooming himself before a date.

jezelf helpen

verbal expression (serve yourself)

Help yourself to more cake.
Help jezelf aan meer cake.

iets zelf pakken

interjection (take what you wish)

There's plenty to eat and drink, folks – just help yourselves.
Er is genoeg te eten en drinken, mensen - pak zelf maar

zich verstoppen, zich verschuilen

verbal expression (be reclusive)

She was very shy and hid herself away in her room all week.

zich identificeren met, zich herkennen in

verbal expression (associate with)

zichzelf gunnen, zichzelf verwennen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (enjoy a treat)

On a Friday evening I like to indulge myself with a romantic movie and a box of chocolates.

zich te goed doen, zich uitleven

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (have, do [sth] luxurious)

Barbara decided to indulge herself by booking a spa treatment.

zich bezeren

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (be hurt accidentally)

jezelf in de maling nemen

(informal (deceive yourself, be in denial)

Don't kid yourself, the relationship is over.

ga vooral je gang, leef je maar uit, veel plezier ermee

interjection (slang, figurative (go ahead, do it) (informeel)

zich verlagen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (do [sth] undignified)

Don't lower yourself by responding to his insults.

zich verlagen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (humble yourself)

The Duchess lowered herself by marrying a commoner.

zichzelf verzorgen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (keep fit and healthy)

She maintained herself through a good diet and exercise.

zich belachelijk maken

verbal expression (do [sth] stupid)

I don't mind being wrong, but I hate making a fool of myself.

zichzelf voor lul zetten

verbal expression (slang (do [sth] stupid) (slang)

Jim made an ass of himself when he turned up at work wearing differently coloured socks.

doen alsof je thuis bent

verbal expression (settle in)

He made himself at home and got a Coke from the fridge.

Doe alsof je thuis bent!

interjection (welcome!)

We're not very formal around here - just make yourself at home!

duidelijk maken wat je bedoelt

verbal expression (speak plainly)

You must never do that again – have I made myself clear?

het jezelf gemakkelijk maken

(settle into a place)

I made myself comfortable on the sofa.

zijn stem verheffen

verbal expression (speak loudly and audibly)

He made himself heard by shouting down his debate opponent.

openstaan voor kritiek

verbal expression (accept being judged)

zich oriënteren

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (mainly US (get bearings)

zich te veel inspannen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (exhaust, work too hard)

zichzelf overschatten

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (fail by trying to achieve too much)

You're overreaching yourself by taking too many classes.

zichzelf verwennen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (treat yourself well)

Why not pamper yourself with our new range of bath products?

meineed plegen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (lie under oath)

The witness perjured herself by lying about her son's whereabouts on the night of the murder.

Doe wat je wilt! Ga je gang!

interjection (informal (do as you wish)

I don't care which dress you wear. Please yourself!

trots scheppen in

verbal expression (be proud)

She prides herself on her spotlessly clean house.

prat gaan op

verbal expression (be conscientious)

I pride myself on staying fit and slim.


intransitive verb (claim)

She professes to know several governors personally.

zich ter aarde werpen

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (lie face down)

The monks prostrated themselves in front of the shrine.

beheers je, verman je

interjection (informal (regain composure)

Stop crying and pull yourself together.

de moeite nemen

verbal expression (informal (inconvenience yourself)

As he's let me down over and over again, I'm not going to put myself out for him.

de moeite nemen

verbal expression (informal (take trouble)

She never puts herself out to help me.

zichzelf iets aandoen

verbal expression (force yourself to endure [sth])

I can't imagine voluntarily putting myself through cosmetic surgery.

financieren, bekostigen

verbal expression (college, etc.: fund your studies)

James worked at a burger restaurant two days a week to put himself through college.

zichzelf aanrekenen, zichzelf verwijten

verbal expression (rare (blame yourself for)

That's nothing to reproach yourself with.

de maagdelijkheid bewaren

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (wait to lose virginity)

Alice is saving herself for the right man.

je laten zien

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (not hide)

Come out of there and show yourself!

blijk geven

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (demonstrate)

He showed himself to be an astute politician.

zich overgeven aan

verbal expression (give in to [sth] tempting)

She surrendered herself to the joy of the music.

jezelf verzorgen

verbal expression (tend to own needs)

It's essential that we take care of ourselves in order to care for others.

hou je haaks!

interjection (said on parting)

Take care of yourself! See you soon!

zichzelf over de kop werken

verbal expression (figurative (do too much) (fig., informeel)

He's working himself into the ground, doing three hours of overtime each night.

doodongerust zijn

verbal expression (figurative (be anxious)

When I didn't hear from him for a month, I worried myself sick instead of calling him.

Laten we Engels leren

Dus nu je meer weet over de betekenis van yourself in Engels, kun je leren hoe je ze kunt gebruiken aan de hand van geselecteerde voorbeelden en hoe je lees ze. En vergeet niet om de verwante woorden die we voorstellen te leren. Onze website wordt voortdurend bijgewerkt met nieuwe woorden en nieuwe voorbeelden, zodat u de betekenissen van andere woorden die u niet kent, kunt opzoeken in Engels.

Verwante woorden van yourself

Ken je iets van Engels

Het Engels is afkomstig van Germaanse stammen die naar Engeland zijn geëmigreerd en is over een periode van meer dan 1400 jaar geëvolueerd. Engels is de derde meest gesproken taal ter wereld, na Chinees en Spaans. Het is de meest geleerde tweede taal en de officiële taal van bijna 60 soevereine landen. Deze taal heeft een groter aantal sprekers als tweede en vreemde taal dan moedertaalsprekers. Engels is ook de co-officiële taal van de Verenigde Naties, van de Europese Unie en van vele andere internationale en regionale organisaties. Tegenwoordig kunnen Engelstaligen over de hele wereld relatief gemakkelijk communiceren.