英语 中的 arm 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 arm 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 arm 的说明。

英语 中的arm 表示臂,手臂 bì ,shǒu bì, 分支机构,分部,职能部门 fēn zhī jī gòu,fēn bù,zhí néng bù mén, 武器 wǔ qì, (椅子的)扶手 yǐ zi de fú shǒu, 袖子 xiù zi, 把…武装起来,给…配备武装 bǎ wǔ zhuāng qǐ lái, (机械等的)臂状物,拉杆 jī xiè děng de bì zhuàng wù, 军种,兵种 jūn zhǒng,bīng zhǒng, 权力,力量,威力 quán lì,lì liàng ,wēi lì, 为…提供武装, 用…武装…, 昂贵,大价钱 áng guì,dà jià qián, 手挽手的 shǒu wǎn shǒu de, 手挽手 shǒu wǎn shǒu, 掰腕子 bāi wàn zi, 强迫, 施压, 有距离的, 很长, 保持一定距离 bǎo chí yí dìng jù lí, 手臂够得到地,一臂之长 shǒu bei gòu de dào de,yí bì zhī cháng, 椅子扶手, 价格昂贵, 力臂, 执法力量,法律权力 zhí fǎ lì liàng, 摇臂平衡杆, 手臂注射 shǒu bì zhù shè, 强心剂 qiáng xīn jì, 手枪 shǒu qiāng, 直臂阻挡, 直臂阻挡, 对…用暴力, 强制的 qiáng zhì de, 强制手段 qiáng zhì shǒu duàn, 唱臂 chàng bì, 强迫...做某事, 上臂 shàng bì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 arm 的含义

臂,手臂 bì ,shǒu bì

noun (upper limb) (人)

He hurt his arm playing tennis.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 章鱼长着八条触手。

分支机构,分部,职能部门 fēn zhī jī gòu,fēn bù,zhí néng bù mén

noun (figurative (branch of an organisation)

The educational arm of the company produced record profits.

武器 wǔ qì

noun (usually plural (weapon)

Leave all your arms outside the castle.

(椅子的)扶手 yǐ zi de fú shǒu

noun (chair part: arm rest)

The arms on this chair are really comfortable.

袖子 xiù zi

noun (garment: sleeve) (衣服的)

The arm of the shirt was too long.

把…武装起来,给…配备武装 bǎ wǔ zhuāng qǐ lái

transitive verb (equip with weapons)

The school's board of trustees has approved a plan to arm police officers on campus.

(机械等的)臂状物,拉杆 jī xiè děng de bì zhuàng wù

noun (machine: arm like lever)

He pulled the arm of the slot machine.

军种,兵种 jūn zhǒng,bīng zhǒng

noun (figurative (military: branch) (军事)

The rangers are an elite arm of the military.

权力,力量,威力 quán lì,lì liàng ,wēi lì

noun (figurative (power) (比喻)

The long arm of the law will eventually reach even the mightiest gangster.


transitive verb (prepare for war)

We aren't sure who is arming the rebel group.


transitive verb (equip with weapons)

The suspect was armed with several firearms.

昂贵,大价钱 áng guì,dà jià qián

noun (slang, figurative (high price, high cost)

No, the price is too high - he wants an arm and a leg for that old car.

手挽手的 shǒu wǎn shǒu de

adjective (with arms linked)

The lovers were arm in arm as they walked along the beach.

手挽手 shǒu wǎn shǒu

adverb (with arms linked)

They walked arm-in-arm down the street.

掰腕子 bāi wàn zi

noun (contest of strength)

强迫, 施压

noun (figurative (forceful persuasion)


noun as adjective (figurative (not intimate)


expression (figurative, informal (very long)

保持一定距离 bǎo chí yí dìng jù lí

adverb (figurative (at safe distance)

He has lied to me before, so I keep him at arm's length now.

手臂够得到地,一臂之长 shǒu bei gòu de dào de,yí bì zhī cháng

adverb (literal (at end of your arm)

The wild deer stood at arm's length from us.


noun (armrest of a seat)


verbal expression (slang, figurative (be expensive)


noun (physics: distance between force and fulcrum) (物理学)

执法力量,法律权力 zhí fǎ lì liàng

noun (figurative (police powers)

If you break the law, the police will catch you - you can't outrun the long arm of the law.


noun (mechanical part that pivots)

手臂注射 shǒu bì zhù shè

noun (informal, literal (injection) (非正式用语,本义)

The doctor decided to give him a shot in the arm.

强心剂 qiáng xīn jì

noun (informal, figurative (boost, [sth] revitalizing) (非正式用语,比喻)

The additional money was a real shot in the arm for us.

手枪 shǒu qiāng

noun (weapon, gun)

The game warden was required to carry a sidearm when he was on duty.


noun (sports: fending-off move)


transitive verb (sport: fend off with stiff arm)


transitive verb (show aggression)

强制的 qiáng zhì de

adjective (forceful)

强制手段 qiáng zhì shǒu duàn

plural noun (figurative (threats, violence)

He used strong-arm tactics to undermine his rival's confidence.

唱臂 chàng bì

noun (needle arm of a record player)


verbal expression (figurative (force to do [sth])

上臂 shàng bì

noun (arm from shoulder to elbow)

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arm 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。