英语 中的 area 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 area 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 area 的说明。

英语 中的area 表示区,场地,地方 qū ,chǎng dì ,dì fāng, 区域 qū yù, 场地 chǎng dì, 面积 miàn jī, 工作范围, 研究领域, 场地 chǎng dì, 地区,地带,地理位置 dì qū ,dì dài, 地下室前的空地,采光井, 电话区号 diàn huà qū hào, 集中区域,集中地区, 专门研究领域, 低压区 dī yā qū, 小地毯 xiǎo dì tǎn, 旧金山湾区, 衰败的地方,不发达地带 shuāi bài de dì fāng,bù fā dá dì dài, 枯萎的枝叶 kū wěi de zhī yè, 建筑物密集地区 jiàn zhù wù mì jí dì qū, 入学区, 贫困地区 pín kùn dì qū, 贫困地区 pín kùn dì qū, 餐饮区, 灾区,受灾地区 zāi qū, 一片狼藉,一团糟 yí piàn láng jí,yì tuán zāo, 灾星,扫把星 zāi xīng,sào bǎ xīng, 自由港区,保税区, 自由贸易区 zì yóu mào yì qū, 球门区 qiú mén qū, 灰色地带 huī sè dì dài, 爆炸区域 bào zhà qū yù, 在这里 zài zhè lǐ, 在…附近 zài … fù jìn, 在…领域 zài lǐng yù, 大都会市区 dà dū huì shì qū, 禁区 jìn qū, 禁区 jìn qū, 行人专区 xíng rén zhuān qū, 罚球区 fá qiú qū, 野餐区, 野餐区, 游戏区,游乐场 yóu lè chǎng, 球场 qiú chǎng, 后方 hòu fāng, 游憩用地, 休息区, 服务区, 敏感领域 mǐn gǎn lǐng yù, 敏感部位 mǐn gǎn bù wèi, 路边服务站 lù biān fú wù zhàn, 滑雪场 huá xuě chǎng, 吸烟区, 学科,知识领域 xué kē,zhī shí lǐng yù, 周围地区 zhōu wéi dì qū, 工作区,工作区域 gōng zuò qū,gōng zuò qū yù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 area 的含义

区,场地,地方 qū ,chǎng dì ,dì fāng

noun (section) (房间、建筑)

There was a tennis court in an area of the lawn behind the house.

区域 qū yù

noun (tract, region)

There was an area of woodland alongside the river.

场地 chǎng dì

noun (open space)

There are formal parks and other green areas around the city.

面积 miàn jī

noun (measurement of a shape, etc.)

The area of the flowerbed was thirty square feet. The teacher asked her students to calculate the area of the triangle.


noun (figurative (scope)

I am a lawyer, but civil law is not my area.


noun (figurative (field of study)

Her studies were in the area of Indo-European languages.

场地 chǎng dì

noun (building lot) (建筑等的)

The area was full of busy bricklayers and carpenters.

地区,地带,地理位置 dì qū ,dì dài

noun (geographical region) (地理)

Our house is in a nice area.


noun (space around outside of basement)

The Georgian house has wrought-iron railings around the area.

电话区号 diàn huà qū hào

noun (phone number: regional prefix)

To make a long distance call, you need to dial the area code before the phone number.


noun (zone of highest incidence)


noun (US (education: field of study) (教育)

His area of concentration at the Kennedy School of Government was the Middle East.

低压区 dī yā qū

noun (meteorology)

A stationary area of low pressure over the Great Lakes has brought us a week of rain and fog.

小地毯 xiǎo dì tǎn

noun (carpet: covers part of floor)


noun (area around San Francisco, USA) (加州北部的一个大都会区)

Though not the largest city in the Bay Area, San Francisco is its cultural and financial center.

衰败的地方,不发达地带 shuāi bài de dì fāng,bù fā dá dì dài

noun (town, region: not prospering) (城镇、地区)

Large portions of Michigan have become blighted areas due to the recession.

枯萎的枝叶 kū wěi de zhī yè

noun (plant: diseased part) (植物)

建筑物密集地区 jiàn zhù wù mì jí dì qū

noun (area with a lot of buildings)

The park provides a green space in the built-up area of the city.


noun (area within a local boundary)

Charles was so desperate to get his children into St. Mungo's that he bought a house in the catchment area.

贫困地区 pín kùn dì qū

noun (poor region)

The EU has a regional policy to give help to depressed areas.

贫困地区 pín kùn dì qū

noun (poverty-stricken place)

The area of Mexico just south of the San Diego border crossing is a severly deprived area.


noun (room, hall for meals)

Although people are allowed to smoke in the bar, the dining area of the restaurant is smoke-free.

灾区,受灾地区 zāi qū

noun (site of a major catastrophe)

一片狼藉,一团糟 yí piàn láng jí,yì tuán zāo

noun (figurative, informal (disastrous thing, place)

灾星,扫把星 zāi xīng,sào bǎ xīng

noun (figurative, informal, humorous (clumsy or unfortunate person) (比喻义:人)


noun (area open to commercial vessels)

自由贸易区 zì yóu mào yì qū

noun (country: unrestricted commerce)

The purpose of NAFTA is to make North America a free trade area.

球门区 qiú mén qū

noun (sport: zone surrounding the goal) (运动)

The foul was committed in the goal area and resulted in a penalty.

灰色地带 huī sè dì dài

noun (uncertain, unclear issue)

18th-century British history is a bit of a grey area for me.

爆炸区域 bào zhà qū yù

noun (site of explosion)

The whole impact area was radioactive after the meteorite crash.

在这里 zài zhè lǐ

adverb (locally, nearby)

I have lived in the area for ten years and know all my neighbours.

在…附近 zài … fù jìn

preposition (within the vicinity of)

I would not like to live in the area of a football ground.

在…领域 zài lǐng yù

preposition (subject: in the field of)

He is an expert in the area of Roman history.

大都会市区 dà dū huì shì qū

noun (large city and its surroundings)

Chicago has a population of 2.8 million people, but its metropolitan area has nearly 10 million.

禁区 jìn qū

noun (barricaded area)

禁区 jìn qū

noun (dangerous zone)

That part of the city is a no-go area at night.

行人专区 xíng rén zhuān qū

noun (zone: traffic prohibited)

罚球区 fá qiú qū

noun (soccer: marked area of field) (足球场上的)

James was fouled inside the penalty area so his team was awarded a penalty rather than a free kick.


noun (designated zone for eating outdoors) (指定的)

The picnic area at this amusement park is kept very clean.


noun (spot popular for eating outdoors) (受欢迎的)

游戏区,游乐场 yóu lè chǎng

noun (designated zone for children's play) (孩子)

The children have a play area well away from the main road.

球场 qiú chǎng

noun (sports terrain)

后方 hòu fāng

noun (part at the back)

The seats in the rear area are safer because airplanes never back into mountains.


noun (public park)

休息区, 服务区

noun (US (lay-by: area for vehicles to pull over)

敏感领域 mǐn gǎn lǐng yù

noun (figurative (emotive topic)

My mum no longer asks me about boyfriends because she knows it's a sensitive area.

敏感部位 mǐn gǎn bù wèi

noun (area of body easily affected by stimuli)

The tips of the fingers are the most sensitive area of the human body.

路边服务站 lù biān fú wù zhàn

noun (UK (motorway facilities) (高速路边供来往车辆休息的区域)

He drove the car off the highway and into the service area so he could eat lunch and use the bathroom.

滑雪场 huá xuě chǎng

noun (place where people pay to ski)


noun (section where smoking is permitted)

学科,知识领域 xué kē,zhī shí lǐng yù

noun (field of study or knowledge)

周围地区 zhōu wéi dì qū

noun (environs)

The child went missing so her parents searched the surrounding area.

工作区,工作区域 gōng zuò qū,gōng zuò qū yù

noun (environment in which a job is done)

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area 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。