英语 中的 away 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 away 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 away 的说明。

英语 中的away 表示不在此地的 bú zài cǐ dì de, (离)开 lí kāi, 距离某处 jù lí mǒu chù, 远离地 yuǎn lí de, 相距,距离 jù lí, 在…之外 zài zhī wài, 距离(未来某个时间), 出发的 chū fā de, 在客场的, 分离地 fēn lí de, 向另一方向 xiàng lìng yì fāng xiàng, 逐渐消失 zhú jiàn xiāo shī, 不停地 bù tíng de, 在客方场地上,在客场, 出局的 chū jú de, 后退 hòu tuì, 埋头苦干 mái tóu kǔ gàn, 用…易货, 获得 huò dé, 改变航向,改变航道 gǎi biàn háng xiàng, 努力工作 nǔ lì gōng zuò, 炸开,炸掉 zhà diào, 连续射击 lián xù shè jī, 连续发射, 给…留下深刻印象, 射杀, 大败 dà bài, 离开 lí kāi, 脱离,离开 tuō lí,lí kāi, 从…掉下来, 不理会 bù lǐ huì, 烧掉 shāo diào, 持续燃烧, 烧毁, 烧光, 叫走…, 冲走 chōng zǒu, 丢弃 diū qì, 抛出,使...漂流, 凿掉, 逐步削弱, 扔掉,放弃 rēng diào,fàng qì, 消散,散去 xiāo sàn ,sàn qù, 离开 lí kāi, 偷偷离开 tōu tōu lí kāi, 逐渐碎裂 zhú jiàn suì liè, 画面回切,倒叙 huà miàn huí qiē,dào xù, 匆忙离开,匆匆离开 cōng máng lí kāi, 逐渐消失 zhú jiàn xiāo shī, 摆脱 bǎi tuō, 杀掉,干掉,除掉 shā diào,gān diào,chú diào, 逐渐耗尽 zhú jiàn hào jìn, 撤退 chè tuì, 漂流,漂走 piāo liú,piāo zǒu, 渐行渐远 jiàn xíng jiàn yuǎn, 驱车离开 qū chē lí kāi, 掉下 diào xià, 消失 xiāo shī, 锈蚀 xiù shí, 烦扰 fán rǎo, 侵蚀 qīn shí, (因为怕羞而)避开 yīn wèi pà xiū ér bì kāi, 为某事辩解, 逐渐消失,渐渐消退 zhú jiàn xiāo shī,jiàn jiàn xiāo tuì, 减少 jiǎn shǎo, 自动消失 zì dòng xiāo shī, 抛弃 pāo qì, 近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ, 在…附近 zài … fù jìn, 从…离开 cóng lí kāi, 离家 lí jiā, 客场比赛, 赶走 gǎn zǒu, 废除 fèi chú, 滚开,去你的吧,走开 gǔn kāi,qù nǐ de ba,zǒu kāi, 高声演奏, 被老天带走,去世 qù shì, 被隐藏, 被拉走,被拽走, 以更高的出价得到, 吹走 chuī zǒu, 被吹走 bèi chuī zǒu, 使…完全蒸发, 煮干, 擦掉 cā diào, 把...运走处理, 强行带走,抓走 qiáng xíng dài zǒu, 被丢弃的, 船只失事 chuán zhī shī shì, 驱赶,驱逐 qū gǎn,qū zhú, 赶走 gǎn zǒu, 驱逐,赶走 qū zhú,gǎn zǒu, 闲谈 xián tán, 从…离开 cóng lí kāi, 离…远点, 从…上脱落 cóng … shàng tuō luò, 切掉 qiē diào, (影片)场景的快速切换 yǐng piàn chǎng jǐng de kuài sù qiē huàn, 剖面图 pōu miàn tú, (男士的)下摆裁成圆角的礼服 nán shì de xià bǎi cái chéng yuán jiǎo de lǐ fú, 切换镜头的, 剖面图的, 彻夜跳舞, 快速离开 kuài sù lí kāi, 一天的旅行, 引导…绕过, 把…拖走 bǎ tuō zǒu, 排掉..., 慢慢流走 màn màn liú zǒu, 远离,离开 yuǎn lí,lí kāi, 将...从...拉走, 赶走 gǎn zǒu, 逐渐消失 zhú jiàn xiāo shī, 远远, 遥远的 yáo yuǎn de, 远地。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 away 的含义

不在此地的 bú zài cǐ dì de

adjective (not here)

The manager will be away until Wednesday. My father is not here; he is away in Chicago.

(离)开 lí kāi

adverb (in another direction)

He walked away after he saw the price.

距离某处 jù lí mǒu chù

adverb (from here)

My family is a long way away.

远离地 yuǎn lí de

adverb (far)

In your essay, try not to go away from the main point.

相距,距离 jù lí

adverb (at a distance of) (空间)

We can cycle there. It's only 2 miles away.

在…之外 zài zhī wài

adverb (off, in the distance)

From away in the distance came the sound of a waterfall.


adverb (in the future) (时间)

The wedding is just weeks away and she hasn't chosen her dress yet.

出发的 chū fā de

adjective (going immediately)

I love racing. Look! The horses are away!


adjective (sports: not on home field)

We lost 4-0 to the away team.

分离地 fēn lí de

adverb (apart)

He and his wife were away from each other.

向另一方向 xiàng lìng yì fāng xiàng

adverb (aside)

He looked away when she started crying.

逐渐消失 zhú jiàn xiāo shī

adverb (into extinction)

The music faded away.

不停地 bù tíng de

adverb (repeatedly)

She pounded away at it.


adverb (sports: not on home field) (运动赛事)

The team are playing away this weekend.

出局的 chū jú de

adverb (baseball: out) (棒球)

He had put three batters away already.

后退 hòu tuì

phrasal verb, intransitive (retreat)

Back away from the cookies and no one gets hurt. He nodded vaguely, continuing to dodge and back away.

埋头苦干 mái tóu kǔ gàn

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (do [sth] persistently)

I've been banging away at this job for days, and I don't seem to be getting anywhere!


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (trade [sth] for [sth] else)

The farmer bartered all of his goats away.

获得 huò dé

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (carry off after winning)

The winning team bore away the trophy.

改变航向,改变航道 gǎi biàn háng xiàng

phrasal verb, intransitive (nautical: change course) (航海)

努力工作 nǔ lì gōng zuò

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK, informal (work diligently)

炸开,炸掉 zhà diào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (remove forcefully)

They will blast away the rocks with dynamite.

连续射击 lián xù shè jī

phrasal verb, intransitive (US, informal (shoot repeatedly)


phrasal verb, intransitive (gun: shoot continuously)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang, figurative (impress greatly)

The candidate blew her interviewer away.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang, figurative (kill by shooting)

The gunman blew away his victim from close range.

大败 dà bài

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang, figurative (thoroughly defeat)

The first time he ran, he blew away the competition and came home with a gold medal.

离开 lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (become separate)

Two of the members of the band broke away to form a band of their own.

脱离,离开 tuō lí,lí kāi

(figurative (separate: from group) (团体)

Several members broke away from the party to form their own extremist group.


(detach, fall off)

When Sue went to take her cakes out of the oven, the handle broke away from the door.

不理会 bù lǐ huì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (dismiss, not consider)

The Prime Minister brushed aside any suggestion that the government had failed to deal with the problem.

烧掉 shāo diào

phrasal verb, intransitive (be destroyed by fire)


phrasal verb, intransitive (stay alight)

烧毁, 烧光

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (destroy by fire)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (summon [sb])

The doctor was suddenly called away, so he is not in the office today.

冲走 chōng zǒu

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (tide, river: sweep off)

The boy dropped a stick in the river and the current carried it away.

丢弃 diū qì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (discard)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (usually passive (shipwreck) (因在海难中船只毁坏)


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (hack pieces off)

Michelangelo created statues by chipping away at marble with a chisel and hammer.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (decrease gradually)

The bullying he was subjected to throughout his childhood chipped away at his self-confidence.

扔掉,放弃 rēng diào,fàng qì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (discard [sth], throw away)

消散,散去 xiāo sàn ,sàn qù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (put away neatly) (云、雾等)

After the meal, Fiona began clearing away the plates.

离开 lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (step back, leave)

I had to come away or I would have ended up swearing at them.

偷偷离开 tōu tōu lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (leave stealthily)

逐渐碎裂 zhú jiàn suì liè

phrasal verb, intransitive (disintegrate)

The building will crumble away if they don't start to work on it.

画面回切,倒叙 huà miàn huí qiē,dào xù

phrasal verb, intransitive (TV, film: change shot) (电视、电影等)

匆忙离开,匆匆离开 cōng máng lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (hurry off)

逐渐消失 zhú jiàn xiāo shī

phrasal verb, intransitive (fade, diminish)

摆脱 bǎi tuō

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (slang (eliminate, get rid of) (俚语)

To improve the overall quality of our milk, we wanted to do away with the use of antibiotics on our cows.

杀掉,干掉,除掉 shā diào,gān diào,chú diào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (slang (kill, murder) (俚语)

He was a liability to our gang, and we knew sooner or later we would have to do away with him.

逐渐耗尽 zhú jiàn hào jìn

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (be gradually lost) (比喻)

Her strength drained away as she neared the mountain's summit.

撤退 chè tuì

phrasal verb, intransitive (retreat, move back)

漂流,漂走 piāo liú,piāo zǒu

phrasal verb, intransitive (be carried away, float off)

He fell asleep on the lilo and slowly drifted away from the beach.

渐行渐远 jiàn xíng jiàn yuǎn

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (lose contact, become estranged) (比喻)

Sometimes husbands and wives just drift away from each other and end up getting divorced.

驱车离开 qū chē lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (depart in a vehicle)

She wiped a tear from her eye as he drove away.

掉下 diào xià

phrasal verb, intransitive (fall off, slope steeply)

消失 xiāo shī

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (disappear)

锈蚀 xiù shí

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (gnaw at, erode)

The chalk cliffs are being eaten away slowly by the action of the sea.

烦扰 fán rǎo

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal, figurative (worry)

Raskolnikov's crime ate away at his peace of mind and, ultimately, his soul.

侵蚀 qīn shí

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (erode)

The river eats away at the sand banks every time there's a flood.

(因为怕羞而)避开 yīn wèi pà xiū ér bì kāi

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (distance yourself)

I tried to edge away from the drunk man on the bus.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (account for)

逐渐消失,渐渐消退 zhú jiàn xiāo shī,jiàn jiàn xiāo tuì

phrasal verb, intransitive (grow fainter or less distinct) (本义)

From here, it looks like the mountains fade away into the distance. The further we walked from the disco, the more the music faded away.

减少 jiǎn shǎo

phrasal verb, intransitive (diminish)

Attendance at the church fell away as more and more people moved to the suburbs.

自动消失 zì dòng xiāo shī

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (worries, etc.: disappear) (麻烦、烦恼)

Eventually her emotional burdens simply fell away, and she was her old self again.

抛弃 pāo qì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (abandon)

As he got older he fell away from the church.

近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ

expression (figurative (very close)

The house that I bought was a hair's breadth away from the sea.

在…附近 zài … fù jìn

expression (figurative, informal (nearby)

We can easily walk to Martha's house; she lives a stone's throw away.

从…离开 cóng lí kāi

preposition (at a distance)

Away from the earthquake's epicentre there was less damage.

离家 lí jiā

expression (not where you live)


noun (match: not on home field)

The team are playing an away game this Saturday.

赶走 gǎn zǒu

interjection (dismiss or remove [sb])

废除 fèi chú

interjection (end or remove [sth])

滚开,去你的吧,走开 gǔn kāi,qù nǐ de ba,zǒu kāi

interjection (slang, regional (Leave, get going, be on your way) (俚语,方言)

Away with you! proclaimed the king.


(play instrument loudly)

My neighbour is a keen drummer; I hear him banging away throughout the day and night.

被老天带走,去世 qù shì

intransitive verb (euphemism (die)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (be concealed or obscured)

Some money was tucked away in the back of the old cabinet.


intransitive verb (be removed forcibly)

The child was wrenched away from his game.


(outbid [sb] for)

吹走 chuī zǒu

(wind: carry off)

The wind blew the dollar bill away.

被吹走 bèi chuī zǒu

(be carried off by wind)

The paper bag blew away in a gust of wind.


(remove by boiling)


(liquid: boil until none is left)

I left the saucepan on the hob for too long; the water has all boiled away.

擦掉 cā diào


James brushed away his tears and began to smile.


(remove for disposal)

There was so much junk in the garage that she had to rent a truck to cart it all away.

强行带走,抓走 qiáng xíng dài zǒu

(informal, figurative (remove, evict [sb] troublesome) (惹麻烦的人)

The guards carted away the guy who got into a fight.


adjective (discarded)

船只失事 chuán zhī shī shì

adjective (shipwrecked)

驱赶,驱逐 qū gǎn,qū zhú


Chase away that dog before it eats your food.

赶走 gǎn zǒu

(scare into running away)

驱逐,赶走 qū zhú,gǎn zǒu

(figurative (banish, get rid of) (比喻)

It was a good luck charm to chase away nightmares.

闲谈 xián tán

verbal expression (converse enthusiastically)

The two elderly ladies were soon chatting away happily as though they had known each other all their lives.

从…离开 cóng lí kāi

verbal expression (leave)

Lucy came away from the interview feeling confident that she had got the job.


verbal expression (move further)

Come away from that cliff edge; it may crumble.

从…上脱落 cóng … shàng tuō luò

verbal expression (become detached)

The cupboard door had come away from one of its hinges.

切掉 qiē diào

(remove: with blade)

To repair the table I had to cut away the damaged veneer and replace it with a matching new piece.

(影片)场景的快速切换 yǐng piàn chǎng jǐng de kuài sù qiē huàn

noun (TV, film: scene change)

剖面图 pōu miàn tú

noun (drawing, model: shows interior)

(男士的)下摆裁成圆角的礼服 nán shì de xià bǎi cái chéng yuán jiǎo de lǐ fú

noun (US (men's formal coat)


adjective (film shot: rapid change)

There is a cutaway shot of the child who is listening in the next room.


adjective (drawing, model: shows interior)

This cutaway drawing of the earth shows the hot ball at its center.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (spend the evening dancing)

Sometimes when you feel really good, you just want to dance the night away.

快速离开 kuài sù lí kāi

(leave quickly)


noun (one-day trip, outing)

We had a lovely day out at the seaside.


verbal expression (point in different direction)

The police were directing traffic away from the street where they were repairing the gas leak.

把…拖走 bǎ tuō zǒu

(force [sb] to leave)

A police officer was dragging one of the protesters away.


(filter off)

He dug a ditch to drain away the water that was flooding the lawn.

慢慢流走 màn màn liú zǒu

(trickle off, be filtered off)

The washbasin is blocked; the water only drains away very slowly.

远离,离开 yuǎn lí,lí kāi

verbal expression (retreat from [sth], [sb])


verbal expression (cause to leave)

What drew you away from your hometown?

赶走 gǎn zǒu

(repel, force to leave)

She drove him away with her constant nagging.

逐渐消失 zhú jiàn xiāo shī

(figurative (gradually disappear)


expression (by a large margin)

遥远的 yáo yuǎn de

adverb (in the distance)

I could see the skyline far away on the horizon.


adverb (at a distance)

My family lives far away.

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