英语 中的 birth 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 birth 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 birth 的说明。

英语 中的birth 表示分娩 fēn miǎn, 出身 chū shēn, 开始 kāi shǐ, 生(孩子) shēng ( hái zi ), 出生通告, 产道 chǎn dào, 出生证 chū shēng zhèng, 计划生育 jì huà shēng yù, 避孕药 bì yùn yào, 先天缺陷, 胎记 tāi jì, 生母, 出生名 chū shēng míng, 亲生父母,生身父母, 生育计划, 出生率 chū shēng lǜ, 出生日期 chū shēng rì qī, 臀位分娩, 天生 tiān shēng, 生来 shēng lái, 出生日期 chū shēng rì qī, 出生日期 chū shēng rì qī, 生孩子 shēng hái zi, 生(孩子) shēng ( hái zi ), 产仔 chǎn zǎi, 产仔 chǎn zǎi, 催生 cuī shēng, 生孩子 shēng hái zi, 出身好 chū shēn hǎo, 出身高贵 chū shēn gāo guì, 出生地 chū shēng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 birth 的含义

分娩 fēn miǎn

noun (childbirth)

The birth went well and the mother is feeling fine.

出身 chū shēn

noun (ancestry)

The Queen was not of noble birth.

开始 kāi shǐ

noun (figurative (beginning)

Many say the birth of civilization occurred in the Middle East.

生(孩子) shēng ( hái zi )

transitive verb (baby: give birth to)

My grandmother birthed all ten of her babies without medical intervention.


noun (notification of new baby's arrival)

The birth announcement said that when Pete was born, he weighed 8 pounds.

产道 chǎn dào

noun (passage through which baby is born)

出生证 chū shēng zhèng

noun (record of a birth)

To get a passport you will need your birth certificate.

计划生育 jì huà shēng yù

noun (contraception)

There are many methods of birth control.

避孕药 bì yùn yào

noun (contraceptive tablet)

Women take the birth control pill to avoid getting pregnant.


noun (abnormality present at birth)

Heart birth defects are common, but most don't cause major problems to the patient.

胎记 tāi jì

noun (patch of dark, red skin)

She is really self-conscious about the birth mark on her neck.


noun (biological female parent)

My adoptive mother helped me find my birth mother.

出生名 chū shēng míng

noun (name on birth certificate)

Her birth name was Georgiana, but everyone just called her Georgie.


plural noun (biological mother and father)

When adoptions are closed, people have a very hard time finding their birth parents.


noun (document: labor preferences)

出生率 chū shēng lǜ

noun (ratio of babies born in an area to population)

出生日期 chū shēng rì qī

noun (date [sb] was born)

My birthdate is August 20, 1970.


noun (baby born upside down)

天生 tiān shēng

adverb (through natural talent)

He was an artist by birth.

生来 shēng lái

adverb (through one's family)

The U.S. Constitution requires the president to be American by birth, not a naturalized citizen.

出生日期 chū shēng rì qī

noun (written, abbreviation (date of birth)

出生日期 chū shēng rì qī

noun (day, month and year when [sb] was born)

Please include your full name and date of birth on the form.

生孩子 shēng hái zi

verbal expression (have a baby)

Sarah gave birth on Tuesday.

生(孩子) shēng ( hái zi )

verbal expression (woman: to baby) (人)

Emily gave birth to twin girls last Saturday.

产仔 chǎn zǎi

verbal expression (animal: have offspring) (动物)

Our cat crept to a quiet corner of the garden to give birth.

产仔 chǎn zǎi

verbal expression (animal: to young) (动物)

Labradors usually give birth to between six and eight puppies.

催生 cuī shēng

verbal expression (figurative (create, bring about)

Henry Ford gave birth to the automotive industry.

生孩子 shēng hái zi

noun (having a baby)

Giving birth is an emotional experience.

出身好 chū shēn hǎo

noun (nobility, noble lineage)

Until quite recently a high birth would bestow one with many elite privileges, though not always great wealth.

出身高贵 chū shēn gāo guì

noun (being born into upper-class family)

He was of noble birth but you would never have guessed it from the company he kept.

出生地 chū shēng de

noun (location where [sb] was born)

Many people never travel far from their place of birth.

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birth 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。