英语 中的 will 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 will 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 will 的说明。

英语 中的will 表示将, 遗嘱 yí zhǔ, 决心 jué xīn, 意志 yì zhì, 愿望 yuàn wàng, 意愿 yì yuàn, 心意 xīn yì, 愿意,愿 yuàn yì,yuàn, 一定,必须,得 yí dìng,bì xū, 可能(不会) kě néng bú huì, 可能 kě néng, 肯定会,一定会 kěn dìng huì,yí dìng huì, 总是 zǒng shì, 能,可以 néng ,kě yǐ, 一定 yí dìng, 希望促成...做某事, 希望做 xī wàng zuò, 决心做某事, 凭意志的力量驱使 píng yì zhì de lì liàng qū shǐ, 将…遗赠给 jiāng yí zèng gěi, 违背他的意愿 wéi bèi tā de yì yuàn, 如您所愿 rú nín suǒ yuàn, 随意地 suí yì de, 无论付出多大的努力, 执行某人的命令 zhí xíng mǒu rén de mìng lìng, 意志的力量, 自由意志 zì yóu yì zhì, 命中注定 mìng zhōng zhù dìng, 神的意志, 善意 shàn yì, 乐意,心甘情愿 lè yì, 商誉 shāng yù, 许多人要掉脑袋, 我愿意, 我会想念你的 wǒ huì xiǎng niàn nǐ de, 换句话说,可以说 huàn jù huà shuō ,kě yǐ shuō, 如果你愿意, 恶意 è yì, 钢铁般的意志 gāng tiě bān de yì zhì, 这是必然的 zhè shì bì rán de, 生前预嘱,生前遗嘱, 立遗嘱 lì yí zhǔ, 自愿的 zì yuàn de, 只有等待时间检验,只有时间能证明一切, 自愿 zì yuàn, 任性, 固执, 意志力 yì zhì lì, 这样行得通。 zhè yàng xíng de tōng, 路遥知马力,时间会证明一切, 随遇而安吧。, 我同意(那么做) wǒ tóng yì nà me zuò, 意志力 yì zhì lì, 你愿意嫁给我吗?, 鬼火, 不可捉摸的人, 难以捉摸的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 will 的含义

auxiliary verb (future: prediction or schedule)

I will cook dinner tomorrow. Her birthday will be on a Sunday next year.

遗嘱 yí zhǔ

noun (law: testament)

Her father left her the house in his will.

决心 jué xīn

noun (determination)

She accomplished the task through sheer will.

意志 yì zhì

noun (faculty of conscious decisions)

The power of the will often exceeds logic.

愿望 yuàn wàng

noun (wish)

She went against her father's will and married the musician.

意愿 yì yuàn

noun (volition)

My grandmother says that what happens is God's will.

心意 xīn yì

noun (with qualifying adjective (disposition)

I bear him no ill will, in spite of what he has done.

愿意,愿 yuàn yì,yuàn

auxiliary verb (be willing or disposed to) (表示意愿)

The elderly will sacrifice for their grandchildren if they have to.

一定,必须,得 yí dìng,bì xū

auxiliary verb (be required or expected to) (表示要求、期望)

You will present yourself to the commanding officer immediately.

可能(不会) kě néng bú huì

auxiliary verb (may be expected to)

She will not have given up hope, as he was only reported missing this morning.

可能 kě néng

auxiliary verb (may be supposed to)

This will be the place, at least if I have understood the directions.

肯定会,一定会 kěn dìng huì,yí dìng huì

auxiliary verb (be sure to) (表示强调)

Most people talk about helping others, but will take good care of themselves first.

总是 zǒng shì

auxiliary verb (habitual action)

They will forget to wash at least some of the pots.

能,可以 néng ,kě yǐ

auxiliary verb (negative (ability) (常与否定连用)

The lock will not open.

一定 yí dìng

auxiliary verb (be determined to)

"From our very first date I've wanted to marry her, and I will", he thought.


verbal expression (try to influence with thoughts)

He willed the plant to survive, but it withered in the drought.

希望做 xī wàng zuò

transitive verb (literary (wish, want)

Do what you will! I'm leaving in five minutes.


transitive verb (bring willpower to bear on)

If the runner wills it enough, he could break the record.

凭意志的力量驱使 píng yì zhì de lì liàng qū shǐ

transitive verb (make happen by wishing)

It doesn't just happen. You need to will it to happen.

将…遗赠给 jiāng yí zèng gěi

transitive verb (bequeath)

She didn't will anything to her family, and left her estate to charity.

违背他的意愿 wéi bèi tā de yì yuàn

adverb (in opposition to wishes)

Abby was taken to the cabin in the woods against her will.

如您所愿 rú nín suǒ yuàn

adverb (archaic (expressing obedience: as you wish) (古语)

You may do as you will, but that does not mean your actions will be right.

随意地 suí yì de

adverb (whenever wished)

She just comes and goes at will.


expression (no matter how hard you try)

With the best will in the world, that alley cat is never going to win any prizes at a cat show.

执行某人的命令 zhí xíng mǒu rén de mìng lìng

verbal expression (carry out [sb]'s instructions)


noun (determination)

Marcus isn’t naturally good with numbers. It was really difficult for him to get a degree in math, but he succeeded through sheer force of will.

自由意志 zì yóu yì zhì

noun (choice, freedom to choose)

Are all things preordained by God or does the individual have free will?

命中注定 mìng zhōng zhù dìng

noun (figurative ([sth] predetermined or meant to be)


noun ([sth] determined by God)

善意 shàn yì

noun (kindness)

We helped the neighbors repair their fence as a gesture of goodwill.

乐意,心甘情愿 lè yì

noun (consent, willingness)

Very few people pay their taxes with complete goodwill.

商誉 shāng yù

noun (business asset)

The price of the business reflects both tangible assets and goodwill.


expression (figurative (People will be fired.) (比喻)

Heads will roll when the manager finds out who broke the machine.


interjection (marriage vow) (结婚宣言)

"Abigail Smith, will you promise to love this man and be faithful?" "I will."

我会想念你的 wǒ huì xiǎng niàn nǐ de

interjection (I will feel your absence)

Goodbye, son. I'll miss you.

换句话说,可以说 huàn jù huà shuō ,kě yǐ shuō

adverb (in other words, so to speak)


adverb (polite request)

恶意 è yì

noun (resentment, bad feeling)

There is clearly a feeling of ill will between the two politicians.

钢铁般的意志 gāng tiě bān de yì zhì

noun (stubbornness, determination)

She governs the country with an iron will. My sister has an iron will when it comes to physical fitness.

这是必然的 zhè shì bì rán de

expression (this is indisputably going to happen)

If your mother says you have to go to bed early, it will be so.


noun (legal statement of long-term wishes)

立遗嘱 lì yí zhǔ

verbal expression (legal document: write)

自愿的 zì yuàn de

expression (out of choice)

Do you marry this man of your own free will? I retired of my own free will; I was not fired.


expression (will know in the future)

Whether or not the football player recovers from his injury—only time will tell.

自愿 zì yuàn

noun (personal choice)

It was my own free will to start this project so I can't blame anyone else when things get tough.

任性, 固执

noun (adherence to own desires)

意志力 yì zhì lì

noun (determination)

She was horribly tired, but forced her feet to move by sheer strength of will.

这样行得通。 zhè yàng xíng de tōng

interjection (informal (that will suffice) (非正式用语)

That'll do the job until you can get to a proper mechanic.


expression ([sth] will be revealed)


expression (expressing acceptance of future)

我同意(那么做) wǒ tóng yì nà me zuò

interjection (informal (expressing agreement to do [sth]) (非正式用语)

“Joe, please take out the garbage.” "Will do, Mom!"

意志力 yì zhì lì

noun (determination)

I'd like to give up smoking but unfortunately don't have the will power.


expression (proposal)

I've loved you for so long. Will you marry me?


noun (ghost light)


noun (figurative ([sth/sb] elusive)


noun as adjective (relating to a will-o'-the-wisp)

Strange will-o'-the-wisp lights moved over the marshes at night.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。