英语 中的 heart 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 heart 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 heart 的说明。

英语 中的heart 表示心,心脏 xīn,xīn zàng, 心,心脏 xīn,xīn zàng, 心,内心 xīn,nèi xīn, 中心, 中央, 勇气 yǒng qì, 菜心 cài xīn, 感情,同情心 gǎn qíng,tóng qíng xīn, 某事物的最深处 mǒu shì wù de zuì shēn chù, 核心 hé xīn, 心口 xīn kǒu, 人 rén, 心形 xīn xíng, 红桃牌,红心牌 hóng táo pái,hóng xīn pái, 心材 xīn cái, 心脏的 xīn zàng de, 红心大战, 小别胜新婚, 恋爱事件 liàn ài shì jiàn, 洋蓟心,球蓟心, 人工心脏 rén gōng xīn zàng, 本质上 běn zhì shàng, 关心 guān xīn, 在…中央 zài … zhōng yāng, ...的灵魂人物, 心胸开阔 xīn xiōng kāi kuò, 荷包牡丹 hé bāo mǔ dān, 软心肠的人,对弱者表示同情者 ruǎn xīn cháng de rén,duì ruò zhě biǎo shì tóng qíng zhě, 人道主义的, 慈善的, 伤某人的心, 和...分手, 破碎的心 pò suì de xīn, 凭记忆 píng jì yì, 改变心意 gǎi biàn xīn yì, 你所珍爱的 nǐ suǒ zhēn ài de, 冷酷的心 lěng kù de xīn, 先天性心脏病 xiān tiān xìng xīn zàng bìng, 充血性心力衰竭, 冠心病, 说实话,说到底 shuō shí huà,shuō dào dǐ, 痛哭流涕, 在他的内心深处 zài tā de nèi xīn shēn chù, 好好吃,尽情吃 hǎo hǎo chī,jìn qíng chī, 胆小的 dǎn xiǎo de, 发自内心地 fā zì nèi xīn de, 衷心地 zhōng xīn de, 发自内心 fā zì nèi xīn, 改变心意 gǎi biàn xīn yì, 有同情心 yǒu tóng qíng xīn, 有点同情心!, 有美好的心灵, 出发点是好的, 完全地,完整地 wán quán de, 核心, 要害, 心脏病发作 xīn zàng bìng fā zuò, 心脏骤停, 心脏传导阻滞 xīn zàng chuán dǎo zǔ zhì, 心脏病 xīn zàng bìng, 心脏病 xīn zàng bìng, 心脏停跳 xīn zàng tíng tiào, 心脏杂音 xīn zàng zá yīn, 发自肺腑, 铁石心肠,狠心 tiě shí xīn cháng,hěn xīn, 心脏病病人 xīn zàng bìng bìng rén, 心跳速率 xīn tiào sù lǜ, 心脏手术 xīn zàng shǒu shù, 心脏移植(手术) xīn zàng yí zhí shǒu shù, 心脏病 xīn zàng bìng, 反思,反省 fǎn sī ,fǎn xǐng, 心形的, 惊心动魄的, 坦诚的谈话, 谈心 tán xīn, 暖心的,感人的 gǎn rén de, 心碎的 xīn suì de, 令人心碎的,令人断肠的 lìng rén xīn suì de,lìng rén duàn cháng de, 让女性着迷的男性偶性 ràng nǚ xìng zháo mí de nán xìng ǒu xìng, 温暖人心的,感人的 wēn nuǎn rén xīn de,gǎn rén de, 忧伤的心 yōu shāng de xīn, 在中心部位 zài zhōng xīn bù wèi, 缺血性心脏病 quē xiě xìng xīn zàng bìng / quē xuè xìng xīn zàng bìng, 记住 jì zhù, 非常熟悉, 宽宏大量 kuān hóng dà liàng, 记住 jì zhù, 无忧无虑 wú yōu wú lǜ, 征求异性朋友的人 zhēng qiú yì xìng péng yǒu de rén, 征友者专栏, 灰心丧气,心灰意冷, 杂音,心脏杂音 zá yīn ,xīn zàng zá yīn, 我衷心同情你,我深表同情, 胆小者不宜的, 展示同情心, 心脏直视手术 xīn zàng zhí shì shǒu shù, 对…推心置腹, 紫心勋章 zǐ xīn xūn zhāng, 使消除疑虑 shǐ xiāo chú yí lǜ, 渴望,热望 kě wàng,rè wàng, 勇敢的,有勇气的,无畏的 yǒng gǎn de ,yǒu yǒng qì de,wú wèi de, 鼓起勇气 gǔ qǐ yǒng qì, 放在心上 fàng zài xīn shàng, 放在心上 fàng zài xīn shàng, 心肠软 xīn cháng ruǎn, 指向…的实质(核心) zhǐ xiàng … de shí zhì ( hé xīn ), 指向…的实质(核心) zhǐ xiàng … de shí zhì ( hé xīn ), 按照你的心意,如你所愿 àn zhào nǐ de xīn yì,rú nǐ suǒ yuàn, 触及你的心灵,让你感动 chù jí nǐ de xīn líng,ràng nǐ gǎn dòng, 显露真心, 赢得某人的心 yíng dé mǒu rén de xīn, 带着沉重的心情, 全心全意 quán xīn quán yì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 heart 的含义

心,心脏 xīn,xīn zàng

noun (human organ) (人体器官)

He was so nervous that he could hear his heart beating.

心,心脏 xīn,xīn zàng

noun (animal organ) (动物器官)

Scientists are working on using pig hearts for human transplants.

心,内心 xīn,nèi xīn

noun (figurative (centre of feelings) (比喻)

In his heart, he knew that she would stay loyal.

中心, 中央

noun (figurative (centre of a place)

The heart of the city is alive with bars and restaurants.

勇气 yǒng qì

noun (courage)

The basketball player wasn't the tallest, but he played with a lot of heart.

菜心 cài xīn

noun (lettuce, cabbage)

The hearts of butterhead lettuce are delicious with a vinaigrette.

感情,同情心 gǎn qíng,tóng qíng xīn

noun (figurative (feelings, sympathy) (比喻)

While my head says I should stay, my heart tells me to go.

某事物的最深处 mǒu shì wù de zuì shēn chù

noun (innermost part of [sth])

There are seeds at the heart of this fruit.

核心 hé xīn

noun (core)

At heart, the issue is quite simple. It is an argument over money.

心口 xīn kǒu

noun (breast, bosom)

The mother drew her children to her heart.

人 rén

noun (dated (person)

She's a kind heart.

心形 xīn xíng

noun (shape: loveheart)

The child drew a heart and coloured it red.

红桃牌,红心牌 hóng táo pái,hóng xīn pái

noun (cards) (纸牌)

She held three hearts and two diamonds in her poker hand.

心材 xīn cái

noun (botany: tree core) (树木)

Many sailing ships were made from heart of oak.

心脏的 xīn zàng de

noun as adjective (relating to the heart)

The old man has some heart problems.


plural noun (card game) (游戏)

If you've got a pack of cards, you can play hearts.


expression (miss [sb] more)

恋爱事件 liàn ài shì jiàn

noun (love affair, romantic involvement)

Romance novels describe affairs of the heart.


noun (edible part of globe artichoke)

人工心脏 rén gōng xīn zàng

noun (medical device)

He has an artificial heart while he is waiting for a transplant.

本质上 běn zhì shàng

adverb (in essence)

Tyler makes a lot of mistakes, but he is a good person at heart. Marilyn's always been an animal lover at heart.

关心 guān xīn

verbal expression (consider, be concerned with)

I have your best interests at heart.

在…中央 zài … zhōng yāng

preposition (at the centre of [sth])

At the heart of the financial crisis there was a lot of greed.


verbal expression (figurative (be the source of animation, vitality)

心胸开阔 xīn xiōng kāi kuò

noun (figurative (kind, generous nature)

The children love him because he has such a big heart.

荷包牡丹 hé bāo mǔ dān

noun (plant: dicentra) (原产于中国北部的一种花卉)

The red flowers of bleeding heart brighten my garden in spring.

软心肠的人,对弱者表示同情者 ruǎn xīn cháng de rén,duì ruò zhě biǎo shì tóng qíng zhě

noun (figurative, pejorative (person: liberal) (比喻,轻蔑语)

Some bleeding heart will come and tell you you can't do that.

人道主义的, 慈善的

noun as adjective (figurative, pejorative (humanitarian)

He claims that bleeding-heart liberals are encouraging dependence on government handouts.


verbal expression (figurative (make [sb] sad)

It breaks my heart to hear you are quitting.


verbal expression (figurative (end relationship)

That boy will only break your heart.

破碎的心 pò suì de xīn

noun (figurative (grief at end of romance)

Susie left NIck with a broken heart.

凭记忆 píng jì yì

adverb (from memory)

I learnt the sonnet by heart.

改变心意 gǎi biàn xīn yì

noun (reversal of an attitude or feeling)

I don't know what has brought about his change of heart, but Reza now says he'd love to come to France with me.

你所珍爱的 nǐ suǒ zhēn ài de

expression (cherished, important)

It's a subject that's close to my heart.

冷酷的心 lěng kù de xīn

noun (figurative (lack of compassion) (比喻)

She had a cold heart and nothing I could say or do would melt it.

先天性心脏病 xiān tiān xìng xīn zàng bìng

noun (heart defect at birth)

Mr. and Mrs. Hollins were devastated to learn that their newborn son had a congenital heart disease.




noun (cardiac illness)

说实话,说到底 shuō shí huà,shuō dào dǐ

interjection (infantile (promise) (引入语,强调陈述的事情属实)

Mum, I'll clean my room in the morning. Cross my heart and hope to die!


verbal expression (figurative (weep bitterly)

I cried my heart out when my best friend moved away.

在他的内心深处 zài tā de nèi xīn shēn chù

adverb (his conscience)

Deep down in his heart he knew what he had done was wrong.

好好吃,尽情吃 hǎo hǎo chī,jìn qíng chī

interjection (slang, figurative (be envious) (招呼语)

Ronaldo, eat your heart out! Worcester City striker Sean Geddes has just scored a sensational goal.

胆小的 dǎn xiǎo de

adjective (lacking courage or determination)

发自内心地 fā zì nèi xīn de

expression (with deep sincerity)

衷心地 zhōng xīn de

adverb (sincerely)

She read her love poems to me from the heart. When he began to cry, we knew that his apology was truly from the heart.

发自内心 fā zì nèi xīn

adverb (with sincerity)

Don't say you're sorry just because I told you to; say it from your heart. Say it like you actually mean it, from your heart.

改变心意 gǎi biàn xīn yì

verbal expression (go against your previous decision)

She's had a change of heart and is inviting her sister after all.

有同情心 yǒu tóng qíng xīn

verbal expression (informal, figurative (be compassionate)

Have a heart and consider making a donation to this worthwhile charity.


interjection (informal, figurative (be more compassionate)

Have a heart! Timmy's only a child and didn't mean any harm.


noun (figurative (be kind, generous)

He may seem surly at first, but he really has a heart of gold.


verbal expression (figurative (have good intentions)

完全地,完整地 wán quán de

adverb (figurative (with all one's being)

Miranda threw herself heart and soul into her performance of the song.

核心, 要害

noun (figurative (vital part of [sth])

These new laws strike at the very heart and soul of our democracy.

心脏病发作 xīn zàng bìng fā zuò

noun (blocked circulation to the heart)

Shortness of breath and a pain in your arm may signal a heart attack.


noun (informal (cardiac arrest)

Don't surprise John, you'll give him a heart attack.

心脏传导阻滞 xīn zàng chuán dǎo zǔ zhì

noun (cardiac disorder)

心脏病 xīn zàng bìng

noun (cardiac disorder)

心脏病 xīn zàng bìng

noun (cardiac illness)

Heart disease is a serious health problem in the modern Western world.

心脏停跳 xīn zàng tíng tiào

noun (cardiac condition)

He died of heart failure at the young age of 32. Because he was heavy, he was at risk for heart failure.

心脏杂音 xīn zàng zá yīn

(medicine) (医学)


expression (true feelings)

铁石心肠,狠心 tiě shí xīn cháng,hěn xīn

noun (figurative (lack of compassion) (比喻)

You would need a heart of stone to see those starving children and not feel compassion.

心脏病病人 xīn zàng bìng bìng rén

noun ([sb] being treated for cardiac problems)

心跳速率 xīn tiào sù lǜ

noun (rhythm of the heart)

Your heart rate increases when you exercise.

心脏手术 xīn zàng shǒu shù

noun (operation to treat cardiac problems)

His only hope to survive was heart surgery.

心脏移植(手术) xīn zàng yí zhí shǒu shù

noun (surgery to replace a patient's heart)

心脏病 xīn zàng bìng

noun (cardiac condition)

He was rushed to the hospital because of heart trouble. My neighbor was having a lot of heart trouble, so they implanted a pacemaker in her shoulder.

反思,反省 fǎn sī ,fǎn xǐng

noun (examination of your feelings)


adjective (in shape of heart)


adjective (figurative (thrilling)

There was a heart-stopping moment when Jack nearly crashed his car near the end of the race.


noun (frank discussion)

谈心 tán xīn

noun (sincere, frank discussion)

You need to have a heart-to-heart talk with your son, or he'll soon be in trouble with the police.

暖心的,感人的 gǎn rén de

adjective (touching, gratifying)

心碎的 xīn suì de

adjective (figurative (desperately sad)

令人心碎的,令人断肠的 lìng rén xīn suì de,lìng rén duàn cháng de

adjective (figurative (unbearably sad)

The final scene of the movie was heartrending, and many people in the audience cried.

让女性着迷的男性偶性 ràng nǚ xìng zháo mí de nán xìng ǒu xìng

noun (attractive or idolized person)

Milly was so excited to meet her heartthrob that she fainted.

温暖人心的,感人的 wēn nuǎn rén xīn de,gǎn rén de

adjective (figurative (emotionally moving or cheering)

That's the most heartwarming thing I have ever heard!

忧伤的心 yōu shāng de xīn

noun (feeling of great sadness or regret)

She had a heavy heart as she stepped to the podium to deliver her best friend's eulogy.

在中心部位 zài zhōng xīn bù wèi

adverb (figurative (in the central part) (比喻)

The hotel we are staying at is in the heart of the old city.

缺血性心脏病 quē xiě xìng xīn zàng bìng / quē xuè xìng xīn zàng bìng

noun (common form of cardiac illness)

Ischaemic heart disease can eventually lead to a heart attack if not treated.

记住 jì zhù

verbal expression (have memorized)

The students had to know the poem by heart.


verbal expression (informal (be completely familiar with)

I never get lost in this neighborhood; I know it by heart.

宽宏大量 kuān hóng dà liàng

noun (figurative (generous nature)

She's known for helping people in trouble; she has a large heart. The hospital volunteers have large hearts.

记住 jì zhù

verbal expression (memorize)

When I was a child I learned my times-tables by heart.

无忧无虑 wú yōu wú lǜ

noun (carefree mood)

I set off on my journey with a light heart.

征求异性朋友的人 zhēng qiú yì xìng péng yǒu de rén

noun (figurative (single person)

There are many lonely hearts out there looking for someone to love.


noun (figurative (personal advertisement)

Carol answered an advert in the lonely hearts.


verbal expression (become discouraged)

杂音,心脏杂音 zá yīn ,xīn zàng zá yīn

noun (medicine: heart irregularity) (医药)

The doctor says my heart murmur isn't serious.


interjection (figurative, ironic (I feel compassion for you) (比喻)

"I have to pay a fortune in income tax these days," said Theo. "My heart bleeds for you!" said his brother.


adjective (shocking, frightening, or intense)

Watching that Hitchcock film is not for the faint of heart.


verbal expression (figurative (find or show compassion)

Open your heart and your wallet; donate today to the Haiti relief effort!

心脏直视手术 xīn zàng zhí shì shǒu shù

noun (cardiac operation)

They split his chest open and performed open-heart surgery to replace a faulty valve.


verbal expression (figurative (confide in [sb])

When she split up from her boyfriend, she poured her heart out to me.

紫心勋章 zǐ xīn xūn zhāng

noun (US (military medal) (授予作战时负伤的军人的勋章)

He was awarded the Purple Heart in Vietnam.

使消除疑虑 shǐ xiāo chú yí lǜ

verbal expression (reassure)

Let me just put your mind at rest: your condition is completely treatable.

渴望,热望 kě wàng,rè wàng

verbal expression (desire greatly, long for)

She had set her heart on a trip to Japan. The little boy had his heart set on getting a puppy for Christmas.

勇敢的,有勇气的,无畏的 yǒng gǎn de ,yǒu yǒng qì de,wú wèi de

adjective (figurative (brave, resolute) (比喻)

鼓起勇气 gǔ qǐ yǒng qì

verbal expression (feel encouraged)

You can take heart in the improvements we see in the economy.

放在心上 fàng zài xīn shàng

verbal expression (take seriously, be upset by)

Jack made a joke about Sarah's hair, but she took it to heart and got upset.

放在心上 fàng zài xīn shàng

verbal expression (apply to oneself)

She took all the advice to heart, and tried to be a better person.

心肠软 xīn cháng ruǎn

noun (kind nature, compassion)

Her tender heart had won her many friends in the slum district.

指向…的实质(核心) zhǐ xiàng … de shí zhì ( hé xīn )

adverb (to the centre, middle of [sth])

The explorers made their way to the heart of the jungle.

指向…的实质(核心) zhǐ xiàng … de shí zhì ( hé xīn )

adverb (figurative (to the crux of [sth])

He wasted no time in getting to the heart of the problem.

按照你的心意,如你所愿 àn zhào nǐ de xīn yì,rú nǐ suǒ yuàn

adverb (figurative, informal (as much as you please) (比喻,非正式用语)

You can ask me to your heart's content, but I won't answer your questions.

触及你的心灵,让你感动 chù jí nǐ de xīn líng,ràng nǐ gǎn dòng

verbal expression (informal, figurative (move you emotionally) (非正式用语,比喻)

She touched my heart with her beautiful poem.


verbal expression (show feelings openly)

赢得某人的心 yíng dé mǒu rén de xīn

verbal expression (figurative (endear yourself)

Our new neighbor's son won my heart when he raked up the leaves for us.


adverb (solemnly, sadly)

With a heavy heart, the woman scattered her father's ashes into the sea.

全心全意 quán xīn quán yì

adverb (informal (completely and sincerely)

My darling, I love you with all my heart.

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