英语 中的 centre 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 centre 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 centre 的说明。

英语 中的centre 表示中间 zhōng jiān, 中心区 zhōng xīn qū, 中心,中心区 zhōng xīn,zhōng xīn qū, 活动中心 huó dòng zhōng xīn, 中锋 zhōng fēng, 夹心, 中场, 使…位于正中 shǐ wèi yú zhèng zhōng, 聚焦, 围绕 wéi rào, 使自己集中精神以放松, 围绕 wéi rào, 聚焦于 jù jiāo yú, 以…为中心, 重点在于…, 围绕 wéi rào, 行政中心 xíng zhèng zhōng xīn, 艺术中心 yì shù zhōng xīn, 在...的中心, 商业中心 shāng yè zhōng xīn, 呼叫中心 hū jiào zhōng xīn, 中外场, 中外场手, 中场手, 中锋,中锋位置 zhōng fēng,zhōng fēng wèi zhì, 中锋 zhōng fēng, 中卫 zhōng wèi, 中前卫 zhōng qián wèi, 活动中心 huó dòng zhōng xīn, 众人瞩目的焦点 zhòng rén zhǔ mù de jiāo diǎn, 注意力的中心 zhù yì lì de zhōng xīn, 重心 zhòng xīn, 重心 zhòng xīn, 饰演主角, 中心线, 中线 zhōng xiàn, 中心线, 托儿所 tuō ér suǒ, 市中心 shì zhōng xīn, 社区中心 shè qū zhōng xīn, 控制中心, 会展中心, 成本中心, 中心,中央 zhōng xīn,zhōng yāng, 日托中心 rì tuō zhōng xīn, 日间护理中心, 正中, 在正中, 拘留中心 jū liú zhōng xīn, 配送中心, 救助中心, 娱乐中心, 展览中心, 健身中心,健身房 jiàn shēn zhōng xīn,jiàn shēn fáng, 医疗保健中心,医疗中心,诊所 yī liáo zhōng xīn,zhěn suǒ, 家用建材中心, 在中心, 在中间, 在…中间 zài … zhōng jiān, 信息中心 xìn xī zhōng xīn, 信息中心 xìn xī zhōng xīn, 不寻常的,标新立异的,别出心裁的 bù xún cháng de ,biāo xīn lì yì de ,bié chū xīn cái de, 中间偏左的 zhōng jiān piān zuǒ de, 娱乐中心,休闲中心, 多媒体中心, 诊所,卫生所 zhěn suǒ, 医疗中心,医学中心 yī liáo zhōng xīn, 神经中枢 shén jīng zhōng shū, 中心,中枢 zhōng xīn,zhōng shū, 托儿所 tuō ér suǒ, 偏离中心的, 利润中心, 研究中心 yán jiū zhōng xīn, 中间偏右的, 维修服务中心, 购物中心 gòu wù zhōng xīn, 体育中心 tǐ yù zhōng xīn, 成为万众瞩目的中心, 使某人方寸大乱, 游客信息中心, 世界贸易中心, 青年俱乐部。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 centre 的含义

中间 zhōng jiān

noun (middle) (部位、地方)

The boy stood in the center of the circle.

中心区 zhōng xīn qū

noun (main site)

That city is the manufacturing center of the state.

中心,中心区 zhōng xīn,zhōng xīn qū

noun (town: central area) (城市)

At the centre of the town is the Town Hall.

活动中心 huó dòng zhōng xīn

noun (facility)

The old ladies met at the senior center.

中锋 zhōng fēng

noun (basketball position) (篮球)

Yao Ming played center for the Houston Rockets.


noun (chocolate, etc.: filling) (巧克力)

These chocolates all have soft centres.


noun (sports position) (体育)

Dan is the best center the team has ever had.

使…位于正中 shǐ wèi yú zhèng zhōng

transitive verb (move to middle)

He centered the painting on the wall.


(focus on)

围绕 wéi rào

(cluster around)


transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (make yourself calm, focused)

Meditating every morning helps me to center myself.

围绕 wéi rào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be based on, concerned with)

聚焦于 jù jiāo yú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (focus on)

Now that the camera's shown us the whole pitch, centre in on just the coach.

以…为中心, 重点在于…

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (have as main topic)

His talk centered on one key issue.

围绕 wéi rào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (have as main purpose)

My grandfather's life centered on his family.

行政中心 xíng zhèng zhōng xīn

noun (county: main town)

艺术中心 yì shù zhōng xīn

noun (venue: visual, performing arts)


preposition (figurative (focus of controversy, etc.)

商业中心 shāng yè zhōng xīn

noun (town: commercial district)

呼叫中心 hū jiào zhōng xīn

noun (phone-in service) (美式拼写)

If you need technical support you can contact the call center.


noun (baseball: location) (棒球)

The ball flew into center field and Jeff caught it.


noun (baseball: player's position) (棒球)

You can be center field in today's game.


noun (baseball: player in center field) (棒球)

中锋,中锋位置 zhōng fēng,zhōng fēng wèi zhì

noun (soccer position) (足球)

中锋 zhōng fēng

noun (soccer player)

中卫 zhōng wèi

noun (soccer position)

中前卫 zhōng qián wèi

noun (soccer player) (足球)

活动中心 huó dòng zhōng xīn

noun (where action takes place)

The Telegraph Station in Alice Springs became the centre of activity in the area.

众人瞩目的焦点 zhòng rén zhǔ mù de jiāo diǎn

noun (focal point)

The photographer framed the photo in such a way as to ensure the flower was the centre of attention.

注意力的中心 zhù yì lì de zhōng xīn

noun (figurative (focus of interest)

The painting was the centre of attention at the exhibition. The UAE was the centre of attention as the region's biggest football tournament came to the country.

重心 zhòng xīn

noun (where weight is balanced)

The position of the center of gravity affects the stability of an object.

重心 zhòng xīn

noun (figurative (person: focus of activity)

The Asia-Pacific region has become the centre of gravity for the world economy.


adverb (figurative (in a leading role)

She found herself center stage when she was chosen to represent her school at the event.


noun (line bisecting a plane figure)

中线 zhōng xiàn

noun (line painted down the middle of a road) (道路)


noun (bisector between radio transmitters) (无线电发送器)

托儿所 tuō ér suǒ

noun (day nursery)

Many companies have an on-site child care center for their employees' children.

市中心 shì zhōng xīn

noun (town: central area)

I don't want to drive through the city center in rush hour.

社区中心 shè qū zhōng xīn

noun (local venue)

The summer program at the community center keeps the kids off the streets.


noun (operational hub)


noun (event space)


noun (business)

中心,中央 zhōng xīn,zhōng yāng

noun (written, abbreviation (center)

日托中心 rì tuō zhōng xīn

noun (children's nursery) (小孩)


noun (care facility for adults) (成人)


noun (exact centre, precise middle)


adverb (precisely in the middle)

拘留中心 jū liú zhōng xīn

noun (holding facility)

Delinquents arrested in Los Angeles are taken to a detention center before their hearings.


noun (warehouse, depot)


noun (social services)


noun (US (stereo: hifi)


noun (conference and sports venue)

健身中心,健身房 jiàn shēn zhōng xīn,jiàn shēn fáng

noun (gym)

医疗保健中心,医疗中心,诊所 yī liáo zhōng xīn,zhěn suǒ

noun (medical clinic)


noun (US (large store)

在中心, 在中间

adverb (in the middle)

在…中间 zài … zhōng jiān

preposition (in the middle of)

信息中心 xìn xī zhōng xīn

noun (help desk, office)

信息中心 xìn xī zhōng xīn

noun (computing: for storage of data)

不寻常的,标新立异的,别出心裁的 bù xún cháng de ,biāo xīn lì yì de ,bié chū xīn cái de

adjective (figurative (offbeat, original)

中间偏左的 zhōng jiān piān zuǒ de

adjective (figurative (moderately left wing) (政治立场)

We now have a left-of-center government, but it's still nothing like socialist.


noun (sports or entertainment facility)


noun (US (library in school) (学校)

诊所,卫生所 zhěn suǒ

noun (health clinic)

You can get advice on contraception at the medical centre.

医疗中心,医学中心 yī liáo zhōng xīn

noun (area with health facilities)

The medical center included the hospital and the outlying buildings housed the doctor's private practices.

神经中枢 shén jīng zhōng shū

noun (anatomy: bunch of nerve cells) (解剖学)

中心,中枢 zhōng xīn,zhōng shū

noun (figurative (control centre, headquarters)

In the 16th century, Venice was the nerve centre of global communications.

托儿所 tuō ér suǒ

noun (UK (childcare facility)

Sarah's workplace has a nursery on site so she can stay close to her baby and still go to work.


adjective (to the side of center)


noun (part of business organization)

研究中心 yán jiū zhōng xīn

noun (place for scientific investigation)

I've heard that more than 300 scientists work at the university's research centre.


adjective (politics: conservative) (政治)


noun (repair shop)

购物中心 gòu wù zhōng xīn

noun (retail complex)

They're going to build a new shopping center on that plot of land.

体育中心 tǐ yù zhōng xīn

noun (venue for physical activity)


expression (figurative (be the focus of attention)

London took centre stage in 2012 when it hosted the Olympic Games.


verbal expression (figurative (disorient)

It threw me off center when my parents told me to pack my bags.


noun (tourist information office)


noun (US (New York: business district) (纽约)


noun (recreation place for young people)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。