英语 中的 middle 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 middle 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 middle 的说明。

英语 中的middle 表示中央 zhōng yāng, 中心 zhōng xīn, 中间,当中 zhōng jiān ,dāng zhōng, 中途的 zhōng tú de, 中间的,居中的 zhōng jiān de ,jū zhōng de, 中古的 zhōng gǔ de, 腰部 yāo bù, 中项,中词 zhōng xiàng,zhōng cí, 在中间 zài zhōng jiān, 在中间 zài zhōng jiān, 在…中央 zài … zhōng yāng, 期间 qī jiān, 在…的中间 zài de zhōng jiān, 还纠缠在…之中, 正在做 zhèng zài zuò, 在不知名的地方, 中年 zhōng nián, 中世纪 zhōng shì jì, 中央C zhōng yāng, 老二, 中产阶级的人 zhōng chǎn jiē jí de rén, 中产阶级 zhōng chǎn jiē jí, 中产阶级的 zhōng chǎn jiē jí de, 中耳 zhōng ěr, 中东 zhōng dōng, 中东 zhōng dōng, 中东的 zhōng dōng de, 中东的 zhōng dōng de, 中指 zhōng zhǐ, 中间道路 zhōng jiān dào lù, 中名首字母 zhōng míng shǒu zì mǔ, 中层管理人员, 中名 zhōng míng, 中庸的,平庸的 zhōng yōng de,píng yōng de, 中间路线的,中间立场的 zhōng jiān lù xiàn de,zhōng jiān lì chǎng de, 路中央 lù zhōng yāng, 初级中学 chū jí zhōng xué, 中级学校, 中年的 zhōng nián de, 中产的,中等收入的, 中型的 zhōng xíng de, 中等大小的,中型的 zhōng xíng de, 正好在中间 zhèng hǎo zài zhōng jiān, 偏远地带, 中上阶层 zhōng shàng jiē céng, 上中产阶级。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 middle 的含义

中央 zhōng yāng

noun (distance: halfway point) (距离等)

The 50-yard line is in the middle of the football field.

中心 zhōng xīn

noun (centre)

There is a dot in the middle of the circle.

中间,当中 zhōng jiān ,dāng zhōng

noun (time: halfway point) (一段时间的)

I lost interest in the middle of the film.

中途的 zhōng tú de

adjective (distance: halfway)

He stopped to rest in the middle point of his journey.

中间的,居中的 zhōng jiān de ,jū zhōng de

adjective (intermediate) (时间、进度)

This project has five phases; we are currently working on one of the middle phases.

中古的 zhōng gǔ de

adjective (period of a language) (语言)

Many people don't realise that Chaucer wrote "The Canterbury Tales" in Middle English.

腰部 yāo bù

noun (informal (waist)

His middle kept expanding, so he had to buy new, bigger clothes.

中项,中词 zhōng xiàng,zhōng cí

noun (middle part of a syllogism) (逻辑学)

In a syllogism, the middle is excluded from the conclusion.

在中间 zài zhōng jiān

adverb (in the centre)

The area in the middle is called the bull's eye.

在中间 zài zhōng jiān

adverb (inside)

This pastry has custard in the middle.

在…中央 zài … zhōng yāng

preposition (at the centre of)

The Temple of Confucius is in the middle of the city.

期间 qī jiān

preposition (time period)

Audrey was awoken by a noise in the middle of the night.

在…的中间 zài de zhōng jiān

preposition (among)

In the middle of the skyscrapers stood one tiny house.


preposition (still involved in)

We were in the middle of an argument when the phone rang.

正在做 zhèng zài zuò

preposition (still doing)

I can't talk to you now. I'm in the middle of fixing dinner.


expression (figurative (in an insignificant place)

Richard lived out in the middle of nowhere.

中年 zhōng nián

noun (mature years: 50s)

When Ray reached middle age, he knew he needed to do something to get his body in shape.

中世纪 zhōng shì jì

plural noun (medieval period)

Most European societies were feudal during the Middle Ages.

中央C zhōng yāng

noun (music: central note on piano)

The music teacher played middle C so the choir could begin on key.


noun ([sb] with older and younger siblings) (指三个孩子中)

中产阶级的人 zhōng chǎn jiē jí de rén

noun (educated, well-off people)

Their son is very rebellious and rejects the values of the middle class.

中产阶级 zhōng chǎn jiē jí

noun (between low and high income)

With hard work, their family rose up from the working class to the more comfortable middle class.

中产阶级的 zhōng chǎn jiē jí de

adjective (educated and well off)

She comes from a very nice middle class family.

中耳 zhōng ěr

noun (middle portion of the ear)

中东 zhōng dōng

noun (eastern Mediterranean region)

Yemen is the poorest country in the Middle East.

中东 zhōng dōng

noun as adjective (relating to the Middle East)

They were arguing about the country's Middle East policy.

中东的 zhōng dōng de

adjective (of or from the Middle East)

Middle Eastern cuisine is one of the healthiest on earth.

中东的 zhōng dōng de

adjective (Eastern Mediterranean)

Sumac is a Middle Eastern spice made from ground berries.

中指 zhōng zhǐ

noun (longest finger)

The middle finger is between the index finger and the ring finger. To "give someone the bird" is to extend your middle finger in an obscene gesture.

中间道路 zhōng jiān dào lù

noun (compromise)

He wants a city break whereas I want a beach holiday, so we will have to find some middle ground.

中名首字母 zhōng míng shǒu zì mǔ

noun (first letter of middle name) (中名:名和姓之间的名字)

My brother and I have different middle initials: his full initials are MJK and mine are MSK.


(echelon of administration)

中名 zhōng míng

noun (second or additional given name) (名与姓中间的名)

I never use my middle name. His first name was Michael, but everyone called him by his middle name, John.

中庸的,平庸的 zhōng yōng de,píng yōng de

adjective (informal, figurative (average, mediocre)

The band abandoned their experimental tendencies for a middle-of-the-road sound in an effort to sell more records.

中间路线的,中间立场的 zhōng jiān lù xiàn de,zhōng jiān lì chǎng de

adjective (informal, figurative (politics: not extreme) (政治)

His politics then were very middle of the road; they became radical later.

路中央 lù zhōng yāng

noun (centre of a street)

The child froze in the middle of the road as the car sped towards him.

初级中学 chū jí zhōng xué

noun (US (junior high)

Parental support plays a vital role in helping preteens and teens succeed in middle school.


noun (UK (school for ages 9-13) (面向9到13岁学生)

My 11-year-old son is at middle school.

中年的 zhōng nián de

adjective (in mature adulthood)

The keenest internet shoppers are middle-aged men and women.


adjective (middle-class)

中型的 zhōng xíng de

noun as adjective (of medium dimensions)

中等大小的,中型的 zhōng xíng de

adjective (of medium dimensions)

正好在中间 zhèng hǎo zài zhōng jiān

adverb (informal (right in the centre)

The golfer's shot landed smack in the middle of the lake.


noun (figurative (remote place)

中上阶层 zhōng shàng jiē céng

noun (wealthy, highly-educated people)

Paying college tuitions nowadays can be difficult even for families in the upper middle class.


noun as adjective (wealthy)

Her upper-middle-class parents sent her to the best schools.

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middle 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。