英语 中的 town 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 town 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 town 的说明。

英语 中的town 表示镇 zhèn, 商业中心 shāng yè zhōng xīn, 夜间派对, 突然来访 tū rán lái fǎng, 开普敦 kāi pǔ duì, 市中心 shì zhōng xīn, 城市规划 chéng shì guī huà, 卧城,通勤镇, (由公司拥有、管理的)企业生活区,公司城 yóu gōng sī yōng yǒu guǎn lǐ de qǐ yè shēng huó qū,gōng sī chéng, 公司城 gōng sī chéng, 郡的首府, 鬼城, 寻欢作乐,尽情享乐,大把花钱 xún huān zuò lè ,jìn qíng xiǎng lè ,dà bǎ huā qián, 故乡 gù xiāng, 家乡 jiā xiāng, 逃脱 táo tuō, 集镇, 老城, 乏味的小镇, 外出 wài chū, 城外的 chéng wài de, 狂欢,欢庆 kuáng huān,huān qìng, 贫民窟 pín mín kū, 姊妹城市, 跑路, 乡气的,小城镇的,偏狭的 xiāng qì de,xiǎo chéng zhèn de,piān xiá de, 温泉胜地 wēn quán shèng dì, 备受推崇的人, 市内汽车 shì nèi qì chē, 镇议会 zhèn yì huì, 镇议会议员 zhèn yì huì yì yuán, 街头宣告员 jiē tóu xuān gào yuán, 市政厅 shì zhèng tīng, 排屋 pái wū, 排屋 pái wū, 排屋 pái wū, 城市广场 chéng shì guǎng chǎng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 town 的含义

镇 zhèn

noun (small city)

I grew up in a town of about 10,000 people.

商业中心 shāng yè zhōng xīn

noun (commercial centre)

Are you going into town today?


noun (evening at bar, party)

After I got my promotion, my friends and I went for a night out on the town to celebrate.

突然来访 tū rán lái fǎng

verbal expression (US, slang (arrive unexpectedly)

My friend just blew into town; we're going to go have dinner tonight.

开普敦 kāi pǔ duì

noun (city in South Africa)

Cape Town is the second most populous city in South Africa.

市中心 shì zhōng xīn

noun (town: central area)

I don't want to drive through the city center in rush hour.

城市规划 chéng shì guī huà

noun (urban development)

The city council is responsible for city planning.


noun (bedroom community) (市区周围承担居住职能的卫星城或社区)

I live in a commuter town just south of the city limits.

(由公司拥有、管理的)企业生活区,公司城 yóu gōng sī yōng yǒu guǎn lǐ de qǐ yè shēng huó qū,gōng sī chéng

noun (US (city: owned by one business) (本义)

All of the company's employees were required to live in the company town.

公司城 gōng sī chéng

noun (US, figurative (city: one big employer) (比喻随某公司或某行业兴起的)

Hershey, Pennsylvania, home of the chocolate of the same name, is a company town.


noun (UK (administrative city)

County towns were, historically, the capitals of Irish and United Kingdom counties.


noun (abandoned town)

寻欢作乐,尽情享乐,大把花钱 xún huān zuò lè ,jìn qíng xiǎng lè ,dà bǎ huā qián

verbal expression (figurative (do [sth] lavishly, extravagantly)

Wow! Look at all this food - you've really gone to town!

故乡 gù xiāng

noun (town or city where one grew up)

Linda had not been back to her home town of Sydney for many years.

家乡 jiā xiāng

noun (town or city where one lives)

Pinehurst residents have plenty of reasons to be proud of their hometown.

逃脱 táo tuō

(US, informal (flee, escape)

We better jump town before the police get here.


noun (with regular market)


noun (city: historic part)


noun (very small town)

Reggie couldn't wait to grow up and leave that one-horse town.

外出 wài chū

adverb (away: from home, work)

I'll be out of town for the next few days. Our project manager is out of town for the next three weeks.

城外的 chéng wài de

adjective (situated outside town)

狂欢,欢庆 kuáng huān,huān qìng

verbal expression (figurative (go out and celebrate) (比喻)

To celebrate their win, the whole football team went out to paint the town red.

贫民窟 pín mín kū

noun (slums, makeshift housing)

The shantytown at the edge of the city has a high crime rate.


noun (town twinned with another)

Our sister city is in Germany.


(US, informal (flee)

The fugitive skipped town when he learned that the police were coming after him.

乡气的,小城镇的,偏狭的 xiāng qì de,xiǎo chéng zhèn de,piān xiá de

adjective (pejorative (provincial, unenlightened) (轻蔑语)

温泉胜地 wēn quán shèng dì

noun (town with mineral spring)

Parts of many Jane Austen novels are set in the spa town of Bath.


noun (figurative (hero)

After he saved the kittens from the fire, Mike became the toast of the town.

市内汽车 shì nèi qì chē

noun (luxury vehicle)

The executive was picked up in a Lincoln town car.

镇议会 zhèn yì huì

noun (municipal government)

He was elected to the town council with a large majority of the votes. The town council has decided to raise taxes in the area.

镇议会议员 zhèn yì huì yì yuán

noun (UK (member of municipal government) (英国英语)

Town councillors don't receive salaries, but do receive annual allowances to pay for their time and expenses.

街头宣告员 jiē tóu xuān gào yuán

noun ([sb] who makes public announcements)

The town crier announced that the criminal would be publicly hanged.

市政厅 shì zhèng tīng

noun (city's council building)

There's a meeting at the town hall tonight.

排屋 pái wū

noun (home in a city)

Town houses usually share their side walls with similar buildings.

排屋 pái wū

noun (terraced house)

The fire quickly spread to a row of town houses.

排屋 pái wū

noun (large residence in a city)

George was rich enough to buy a town house in Manhattan.

城市广场 chéng shì guǎng chǎng

noun (city's market place or public arena)

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town 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。