英语 中的 value 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 value 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 value 的说明。

英语 中的value 表示价格 jià gé, 价值 jià zhí, 货币价值,值钱的 huò bì jià zhí,zhí qián de, 价值 jià zhí, 值 zhí, 值 zhí, 价值观 jià zhí guān, 重视 zhòng shì, 给…估价 gěi … gū jià, 意义 yì yì, 估价 gū jià, 绝对值 jué duì zhí, 增值 zēng zhí, 根据表面判断, 账面价值 zhàng miàn jià zhí, 热量 rè liàng, 账面价值 zhàng miàn jià zhí, 货币价值 huò bì jià zhí, 估计…的价值 gū jì … de jià zhí, 交换价值 jiāo huàn jià zhí, 票面价值,面值 piào miàn jià zhí,miàn zhí, 公平市场价值, 公允价值, 贬值 biǎn zhí, 划算, 巨大的价值 jù dà de jià zhí, 市值 shì zhí, 净值 jìng zhí, 名义价值,票面价值,面值 míng yì jià zhí,piào miàn jià zhí,miàn zhí, 给…估价 gěi … gū jià, 为…定价 wèi dìng jià, 现值 xiàn zhí, 房产价值, 每日推荐摄入量, 零售价 líng shòu jià, 残值, 感情价值 gǎn qíng jià zhí, 附加价值 fù jiā jià zhí, 价值链, 合算,划算 hé suàn, 价值判断 jià zhí pàn duàn, 价值体系 jià zhí tǐ xì, 增值税 zēng zhí shuì, 增值税 zēng zhí shuì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 value 的含义

价格 jià gé

noun (relative worth)

We're assessing the value of this item.

价值 jià zhí

noun (price)

We've priced the table at a value of a hundred and fifty pounds.

货币价值,值钱的 huò bì jià zhí,zhí qián de

noun (commerce: monetary worth) (商业贸易)

Many things of value were destroyed in the fire.

价值 jià zhí

noun (worth in exchange for [sth])

I'll trade it for an object of equal value.

值 zhí

noun (denomination) (数据)

Unfortunately, this database contains null values for the Employee ID.

值 zhí

noun (mainly US (tonal value: relative light or dark) (颜色明暗度)

Black is the darkest value, white is the lightest.

价值观 jià zhí guān

plural noun (beliefs, principles)

It's important to find a partner who has values similar to yours.

重视 zhòng shì

transitive verb (consider the importance of)

Our company values its people.

给…估价 gěi … gū jià

transitive verb (appraise, give a price)

The appraiser is going to value the house.

意义 yì yì

noun (meaning)

We all look for concepts with value.

估价 gū jià

noun (valuation)

The appraiser gave it a value of four thousand euros.

绝对值 jué duì zhí

noun (numerical value of a number)

The absolute value of -4 is 4.

增值 zēng zhí

(enhance, make more expensive)

Nice landscaping will add value to your home.


adverb (figurative (for its apparent worth)

You can't take what she says at face value: she always has an agenda.

账面价值 zhàng miàn jià zhí

noun (business: net worth)

Buying that car at far less than book value was a great bargain.

热量 rè liàng

noun (number of calories)

Chocolate can be unhealthy as it has a high calorific value.

账面价值 zhàng miàn jià zhí

noun (business: net worth) (商业:净值)

货币价值 huò bì jià zhí

noun (value of life insurance)

估计…的价值 gū jì … de jià zhí

transitive verb (guess monetary worth of)

交换价值 jiāo huàn jià zhí

noun (currency: comparative worth)

票面价值,面值 piào miàn jià zhí,miàn zhí

noun (monetary worth as printed) (钞票)

Banks will only cash notes for their face value.


noun (business: price) (商业)

If you're selling your home, you will probably want to receive the fair market value for it.


noun (free market worth)

贬值 biǎn zhí

noun (decrease in worth)

The pound has suffered another fall in value against the dollar.


noun (well worth the price)

巨大的价值 jù dà de jià zhí

noun (well worth the money)

At £4 each, the tickets are great value as they allow unlimited bus travel throughout the day.

市值 shì zhí

noun (commercial worth)

The market value's $100, but as you're family I'll sell it to you for $50.

净值 jìng zhí

noun (value after tax)

名义价值,票面价值,面值 míng yì jià zhí,piào miàn jià zhí,miàn zhí

noun (amount a share is worth initially) (股票)

给…估价 gěi … gū jià

verbal expression (estimate monetary worth of)

We asked an estate agent to place a value on our house.

为…定价 wèi dìng jià

verbal expression (estimate the worth of)

You cannot place a value on good health.

现值 xiàn zhí

noun (current monetary worth)

The present value of many homes has dropped considerably during the housing bust.


noun (financial worth of real estate)

The financial crisis caused property values to drop dramatically.


noun (nutrient: healthy amount per day)

The recommended daily value of dietary fiber is 25 to 35 grams.

零售价 líng shòu jià

noun (amount [sth] is worth in shops)


noun (what [sth] is worth for recycling or reuse)

感情价值 gǎn qíng jià zhí

noun (personal, emotional significance)

No, my jacket's not worth much, but it holds a lot of sentimental value. I kept all his letters for their sentimental value.

附加价值 fù jiā jià zhí

noun ([sth] that increases price)


noun (business: series of activities that add value to final product) (指商业)

合算,划算 hé suàn

noun (good quality at cheap price)

The holiday was great value for money.

价值判断 jià zhí pàn duàn

noun (subjective evaluation)

She's always making value judgements on things she knows nothing about.

价值体系 jià zhí tǐ xì

noun (moral code, ethos)

A group's value system determines what is acceptable behavior for its members.

增值税 zēng zhí shuì

noun (tax added at each step of production)

Value added tax has just gone back up to 17.5%.

增值税 zēng zhí shuì

noun (abbreviation (value-added tax)

James calculated the VAT and added it to his invoice.

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value 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。