英语 中的 due to 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 due to 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 due to 的说明。

英语 中的due to 表示到期的 dào qī de, 约定的 yuē dìng de, 到期该做…的, 预计做, 预定应到的 yù dìng yìng dào de, 因为 yīn wèi, 因为 yīn wèi, 应得 yīng dé, 应该得到…的, 适当的 shì dàng de, 到预产期的, 预期妊娠的,预产的 yù chǎn de, 正对着(某个方向)地 zhèng duì zhe mǒu gè fāng xiàng de, 订阅费, 应付款 yìng fu kuǎn, 该赞扬还得赞扬,这点还是要承认, 欠款金额,应付金额, 支付日 zhī fù rì, 截止日期 jié zhǐ rì qī, 预产期 yù chǎn qī, 尽职调查, 合理步骤,合理措施, 尽职调查, 应该得到, 应付款的 yīng fù kuǎn de, 向正北方 xiàng zhèng běi fāng, 正北 zhèng běi, 待发售的,计划发售的, 法定诉讼程序 fǎ dìng sù sòng chéng xù, 标准程序 biāo zhǔn chéng xù, 到期 dào qī, 获得应得的回报, 自作自受, 在适当的时候 zài shì dàng de shí hòu, 在一定的时候, 正式地 zhèng shì de, 最终 zuì zhōng, 过期的 guò qī de, 过期帐款,逾期账款, 过期票据 guò qī piào jù, 无意冒犯 wú yì mào fàn, 恕我直言 shù wǒ zhí yán。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 due to 的含义

到期的 dào qī de

adjective (needs to be paid, submitted, etc.)

This electric bill is due by the end of the month. Your dissertation is due by December 9.

约定的 yuē dìng de

adjective (scheduled to happen)

The gas safety check is due next Monday.


adjective (scheduled to undergo [sth])

The car is due to get its oil changed.


(expected, supposed to do [sth])

The minister is due to meet with his French counterpart this afternoon to discuss the current economic crisis.

预定应到的 yù dìng yìng dào de

adjective (expected)

He was due home by six o'clock that evening.

因为 yīn wèi

preposition (caused by, because of)

The game was delayed due to bad weather.

因为 yīn wèi

(owing to, because of [sth])

His success is due to his careful attention to detail.

应得 yīng dé

adjective (owed [sth])

Jack's due £300 rent from the lodger.


(in need of [sth])

I'm due for a vacation!

适当的 shì dàng de

adjective (appropriate)

Please give due attention to the rules and guidelines.


adjective (expected to be born)

The baby is due at the end of this month.

预期妊娠的,预产的 yù chǎn de

adjective (informal (expected to give birth)

She is due at the end of July.

正对着(某个方向)地 zhèng duì zhe mǒu gè fāng xiàng de

adverb (exactly)

The farm is due south of here.


plural noun (subscription fee)

His monthly dues to the club are more than $200.

应付款 yìng fu kuǎn

noun (sum of money owed)

The amount due is $45.


expression (expressing reluctant praise)

She wasn't the nicest boss, but credit where it's due, she did increase profits.


noun (amount owed)

支付日 zhī fù rì

noun (deadline for payment)

The due date for the electric bill is 25th March.

截止日期 jié zhǐ rì qī

noun (deadline for work)

The due date for delivering the finished project is 3 November. The due date for your essays is 10 May.

预产期 yù chǎn qī

noun (expected date of birth)

Your due date is 24 weeks from today.


noun (type of investment audit)

Due diligence is an audit of a planned financial investment.


noun (law: reasonable steps) (法律)

The caterers needed to prove due diligence in ensuring the safety of their food.


noun (careful evaluation)


(deserving or expecting)

Jim really is due for a raise soon.

应付款的 yīng fù kuǎn de

expression (to be paid now)

Your insurance premium for this month is now due for payment.

向正北方 xiàng zhèng běi fāng

adverb (towards the north)

Get on the highway and head due North.

正北 zhèng běi

noun (compass point: north)

A compass needle doesn't point to due north: it points to magnetic north.


adjective (scheduled for release)

The new edition of the magazine is due out next week.

法定诉讼程序 fǎ dìng sù sòng chéng xù

noun (legal proceedings)

If arrested, you have the right to due process.

标准程序 biāo zhǔn chéng xù

noun (standard procedure)

到期 dào qī

verbal expression (payment, etc.: become due)


verbal expression (get [sth] you are entitled to)

Fiona finally got her due when they raised her salary.


verbal expression (slang (be punished)

Simon got his due after the mafia finally found him.

在适当的时候 zài shì dàng de shí hòu

adverb (in normal run of events)

You'll receive your promotion in due course: first you have to prove yourself.


adverb (after expected time) (预计之中)

The effects of the drug will wear off in due course.

正式地 zhèng shì de

adverb (correctly, properly)

最终 zuì zhōng

adverb (eventually)

In due time, we will put all this behind us.

过期的 guò qī de

adjective (payment: overdue, late)

Services will be reconnected when the past-due payment has been paid.


noun (unpaid debt)

The past-due account will be reported to all national credit bureaus.

过期票据 guò qī piào jù

noun (notice of late payment)

There was a mountain of past-due bills on the desk.

无意冒犯 wú yì mào fàn

adverb (despite my regard for you)

With all due respect, I couldn't disagree more.

恕我直言 shù wǒ zhí yán

adverb (with deserved esteem)

With due respect I have a different opinion.

让我们学习 英语

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。