英语 中的 weather 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 weather 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 weather 的说明。

英语 中的weather 表示天气 tiān qì, 暴风雨 bào fēng yǔ, 经受住, 平安渡过, 使…风化 shǐ fēng huà, 暴露在空气中 bào lù zài kōng qì zhōng, 天气的 tiān qì de, 适合各种天气的 shì hé gè zhǒng tiān qì de, 天气转坏 tiān qì zhuǎn huài, 坏天气 huài tiān qì, 平静无风的天气 píng jìng wú fēng de tiān qì, 寒冷的天气 hán lěng de tiān qì, 寒冷天气的, 好天气情况下使用的, 限于好天气的,只适合好天气的, 不可共患难的, 酒肉朋友, 恶劣的天气 è liè de tiān qì, 严寒天气 yán hán tiān qì, 好天气 hǎo tiān qì, 热天 rè tiān, 潮湿的天气 cháo shī de tiān qì, 温和气候 wēn hé qì hòu, 雨天 yǔ tiān, 恶劣的天气 è liè de tiān qì, 观察员 guān chá yuán, 晴天 qíng tiān, 不舒服 bù shū fú, 温暖的气候 wēn nuǎn de qì hòu, 气象气球, 气象局 qì xiàng jú, 气象图 qì xiàng tú, 气象预报 qì xiàng yù bào, 天气预报 tiān qì yù bào, 气象预报者, 天气预报播报员 tiān qì yù bào bō bào yuán, 气象图 qì xiàng tú, 气候模式, 天气节目主持人, 气象报告 qì xiàng bào gào, 气象站 qì xiàng zhàn, 渡过难关 dù guò nán guān, 风向标 fēng xiàng biāo, 善于预测天气的, 善于预测舆论的, 就天气来说,就天气而言, 自然损耗(剥蚀)的 zì rán sǔn hào bō shí de, 女气象播报员, 挡风雨条, 防水衬条, 潮湿的天气 cháo shī de tiān qì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 weather 的含义

天气 tiān qì

noun (climatic conditions)

The weather is nice today. This region has very changeable weather.

暴风雨 bào fēng yǔ

noun (storm, harsh climate conditions)

There was some weather earlier this week.

经受住, 平安渡过

transitive verb (endure, resist) (风雨、困难等)

Our boat was able to weather the storm.

使…风化 shǐ fēng huà

transitive verb (erode due to exposure)

Over millennia, temperature changes had weathered the rocks.

暴露在空气中 bào lù zài kōng qì zhōng

intransitive verb (deteriorate due to exposure)

These boards will weather if you don't stain them.

天气的 tiān qì de

noun as adjective (of weather)

We're waiting for the weather report.

适合各种天气的 shì hé gè zhǒng tiān qì de

adjective (for all weather conditions)

This winter I purchased 4 new all-weather tires for my car.

天气转坏 tiān qì zhuǎn huài

noun (change to unpleasant weather)

The meteorologists are predicting a bad turn in the weather this weekend.

坏天气 huài tiān qì

noun (unpleasant weather conditions)

The bad weather prevented us from going fishing.

平静无风的天气 píng jìng wú fēng de tiān qì

noun (mild conditions)

Let's wait for a day with calm weather to canoe across the lake.

寒冷的天气 hán lěng de tiān qì

noun (chilly conditions)

We are going north, so prepare for cold weather!


noun as adjective (for chilly conditions)


noun as adjective (for use in good weather)


noun as adjective (cyclist, etc: only in good weather) (户外骑行等)


noun as adjective (figurative (unreliable in difficulty)


noun (when situation is unproblematic)

恶劣的天气 è liè de tiān qì

noun (bad weather conditions)

We had to stay home because of the foul weather.

严寒天气 yán hán tiān qì

noun (sub-zero temperatures)

好天气 hǎo tiān qì

noun (pleasant weather conditions)

It was good weather for ducks -- rain all day!

热天 rè tiān

noun (with high temperatures)

During hot weather, I always dry the washing out of doors.

潮湿的天气 cháo shī de tiān qì

noun (hot, damp weather conditions)

温和气候 wēn hé qì hòu

noun (less harsh climate conditions)

I'm looking forward to Spring when we should get milder weather. The storm brought milder weather in its wake.

雨天 yǔ tiān

noun (frequent or heavy rainfall)

Sometimes when we have rainy weather in the spring, we experience flooding.

恶劣的天气 è liè de tiān qì

noun (stormy or windy conditions)

They're predicting rough weather so I think we'd better not go sailing today.

观察员 guān chá yuán

noun ([sb] assigned to watch for [sth])

April got an internship as a weather spotter, and she learned a lot about storms.

晴天 qíng tiān

noun (climate of sunshine)

Nothing is comparable to the sunny weather of Southern France.

不舒服 bù shū fú

adjective (figurative, informal (unwell)

I didn't go to work today because I was feeling under the weather.

温暖的气候 wēn nuǎn de qì hòu

noun (mild climate, period of high temperatures)

The Sonoran Desert is known for its warm weather during most of the year.



气象局 qì xiàng jú

noun (meteorological office)

The national weather bureau keeps records on snowfall going back over a hundred years.

气象图 qì xiàng tú

noun (diagram to illustrate weather forecast)

气象预报 qì xiàng yù bào

noun (meteorological prediction)

The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow.

天气预报 tiān qì yù bào

noun (broadcast prediction of the weather)

The weather forecast follows the news at 7pm.


noun (meteorologist)

天气预报播报员 tiān qì yù bào bō bào yuán

noun (on TV, radio, etc.)

The weather forecaster is nearly always wrong, so bring your umbrella.

气象图 qì xiàng tú

noun (diagram to illustrate weather forecast)

The weather map showed a storm coming in from the east.


plural noun (meteorological trends)


noun (weather forecaster on TV)

气象报告 qì xiàng bào gào

noun (broadcast prediction of the weather)

The weather reports all say the hurricane will strike to the east.

气象站 qì xiàng zhàn

noun (meteorological facility)

Weather stations are located throughout the state to verify weather conditions.

渡过难关 dù guò nán guān

verbal expression (figurative (endure tough experience) (比喻)

The entire world is weathering the storm of the financial crisis.

风向标 fēng xiàng biāo

noun (wind-direction indicator)

The weathervane showed that the wind was blowing to the east.


adjective (skillful in predicting the weather)


adjective (figurative (skillful in predicting opinions)


adverb (as far as the weather is concerned)

Weather-wise, it looks as though we are in for a gorgeous weekend.

自然损耗(剥蚀)的 zì rán sǔn hào bō shí de

adjective (damaged by the elements)

The old sailor's weatherbeaten face was covered in wrinkles.


noun (informal (female weather presenter on TV)

挡风雨条, 防水衬条

noun (seal for a window) (门窗等的)

潮湿的天气 cháo shī de tiān qì

noun (period of rain)

This summer has been bad, nothing but wet weather almost every day.

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weather 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。