英语 中的 bill 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bill 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bill 的说明。

英语 中的bill 表示纸币 zhǐ bì, 账单 zhàng dān, (餐厅等的)账单 cān tīng děng de zhàng dān, 开账单 kāi zhàng dān, 给某人开某物的账单, 要求某人为某事付...(钱), 清单 qīng dān, 广告 guǎng gào, 议案,法案 yì àn,fǎ àn, (影院的)海报 yǐng yuàn de hǎi bào, 喙,嘴 huì,zuǐ, 钩镰枪, 帽舌 mào shé, 宣传 xuān chuán, 比尔, 转让或抵押契约,卖契, 钞票 chāo piào, 期票 qī piào, 收账人 shōu zhàng rén, 汇票 huì piào, 菜单,菜谱 cài dān ,cài pǔ, 节目单 jié mù dān, 货品清单,货物清单, 虚假陈述,虚假声明, 健康证明 jiàn kāng zhèng míng, 提单, 材料清单, 工程量清单, 人权法案 rén quán fǎ àn, 人权条例 rén quán tiáo lì, 销售凭证 xiāo shòu píng zhèng, 健康证明 jiàn kāng zhèng míng, 合格证明, 美元钞票, 连场电影 lián chǎng diàn yǐng, 刚好符合要求, 五美金 wǔ měi jīn, 付帐 fù zhàng, 百元钞票 bǎi yuán chāo piào, 细账 xì zhàng, 医疗帐单,医疗费用,医疗费, 警察 jǐng chá, 警察 jǐng chá, 过期票据 guò qī piào jù, 付账 fù zhàng, 电话账单, 十元美钞 shí yuán měi chāo, 二十美元的钞票 èr shí měi yuán de chāo piào, 水电费账单,公共事业费账单。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bill 的含义

纸币 zhǐ bì

noun (US (paper money, banknote)

I have three twenty-dollar bills.

账单 zhàng dān

noun (invoice)

I received the electricity bill in the mail yesterday.

(餐厅等的)账单 cān tīng děng de zhàng dān

noun (UK (restaurant, hotel: amount owed)

Waiter, could you please bring me the bill?

开账单 kāi zhàng dān

transitive verb (charge)

They will bill you later.


transitive verb (charge)

I can't believe the hospital billed me ten thousand dollars.



The lawyer billed him three hundred dollars for the service.

清单 qīng dān

noun (list)

The bill of charges and expenses itemized all project spending.

广告 guǎng gào

noun (poster)

The circus posted bills announcing its arrival in the town.

议案,法案 yì àn,fǎ àn

noun (proposed legislation) (法律)

The Bill was approved by Congress and is going before the President.

(影院的)海报 yǐng yuàn de hǎi bào

noun (mainly US (cinema schedule)

The bill states that there are two showings of the film today.

喙,嘴 huì,zuǐ

noun (beak of a waterbird) (鸭子、鸟等的)

The duck caught a fish in its bill.


noun (medieval weapon) (中世纪武器)

Two angry-looking guards holding bills stood next to the gate.

帽舌 mào shé

noun (US (visor of a cap)

Bob wore a baseball cap with a frayed bill.

宣传 xuān chuán

transitive verb (advertise)

The band was billed as the next Beatles.


noun (male given name) (男子名)


noun (written, initialism (bill of sale)

钞票 chāo piào

noun (US (paper money)

The teller counted out the banknotes and handed them to me.

期票 qī piào

noun (UK (finance: promissory note)

收账人 shōu zhàng rén

noun (person: collects debts)

汇票 huì piào

noun (order for payment)

The exporter sent a bill of exchange for the value of the goods.

菜单,菜谱 cài dān ,cài pǔ

noun (menu)

The bill of fare at the hotel was pretty poor.

节目单 jié mù dān

noun (figurative (program of events)

So, what's the bill of fare at this conference?


noun (US (consignment, order, shipment)


noun (US, informal (false claims)

健康证明 jiàn kāng zhèng míng

noun (certificate on ship) (船上)


noun (shipment list)

The bill of lading listed all the contents of the shipment.


noun (manufacturing: list of parts)


noun (building: parts and labor) (建筑业)

人权法案 rén quán fǎ àn

noun (US (US Constitution) (前十条美国宪法修正案的总称)

I know freedom of speech is in the Bill of Rights, but I can't remember which amendment covers it.

人权条例 rén quán tiáo lì

noun (list of human rights)

The general idea of the "taxpayers' bill of rights" seems to be that taxes are evil.

销售凭证 xiāo shòu píng zhèng

noun (receipt)

The dealership gave me a bill of sale when I bought a car.

健康证明 jiàn kāng zhèng míng

noun (medicine: [sb] is healthy)

The doctor has given me a clean bill of health.


noun (figurative (confirmation: [sth] is ok)

It's good to see the building project has a clean bill of health.


noun (US, Can (1$ banknote)

There was a pile of dollar bills on the table.

连场电影 lián chǎng diàn yǐng

noun (presentation: two films)

I can't remember the last time I saw a double bill at a cinema.


verbal expression (exactly what's needed)

五美金 wǔ měi jīn

noun (US, Can (banknote: $5)

I paid for my lunch with a five-dollar bill.

付帐 fù zhàng

intransitive verb (pay the costs)

The Insurance company refused my claim, so I had to foot the bill for repairs myself.

百元钞票 bǎi yuán chāo piào

noun (US (bank note worth $100)

Jake had trouble spending his hundred-dollar bill, since none of the cashiers would give him change for it.

细账 xì zhàng

noun (invoice giving detailed breakdown of costs)

When you check out of a hotel they usually give you an itemised bill.


noun (invoice for healthcare received)

His hospital stay was short, but the medical bill was very long.

警察 jǐng chá

noun (UK, dated, slang (police)

警察 jǐng chá

noun (UK, slang (police)

过期票据 guò qī piào jù

noun (notice of late payment)

There was a mountain of past-due bills on the desk.

付账 fù zhàng

verbal expression (pay costs incurred)

I asked the waiter if I could pay the bill.


noun (invoice for phone use)

十元美钞 shí yuán měi chāo

noun (US (note worth 10 dollars)

When I was a child, I always got a brand new ten-dollar bill for my birthday.

二十美元的钞票 èr shí měi yuán de chāo piào

noun (US (bank note worth 20 dollars)

Wow, would you look at that, I just found a twenty-dollar bill on the ground!


noun (invoice for water or electricity, etc.)

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bill 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。