英语 中的 framed 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 framed 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 framed 的说明。

英语 中的framed 表示有架框的, 遭诬陷的,被构陷的, 被诬陷做某事, 相框 xiàng kuàng, 屋架 wū jià, 给…装镜框,将…放入镜框 gěi zhuāng jìng kuàng, 给…设框 gěi … shè kuàng, 陷害 xiàn hài, 设圈套陷害, 边缘 biān yuán, 体型,骨架 tǐ xíng,gǔ jià, 帧 zhēn, 一轮游戏 yì lún yóu xì, 一局,一轮 yì jú,yì lún, 框架 kuàng jià, 体制 tǐ zhì, 画面 huà miàn, 使用框架结构建造的 shǐ yòng kuàng jià jié gòu jiàn zào de, 眼镜框 yǎn jìng kuàng, 框住 kuàng zhù, 表达 biǎo dá, 搭起…的构架 dā qǐ de gòu jià, 把…框入 bǎ kuàng rù, 木构架的,木构的, 木构架可见的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 framed 的含义


adjective (picture: put in frame) (图画)

I gave my mother a framed picture of us.


adjective (figurative, slang (falsely incriminated)

The framed man sat in prison for a crime he never committed.


verbal expression (figurative, slang (be falsely incriminated)

The woman was framed for the robbery.

相框 xiàng kuàng

noun (photo)

We need a large frame to put this photo in.

屋架 wū jià

noun (rigid structure)

The workers finished the frame of the building first.

给…装镜框,将…放入镜框 gěi zhuāng jìng kuàng

transitive verb (photo: put in frame) (照片)

Let's frame this photo and put it on the wall.

给…设框 gěi … shè kuàng

transitive verb (apply a border)

I would like to frame the orchard with rows of daffodils.

陷害 xiàn hài

transitive verb (slang (trick, incriminate)

The police framed me, I tell you! I didn't do it!


transitive verb (slang (trick, incriminate)

Hall claimed that his former business partner had framed him for the crime.

边缘 biān yuán

noun (border)

The lawn was surrounded by a frame of flower borders.

体型,骨架 tǐ xíng,gǔ jià

noun (human body stature) (人)

He's not fat, but he has a big frame.

帧 zhēn

noun (individual exposure of motion picture) (电影)

The first frames of the film are damaged.

一轮游戏 yì lún yóu xì

noun (snooker) (台球)

I would love to play a frame with him - he's a former snooker champion.

一局,一轮 yì jú,yì lún

noun (bowling) (保龄球)

She hit a strike in the third frame.

框架 kuàng jià

noun (US (outline)

This is a frame for the report - can you fill in the relevant information?

体制 tǐ zhì

noun (overall structure)

This manifesto challenges the frame of our society.

画面 huà miàn

noun (TV, film: shot) (电影、电视)

This shot is a close-up, so Julie's feet won't appear in the frame.

使用框架结构建造的 shǐ yòng kuàng jià jié gòu jiàn zào de

noun as adjective (built using a frame) (建筑)

This frame house can be built more quickly.

眼镜框 yǎn jìng kuàng

plural noun (of spectacles)

My prescription hasn't changed, but I think I'd like to get new frames anyway.

框住 kuàng zhù

transitive verb (often passive (surround)

The view of the town was framed by the mountains.

表达 biǎo dá

transitive verb (figurative (express in words)

Can you frame that concept in a more positive light?

搭起…的构架 dā qǐ de gòu jià

transitive verb (structure: put together) (建筑)

First, they framed the structure; then they built the walls.

把…框入 bǎ kuàng rù

transitive verb (US (fit into a space)

Frame that sideboard into this alcove please.


adjective (building: having a wooden frame)


adjective (building: having exposed timbers) (建筑)

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framed 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。