英语 中的 fresh 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fresh 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fresh 的说明。

英语 中的fresh 表示新鲜的,非罐装的,非冷藏的 xīn xiān de ,fēi guàn zhuāng de ,fēi lěng cáng de, 淡水的 dàn shuǐ de, 最新的 zuì xīn de, 新鲜的,未变质的 xīn xiān de ,wèi biàn zhì de, 清新的,新鲜的 qīng xīn de,xīn xiān de, 额外的 é wài de, 独创性的 dú chuàng xìng de, 新近 xīn jìn, fresh-(前缀), 干净的 gān jìng de, 精力充沛的,精神的 jīng lì chōng pèi de ,jīng shén de, 鲁莽的,无礼的 lǔ mǎng de ,wú lǐ de, 令人耳目一新的创意,使人耳目一新的东西 lìng rén ěr mù yì xīn de chuàng yì,shǐ rén ěr mù yì xīn de dōng xī, 农场直销的, 新鲜空气,清新的空气 xīn xiān kōng qì,qīng xīn de kōng qì, 沉着冷静的,镇定自若的 chén zhuó lěng jìng de,zhèn dìng zì ruò de, 朝气勃勃的 cháo qì bó bó de, 清新的微风 qīng xīn de wēi fēng, 新鲜食品 xīn xiān shí pǐn, 新鲜水果 xīn xiān shuǐ guǒ, 新观点,新看法, 新人 xīn rén, 刚刚用完的,刚刚脱销的 gāng gāng yòng wán de,gāng gāng tuō xiāo de, 重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ, 新鲜蔬菜 xīn xiān shū cài, 淡水 dàn shuǐ, (吹进)一股清新的风 chuī jìn yì gǔ qīng xīn de fēng, 气色好的 qì sè hǎo de, 毛手毛脚,举止放肆无礼 máo shǒu máo jiǎo,jǔ zhǐ fàng sì wú lǐ, 使保持新鲜, 保持新鲜 bǎo chí xīn xiān, 重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fresh 的含义

新鲜的,非罐装的,非冷藏的 xīn xiān de ,fēi guàn zhuāng de ,fēi lěng cáng de

adjective (food: not preserved) (食物)

Do you have any fresh fish? I only see frozen fish here.

淡水的 dàn shuǐ de

adjective (water: not salty)

This fish tank is full of fresh water, not salt water.

最新的 zuì xīn de

adjective (recently obtained)

I have fresh news about the merger.

新鲜的,未变质的 xīn xiān de ,wèi biàn zhì de

adjective (new, not stale) (食物)

Is that bread fresh or stale?

清新的,新鲜的 qīng xīn de,xīn xiān de

adjective (air: not stagnant) (空气)

Let's open a window to get some fresh air in here.

额外的 é wài de

adjective (additional)

The building received fresh supplies of toilet paper yesterday.

独创性的 dú chuàng xìng de

adjective (original)

His book offered a fresh perspective on the issue.

新近 xīn jìn

adverb (recently)

These muffins are baked fresh.


adverb (as prefix (freshly: newly)

Diane brought me a bunch of fresh-cut flowers from her garden.

干净的 gān jìng de

adjective (person: bright)

He had a fresh look to him.

精力充沛的,精神的 jīng lì chōng pèi de ,jīng shén de

adjective (person: alert) (人)

Though he was tired, he felt fresh after taking a shower.

鲁莽的,无礼的 lǔ mǎng de ,wú lǐ de

adjective (colloquial (person: impudent) (口语)

Don't you get fresh with me, boy!

令人耳目一新的创意,使人耳目一新的东西 lìng rén ěr mù yì xīn de chuàng yì,shǐ rén ěr mù yì xīn de dōng xī

noun (figurative ([sth] new)

The new manager came as a breath of fresh air.


adjective (food: direct from the producer)

These eggs are farm fresh.

新鲜空气,清新的空气 xīn xiān kōng qì,qīng xīn de kōng qì

noun (clean, outdoor air) (室外的)

沉着冷静的,镇定自若的 chén zhuó lěng jìng de,zhèn dìng zì ruò de

adjective (informal (calm and relaxed)

朝气勃勃的 cháo qì bó bó de

adjective (vibrant, full of energy)

清新的微风 qīng xīn de wēi fēng

noun (pleasantly cool and gentle wind)

新鲜食品 xīn xiān shí pǐn

noun (unprocessed food produce)

新鲜水果 xīn xiān shuǐ guǒ

noun (fruit: not processed, cooked)

We bought fresh fruit every day at the market.


noun (new perspective)

The exhibition offers a fresh look at Danish design.

新人 xīn rén

noun (figurative, uncountable (naive person: potential new victim)

刚刚用完的,刚刚脱销的 gāng gāng yòng wán de,gāng gāng tuō xiāo de

adjective (informal (newly short of [sth]) (非正式用语)

I was going to have a bowl of cereal but we're fresh out of milk.

重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ

noun (chance to begin anew)

The child was moved to a different school to give him a fresh start.

新鲜蔬菜 xīn xiān shū cài

plural noun (vegetables that are freshly grown and unprocessed)

In summer, we eat lots of fresh vegetables from our garden.

淡水 dàn shuǐ

noun (water that is not salty)

I only swim in fresh water. Perch is strictly a freshwater fish.

(吹进)一股清新的风 chuī jìn yì gǔ qīng xīn de fēng

noun (positive change) (比喻积极的改变)

气色好的 qì sè hǎo de

adjective (youthful, healthy skin)

毛手毛脚,举止放肆无礼 máo shǒu máo jiǎo,jǔ zhǐ fàng sì wú lǐ

verbal expression (slang (be sexually forward or cheeky) (俚语)

You can start dating now, but no getting fresh with the boys!


(food: stop going stale)

Packaging needs to keep the food fresh for as long as possible.

保持新鲜 bǎo chí xīn xiān

(informal (food: not go stale)

Bananas will keep fresh in the freezer for up to three months.

重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ

verbal expression (begin anew)

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fresh 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。