英语 中的 hearing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 hearing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 hearing 的说明。

英语 中的hearing 表示听力 tīng lì, 听证会 tīng zhèng huì, 听力所及范围内,能听到的范围内, 能够听到声音的,听力未失灵的, 听证会 tīng zhèng huì, 听见 tīng jiàn, 听到 tīng dào, 听 tīng, 听说,得知 tīng shuō ,dé zhī, 听 tīng, 听取 tīng qǔ, 听啊 tīng ā / tīng a, 倾听 qīng tīng, 听 tīng, 出席 chū xí, 明白 míng bái, 听到(某人的祈祷等), 好听力 hǎo tīng lì, 听力不佳 tīng lì bù jiā, 听障者, 助听器 zhù tīng qì, 助听器(方面的)专家 zhù tīng qì fāng miàn de zhuān jiā, 导聋犬, 听力受损的 tīng lì shòu sǔn de, 听障者, 听力损伤 tīng lì sǔn shāng, 听力丧失 tīng lì sàng shī, 期待收到您的回复, 受损的听力 shòu sǔn de tīng lì, 听力丧失 tīng lì sàng shī, 预审 yù shěn, 公开听证,公开审理, 听觉 tīng jué, 在听力所及范围内 zài tīng lì suǒ jí fàn wéi nèi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 hearing 的含义

听力 tīng lì

noun (ability to hear)

Tom's hearing was starting to get worse in his old age.

听证会 tīng zhèng huì

noun (to state your side)

The suspect was brought into a hearing.


noun (earshot)

Jim was within hearing when he insulted his boss to his coworker, and lost his job.


adjective (able to hear)

The deaf student played together with her hearing classmates.

听证会 tīng zhèng huì

noun (government)

The senator spoke at the hearing.

听见 tīng jiàn

transitive verb (sound: perceive)

He heard a crash in the kitchen and went to see what had happened.

听到 tīng dào

transitive verb (detect sound of) (微弱的声音)

Can you hear the train whistle? // I didn't hear you come home last night.

听 tīng

intransitive verb (sound: be able to perceive)

She can no longer hear well and is becoming deaf.

听说,得知 tīng shuō ,dé zhī

transitive verb (information: receive) (消息)

Did you hear that Mr. Johnson has died?

听 tīng

transitive verb (be in audience) (音乐会等)

We went to hear the concert in the park.

听取 tīng qǔ

transitive verb (consider officially)

The court will hear his testimony on Tuesday.

听啊 tīng ā / tīng a

interjection (UK (imperative: endorse) (表示赞同某人的话,常用于短语“Hear, hear")

The Members of Parliament cried, "Hear, hear!"

倾听 qīng tīng

intransitive verb (formal (listen with favor)

The manager will hear with sympathy, if you present your argument calmly.

听 tīng

transitive verb (listen)

Will you please hear what I have to say?

出席 chū xí

transitive verb (mass: attend)

We hear Mass every Sunday morning.

明白 míng bái

transitive verb (informal (understand)

I hear you, but I don't agree.


transitive verb (listen with favor)

Pray for forgiveness and the Lord will hear you.

好听力 hǎo tīng lì

noun (ability to hear clearly)

My grandmother does not have good hearing so you need to speak clearly to her.

听力不佳 tīng lì bù jiā

adjective (partially deaf)

My grandfather is hard of hearing, so don't bother talking to him from across the room.


plural noun (invariable (partially-deaf people)

Subtitles are provided for the deaf and hard of hearing.

助听器 zhù tīng qì

noun (device worn by the hard of hearing)

She's growing deaf, but refuses to wear a hearing aid.

助听器(方面的)专家 zhù tīng qì fāng miàn de zhuān jiā

noun (expert in devices for the hard of hearing)


noun (canine: assists a deaf person)

听力受损的 tīng lì shòu sǔn de

adjective (potentially offensive (partially deaf)

Her parents were hearing impaired, and so she learned language from birth.


plural noun (partially deaf)

The film has subtitles for the hearing impaired.

听力损伤 tīng lì sǔn shāng

noun (partial deafness)

I'm sorry to say that a hearing aid won't be of use with your type of hearing impairment.

听力丧失 tīng lì sàng shī

noun (diminished ability to hear)

As a result of the explosion he suffered hearing loss.


expression (written, slightly formal (application, request: signing off) (申请、请求:落款,书面)

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

受损的听力 shòu sǔn de tīng lì

noun (partial deafness)

He suffered from impaired hearing following the explosion.

听力丧失 tīng lì sàng shī

noun (partial or total deafness)

Many people experience loss of hearing as they grow older.

预审 yù shěn

noun (initial court session) (司法程序)

The defendant brought two attorneys to the preliminary hearing.


noun (law: open to community)

听觉 tīng jué

noun (ability to detect sound)

Her sense of hearing was so good she could hear a cricket from 100 yards away.

在听力所及范围内 zài tīng lì suǒ jí fàn wéi nèi

adverb (closely enough to be heard)

She insulted me in a loud enough voice that everyone within hearing range turned to look.

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hearing 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。