英语 中的 higher 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 higher 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 higher 的说明。

英语 中的higher 表示更高的,较高的 gèng gāo de ,jiào gāo de, 高等的,高等教育的 gāo děng de ,gāo děng jiào yù de, 更高尚的,更崇高的 gèng gāo shàng de ,gèng chóng gāo de, 上级的 shàng jí de, 更高, 更高, 更高, 高的 gāo de, 高的 gāo de, 高的,大的 gāo de ,dà de, 高档 gāo dǎng, 非常兴奋的,神魂颠倒的 shén hún diān dǎo de, 感觉飘飘然的,感觉很嗨的, 陶醉 táo zuì, 兴奋 xīng fèn, 高质量的 gāo zhì liàng de, 数量大的 shù liàng dà de, 昂贵的 áng guì de, 高尚的 gāo shàng de, 重要的 zhòng yào de, 强烈的 qiáng liè de, 高热的,高温的 gāo rè de,gāo wēn de, (踢、投)高了的,高过球门的,过高的 tī tóu gāo le de,gāo guò qiú mén de,guò gāo de, 高水平的 gāo shuǐ píng de, 音调高的 yīn diào gāo de, 最重要的 zuì zhòng yào de, 严肃的 yán sù de, 奢侈的 shē chǐ de, 亢奋的,极度兴奋的 kàng fèn de,jí dù xīng fèn de, 内陆高原的 nèi lù gāo yuán de, 极端的 jí duān de, 高性能的,高水准的 gāo xìng néng de,gāo shuǐ zhǔn de, 高的,高速档的 gāo de ,gāo sù dàng de, 高球的 gāo qiú de, 高的 gāo de, 高的,高深的 gāo de ,gāo shēn de, 高高地 gāo gāo de, 位居高职地 wèi jū gāo zhí de, 以高价 yǐ gāo jià, 高 gāo, 高中 gāo zhōng, 更高的出价 gèng gāo de chū jià, 高层官员 gāo céng guān yuán, 高等教育 gāo děng jiào yù, 更高的 gèng gāo de, 更高, 高层人物,大人物,要员 dà rén wù, 国家高等文凭,国家高级文凭。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 higher 的含义

更高的,较高的 gèng gāo de ,jiào gāo de

adjective (further up) (位置)

Put those cookies away on a higher shelf.

高等的,高等教育的 gāo děng de ,gāo děng jiào yù de

adjective (education: past secondary) (教育)

There are fewer careers in higher education these days.

更高尚的,更崇高的 gèng gāo shàng de ,gèng chóng gāo de

adjective (purpose, idea: loftier) (目的、想法等)

He felt that God was calling him to a higher purpose.

上级的 shàng jí de

adjective (superior in rank)

Is a corporal higher than a lieutenant?


adverb (further from the ground) (距离)

You can climb higher than that.


adverb (toward a superior position) (地位)

She was the office manager, but she aimed higher.


adverb (sound: pitch) (音调)

That soprano can sing higher than anyone else I have heard sing.

高的 gāo de

adjective (in height)

That wall is eight feet high.

高的 gāo de

adjective (tall)

It is a high wall.

高的,大的 gāo de ,dà de

adjective (volume: loud) (音量)

The music is too high. Turn it down!

高档 gāo dǎng

noun (setting: maximum) (装置的速度、高度、温度等的)

Put the heat on high so we can warm up faster.

非常兴奋的,神魂颠倒的 shén hún diān dǎo de

adjective (figurative, informal (intoxicated by drugs) (吸毒后)

Joe's behaviour is so weird; I think he might be high.


(figurative, informal (intoxicated by a drug) (吸毒后)

Danny was high on marijuana at the time and didn't notice anything.

陶醉 táo zuì

noun (figurative, informal (intoxication)

The high that an addict gets from cocaine does not last long.

兴奋 xīng fèn

noun (figurative, informal (elation)

No other feeling compares to the high I get from skydiving.

高质量的 gāo zhì liàng de

adjective (quality: good)

CDs have very high quality recordings.

数量大的 shù liàng dà de

adjective (quantity: lots)

The number of rats in this city is very high.

昂贵的 áng guì de

adjective (price: expensive)

The price is too high, don't you think?

高尚的 gāo shàng de

adjective (lofty)

He has high goals for his dictionary project.

重要的 zhòng yào de

adjective (important)

People usually did what the high official wanted.

强烈的 qiáng liè de

adjective (wind: strong)

The high winds blew over the tent.

高热的,高温的 gāo rè de,gāo wēn de

adjective (fever: elevated) (指热度)

Her fever was high - over a hundred and three degrees Fahrenheit.

(踢、投)高了的,高过球门的,过高的 tī tóu gāo le de,gāo guò qiú mén de,guò gāo de

adjective (sports: over) (体育运动,球)

The kick was high and went over the goal.

高水平的 gāo shuǐ píng de

adjective (advanced)

He communicated easily because of his high level of Spanish.

音调高的 yīn diào gāo de

adjective (music: above desired pitch)

That piano is high; you should have it tuned.

最重要的 zuì zhòng yào de

adjective (principal)

He was the High Commissioner of Jamaica.

严肃的 yán sù de

adjective (grave, serious)

The traitor was convicted of high treason.

奢侈的 shē chǐ de

adjective (extravagant)

After winning the lottery, they lived the high life till they ran out of money.

亢奋的,极度兴奋的 kàng fèn de,jí dù xīng fèn de

adjective (UK, informal (intoxicated) (口语)

This music makes me feel really high.

内陆高原的 nèi lù gāo yuán de

adjective (remote)

I often used to walk on the high plains.

极端的 jí duān de

adjective (of extreme opinions)

We suspect the vicar of having high church leanings.

高性能的,高水准的 gāo xìng néng de,gāo shuǐ zhǔn de

adjective (automotive: performance) (指汽车)

This is a really high performance car.

高的,高速档的 gāo de ,gāo sù dàng de

adjective (gear ratio) (变速档)

Many sports cars are geared high to make them faster.

高球的 gāo qiú de

adjective (baseball: pitch above the chest) (棒球术语)

The high pitch was above the strike zone.

高的 gāo de

adjective (cards) (纸牌术语,指分值等)

When we play, ace is high.

高的,高深的 gāo de ,gāo shēn de

adjective (level: elevated) (水平、层次等)

Kevin's chess-playing skills reached a high level.

高高地 gāo gāo de

adverb (at a high level)

They hiked high in the mountains.

位居高职地 wèi jū gāo zhí de

adverb (with a high rank)

He rose high in the ranks of the army.

以高价 yǐ gāo jià

adverb (at a high price)

Unfortunately, she bought high, and then the stock went down.

高 gāo

adverb (to a high degree)

Her fever ran high for three days before she recovered.

高中 gāo zhōng

noun (informal (with name of school: high school)

My old school was St Thomas High.

更高的出价 gèng gāo de chū jià

noun (offer of more money)

I secured the painting at the auction because I made a higher bid than anybody else.

高层官员 gāo céng guān yuán

plural noun (top levels in a hierarchy)

高等教育 gāo děng jiào yù

noun (university, etc.)

He worked in higher education for over 40 years.

更高的 gèng gāo de

adjective (placed, located higher)


adverb (at a higher point)

高层人物,大人物,要员 dà rén wù

noun (informal (person in authority)


noun (UK, initialism (Higher National Diploma)

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higher 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。