英语 中的 beyond 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 beyond 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 beyond 的说明。

英语 中的beyond 表示在…的那一边,越过 zài … de nà yì biān,yuè guò, 超过,晚于 chāo guò ,wǎn yú, 超出…,非…所能及 chāo chū …,fēi suǒ néng jí, 超出…的范围, 除了…以外,除了 chú le yǐ wài,chú le, 越过 yuè guò, 超出…范围,不能理解… chāo chū fàn wéi,bù néng lǐ jiě, 在更远处, 远方 yuǎn fāng, 来世,来生 lái shì,lái shēng, 超出…,多于… chāo chū …,duō yú …, 超出 chāo chū, 越过 yuè guò, 看远一些 kàn yuǎn yì xiē, 超过 chāo guò, 超出职责范围, 难以理解 nán yǐ lǐ jiě, 难以置信, 无与伦比的 wú yǔ lún bǐ de, 无与伦比 wú yǔ lún bǐ, 无可比拟 wú kě bǐ nǐ, 毋庸置疑, 无疑的 wú yí de, 超乎想象的,非凡的 fēi fán de, 无可估量, 无可怀疑的 wú kě huái yí de, 够不着的 gòu bù zháo de, 够不着 gòu bù zháo, 达不到的 dá bú dào de, 没有嫌疑的 méi yǒu xián yí de, 不可接受的 bù kě jiē shòu de, 不可理解的 bù kě lǐ jiě de, 偏远地区 piān yuǎn dì qū。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 beyond 的含义

在…的那一边,越过 zài … de nà yì biān,yuè guò

preposition (further in the distance than) (空间)

Clouds were visible beyond the mountains.

超过,晚于 chāo guò ,wǎn yú

preposition (for longer than) (时间)

The hotel cannot hold reservations beyond seventy-two hours.

超出…,非…所能及 chāo chū …,fēi suǒ néng jí

preposition (more advanced than) (能力、理解力等)

The solution to your problems is beyond my field of expertise.


preposition (not subject to, not within)

The laws of gravity are beyond dispute.

除了…以外,除了 chú le yǐ wài,chú le

preposition (figurative (other than)

Beyond that, I don't know what to say.

越过 yuè guò

preposition (past)

She's changed beyond recognition from all the stress of her life.

超出…范围,不能理解… chāo chū fàn wéi,bù néng lǐ jiě

preposition (too obscure for: comprehension) (理解力)

Why she ever left him is beyond me.


adverb (farther)

She longed to go to the next village and beyond.

远方 yuǎn fāng

noun (what is distant)

The climber stood at the top of the mountain and gazed into the beyond.

来世,来生 lái shì,lái shēng

noun (the afterlife)

The dying woman hoped to meet her beloved husband again in the beyond.

超出…,多于… chāo chū …,duō yú …

preposition (amount: more than) (数量)

Nick wasn't willing to spend anything beyond twenty dollars.

超出 chāo chū

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (exceed)

To succeed, you must go beyond what the customer expects.

越过 yuè guò

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (travel further than)

She went beyond the border.

看远一些 kàn yuǎn yì xiē

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (consider more than)

Look beyond his looks; consider his personality.

超过 chāo guò

preposition (figurative (more than expected)

She always goes above and beyond what is expected of her.


expression (more than required)

He was honored for performing above and beyond the call of duty.

难以理解 nán yǐ lǐ jiě

adjective (incomprehensible)

Why Janet stayed with her cheating husband is beyond all understanding.


expression (incredible, unbelievable)

The amount of money some professional athletes earn is beyond belief.

无与伦比的 wú yǔ lún bǐ de

adjective (without comparison)

The sweetness of her voice is beyond compare.

无与伦比 wú yǔ lún bǐ

adverb (incomparably)

The countryside is lovely beyond compare.

无可比拟 wú kě bǐ nǐ

adjective (outstanding, without equal)

The beautiful scenery is beyond comparison.


adverb (undeniably)

This is beyond doubt the best song on the CD.

无疑的 wú yí de

adjective (certain)

The theory of evolution is scientifically beyond doubt.

超乎想象的,非凡的 fēi fán de

adjective (inconceivable, wild)

That film takes us to a world beyond imagination.


adverb (more than can be calculated)

无可怀疑的 wú kě huái yí de

adjective (certain)

His integrity is beyond question.

够不着的 gòu bù zháo de

adjective (inaccessible)

To avoid accidents, make sure that the appliance and its power cord are beyond reach of children.

够不着 gòu bù zháo

adverb (in an inaccessible place)

We placed a mobile above the cot, just beyond reach, so the baby had to grab at it.

达不到的 dá bú dào de

adjective (figurative (unattainable)

He proved that no dream was beyond reach if we were willing to work for it.

没有嫌疑的 méi yǒu xián yí de

adjective (no chance of being guilty)

Matt's alibi put him beyond suspicion.

不可接受的 bù kě jiē shòu de

adjective (figurative (unacceptable)

不可理解的 bù kě lǐ jiě de

adjective (impossible to comprehend)

Quantum theory was beyond Simon's understanding. What she sees in him is beyond understanding!

偏远地区 piān yuǎn dì qū

noun (figurative (very remote place)

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beyond 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。