英语 中的 course 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 course 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 course 的说明。

英语 中的course 表示前进方向 qián jìn fāng xiàng, 水道 shuǐ dào, 行进轨迹 xíng jìn guǐ jì, 发展 fā zhǎn, 课 kè, 一道菜 yí dào cài, 行动 xíng dòng, 奔流于, 沿着…流下, 砌体结构中的一排, 快速穿过 kuài sù chuān guò, 打猎 dǎ liè, 作为理所当然的事, 但当然, 改变方向,改变航向 gǎi biàn fāng xiàng,gǎi biàn háng xiàng, 标定路线 biāo dìng lù xiàn, 制定计划,设定未来目标 zhì dìng jì huà ,shè dìng wèi lái mù biāo, 教科书 jiào kē shū, 课程材料, 做法 zuò fǎ, 课程 kè chéng, 专业 zhuān yè, 强化课程, 第一道菜, 偏离方向 piān lí fāng xiàng, 出岔子, 高尔夫球场 gāo ěr fū qiú chǎng, 在适当的时候 zài shì dàng de shí hòu, 在一定的时候, 在...过程中, 在...期间, 在…过程中 zài … guò chéng zhōng, 就职课程,入门课程 rù mén kè chéng, 主菜 zhǔ cài, 大规模在线开放课程, 航程中段,中途, 航程中段的,中途的 zhōng tú de, 微型课程, 大规模在线开放课程, 障碍训练场, 困难情况, 当然地 dāng rán de, 当然 dāng rán, 当然不会, 偏离轨道地 piān lí guǐ dào de, 偏离正轨, 冲撞路线, 总是与…冲突, 在正确方向上, 按计划发展, 情况介绍课程 qíng kuàng jiè shào kè chéng, 在...之中, 意料之中的事,常有的事, 妨碍司法公正, 进修课程 jìn xiū kè chéng, 顺其自然,任其发展 shùn qí zì rán, 第二道菜, 保持正确航向, 避免出错, 继续走到尽头,坚持到底 jiān chí dào dǐ, 修一门课 xiū yì mén kè, 三道菜的, 在…的整个过程 zài … de zhěng gè guò chéng, 培训班 péi xùn bān。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 course 的含义

前进方向 qián jìn fāng xiàng

noun (direction of travel)

The captain changed the ship's course.

水道 shuǐ dào

noun (flow, path)

The river's course was straight.

行进轨迹 xíng jìn guǐ jì

noun (trajectory)

She traced the arrow's course through the air.

发展 fā zhǎn

noun (progress)

We're pleased with the course of this business.

课 kè

noun (programme of study)

Mr. Adams is teaching the course.

一道菜 yí dào cài

noun (part of a meal)

Are you ready for the next course?

行动 xíng dòng

noun (figurative (path of action)

It's hard to know which course to take in life.


(water, blood: move quickly)

The water coursed through the canals. Terrified, Neil could feel the blood coursing in his veins.


(liquids: flow down)

Tears were coursing down the cheeks of the mourners as they stood at the graveside. The waterfall coursed down the rocks into the pool below.


noun (wall: one layer of bricks) (砖、石、瓦等)

In housebuilding, bricks are laid in courses.

快速穿过 kuài sù chuān guò

transitive verb (traverse)

He coursed the wide plains, thinking of home.

打猎 dǎ liè

transitive verb (chase, hunt)

The hunters coursed the hare with their dogs.


expression (as part of normal routine)


interjection (expressing polite consent)

But of course, you're right!

改变方向,改变航向 gǎi biàn fāng xiàng,gǎi biàn háng xiàng

verbal expression (alter one's direction)

The ship changed course and headed for Durban.

标定路线 biāo dìng lù xiàn

verbal expression (plot a route) (本义)

The ship's captain asked the navigator to chart a course to shore.

制定计划,设定未来目标 zhì dìng jì huà ,shè dìng wèi lái mù biāo

verbal expression (figurative (plan [sth])

教科书 jiào kē shū

noun (textbook used for study)

The recommended course book for this semester is available at all good book shops.


noun (often plural ([sth] studied in class)

做法 zuò fǎ

noun (procedure)

The course of action chosen by her doctor was successful.

课程 kè chéng

noun (learning programme)

专业 zhuān yè

noun (US (subject: major)

I chose Classics as my course of study.


(intensive course)


noun (of a meal)

We had prawns in sauce as a first course at dinner.

偏离方向 piān lí fāng xiàng

verbal expression (stray from intended direction)


verbal expression (figurative (go awry, not progress correctly)

高尔夫球场 gāo ěr fū qiú chǎng

noun (terrain on which golf is played)

Most golf courses have 18 holes.

在适当的时候 zài shì dàng de shí hòu

adverb (in normal run of events)

You'll receive your promotion in due course: first you have to prove yourself.


adverb (after expected time) (预计之中)

The effects of the drug will wear off in due course.


expression (during a process)


expression (during a period of time)

在…过程中 zài … guò chéng zhōng

adverb (eventually)

You'll forget him in the course of time.

就职课程,入门课程 rù mén kè chéng

noun (training for new job)

主菜 zhǔ cài

noun (main dish of a meal)

For a main course, I like to choose something I wouldn't usually cook at home. After the appetizers, we will serve the main course and then dessert.


noun (MOOC: online open-access course)


noun (midpoint of flight path)

航程中段的,中途的 zhōng tú de

noun as adjective (of midpoint of flight path)


noun (short course of study)


noun (acronym (massive open online course)


noun (physical training area)


noun (figurative (situation with challenges)

当然地 dāng rán de

adverb (naturally, as might be expected)

Of course, I will need to know where you are going.

当然 dāng rán

interjection (yes, certainly)

Of course, you can go out for dinner!


interjection (emphatic: certainly not)

"Would you kiss a frog?" he asked. "Of course not!" she replied.

偏离轨道地 piān lí guǐ dào de

adverb (in the wrong direction)

By this time, we'd been sailing off course for several days.


adverb (figurative (not progressing correctly)


expression (military: about to collide) (军事)

The two ships were on a collision course, and collided.


expression (figurative (disagreeing, clashing)

His refusal to even listen to other points of view set him on a collision course with nearly everyone he met.


adverb (in the right direction)


adverb (figurative (progressing correctly)

情况介绍课程 qíng kuàng jiè shào kè chéng

noun (induction into [sth])

On the day he started work, he took an orientation course.


preposition (during, throughout)

We spend a huge amount on the car over the course of a year.


expression (figurative (what is expected)


verbal expression (influence outcome of a trial) (法律)

Her lies perverted the course of justice in the case.

进修课程 jìn xiū kè chéng

noun (lessons to review [sth] learnt)

All the cabin attendants are required to go on a customer service refresher course.

顺其自然,任其发展 shùn qí zì rán

verbal expression (disease, etc.: continue to natural end)


noun (second part of meal)


verbal expression (keep going in the right direction)


verbal expression (figurative (not go awry)

继续走到尽头,坚持到底 jiān chí dào dǐ

verbal expression (figurative, informal (pursue [sth] to the end)

修一门课 xiū yì mén kè

verbal expression (attend classes, study)

I once took a course in physics - I couldn't understand a word of it!


noun as adjective (meal: in three parts)

在…的整个过程 zài … de zhěng gè guò chéng

preposition (all the way through)

Throughout the course of the day, the heat from the sun grew more intense.

培训班 péi xùn bān

noun (practical programme of study)

Dr.Watkins had to go on a training course to learn about the new drugs.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 course 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

course 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。