英语 中的 meat 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 meat 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 meat 的说明。

英语 中的meat 表示肉 ròu, 肉 ròu, 肌肉 jī ròu, 主要部分,要点,实质 zhǔ yào bù fèn ,yào diǎn,shí zhì, 实质 shí zhì, 冷盘肉 lěng pán ròu, 蟹肉 xiè ròu, 鸡腿肉, 死定了, 鹿肉 lù ròu, 熟食肉类, 猪背部的肉 zhū bèi bù de ròu, 新人 xīn rén, 山羊肉, 肉末 ròu mò, 瘦肉 shòu ròu, 像皮革一样难嚼的肉 xiàng pí gé yí yàng nán jiáo de ròu, 午餐肉, 食肉者 shí ròu zhě, 肉食动物 ròu shí dòng wù, 肉食者的, 绞肉机 jiǎo ròu jī, 肉饼 ròu bǐng, 放肉的橱柜, 肉类温度计 ròu lèi wēn dù jì, 食肉的,吃肉的 shí ròu de, 肉丸 ròu wán, 笨蛋 bèn dàn, 烘肉卷 hōng ròu juǎn, 肉类加工 ròu lèi jiā gōng, 肉末 ròu mò, 汉堡肉饼, 百果馅 bǎi guǒ xiàn, 绞肉 jiǎo ròu, 生肉, 红肉 hóng ròu, 切割好的肉, 用来做香肠的肉 yòng lái zuò xiāng cháng de ròu, 熏肉,烟熏肉, 白肉 bái ròu, 白肉 bái ròu。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 meat 的含义

肉 ròu

noun (food: animal flesh)

She doesn't eat meat. She is vegetarian.

肉 ròu

noun (fleshy edible part of [sth]) (果实等)

The meat of the walnut is tasty.

肌肉 jī ròu

noun (informal, figurative (muscle)

There is a lot of meat on that bodybuilder.

主要部分,要点,实质 zhǔ yào bù fèn ,yào diǎn,shí zhì

noun (figurative (essence, crux, gist) (比喻)

The meat of the issue was his refusal to pay for anything.

实质 shí zhì

noun (figurative (substance)

There isn't much meat to his argument.

冷盘肉 lěng pán ròu

noun (US (meat: cooked, sliced)

What do you want in your sandwich: cheese, or cold meat?

蟹肉 xiè ròu

noun (edible flesh of the crab)

She ordered the crab meat salad and a glass of white wine.


noun (poultry flesh)

The dark meat of a turkey has the strongest flavour.


(slang (doomed person)

鹿肉 lù ròu

noun (venison)


noun (abbreviation (cold sliced meats)

猪背部的肉 zhū bèi bù de ròu

noun (US (cut of pork)

新人 xīn rén

noun (figurative, uncountable (naive person: potential new victim)


noun (edible flesh of a goat)

Goat meat is the most widely consumed meat in the world.

肉末 ròu mò

noun (finely chopped beef, lamb, etc.)

瘦肉 shòu ròu

noun (animal flesh which is not fatty)

Jack Spratt could eat no fat, so his wife gave Jack only the lean meat.

像皮革一样难嚼的肉 xiàng pí gé yí yàng nán jiáo de ròu

noun (figurative (animal flesh that is tough to chew)

Ian is a terrible cook. The leathery meat he served us was almost impossible to chew.


noun (UK (processed meat, spam)

食肉者 shí ròu zhě

noun ([sb] who eats animal flesh)

My sister is a vegetarian but the rest of us are meat eaters.

肉食动物 ròu shí dòng wù

noun (animal that eats animal flesh, carnivore)

Hawks, large cats, wolves are examples of meat eaters or carnivores.


adjective (relating to a meat eater)

绞肉机 jiǎo ròu jī

noun (machine: minces meat)

I use the meat grinder to make hamburger and sausage.

肉饼 ròu bǐng

noun (pastry containing meat)

I will use the leftovers from the meal to make a meat pie.


noun (storage cupboard for meat)

People used to store food in a meat safe.

肉类温度计 ròu lèi wēn dù jì

noun (device used to check temperature of cooked meat)

Insert a meat thermometer into the roast to make sure it is cooked through.

食肉的,吃肉的 shí ròu de

adjective (carnivore, consumes meat)

肉丸 ròu wán

noun (food: ground meat)

My favorite food as a child was spaghetti and meatballs.

笨蛋 bèn dàn

noun (US, Can, informal (foolish person)

Don't be such a meatball; if you do that, you're going to get in trouble.

烘肉卷 hōng ròu juǎn

noun (minced meat dish)

Meatloaf is an inexpensive meat dish made with cheap ground beef.

肉类加工 ròu lèi jiā gōng

noun (packaging of meat products)

肉末 ròu mò

noun (UK (ground beef, lamb, etc.)

Tom bought some fresh mince from the butcher.


noun (US (hamburger)

百果馅 bǎi guǒ xiàn

noun (minced spiced fruit)

My mother prepared the mincemeat for the pie.

绞肉 jiǎo ròu

noun (UK (ground meat)

We don't have any vegetable pies, only mincemeat.


noun (uncooked animal flesh)

红肉 hóng ròu

noun (steak, lamb, etc.) (牛肉等)

Red meat generally has a stronger flavour than white meat.


noun (meat that is processed and shaped)

Nutritionists say that reformed meat is less healthy than unprocessed meat.

用来做香肠的肉 yòng lái zuò xiāng cháng de ròu

noun (minced and processed pork)


noun (animal flesh cooked by smoking)

白肉 bái ròu

noun (light-coloured poultry flesh) (禽类)

Turkey flesh is mostly white meat; the leg meat is darker.

白肉 bái ròu

noun (lean animal flesh) (动物)

White meat is healthier as it contains less fat than red meat. Do you prefer white meat or dark meat?

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。