英语 中的 military 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 military 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 military 的说明。

英语 中的military 表示军事的 jūn shì de, 军队般的, 军队 jūn duì, 军人 jūn rén, 信件检察员 xìn jiàn jiǎn chá yuán, 义务兵役 yì wù bīng yì, 军校 jūn xiào, 军用飞机 jūn yòng fēi jī, 武官 wǔ guān, 军乐队 jūn yuè duì, 军事基地 jūn shì jī dì, 军营 jūn yíng, 军事行动 jūn shì xíng dòng, 随军牧师 suí jūn mù shī, 军事政变 jūn shì zhèng biàn, 勋章 xūn zhāng, 军事独裁 jūn shì dú cái, 军事机构 jūn shì jī gòu, 军事情报 jūn shì qíng bào, 军用吉普, 军官 jūn guān, 兵役 bīng yì, 战术 zhàn shù, 军用计时,军用时间, 军事训练 jūn shì xùn liàn, 军用运输工具 jūn yòng yùn shū gōng jù, 军事单位 jūn shì dān wèi, 军方支持的, 非军事的 fēi jūn shì de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 military 的含义

军事的 jūn shì de

adjective (relating to armed forces)

Alexander the Great was a brilliant military strategist.


adjective (typical of armed forces)

In order to get everything done, she plans her day with military precision.

军队 jūn duì

noun (armed forces)

The US has the largest military in the world.

军人 jūn rén

plural noun (military personnel)

信件检察员 xìn jiàn jiǎn chá yuán

noun (limits information)

During wartime, censors often blacked out huge sections of soldiers' letters to their families.

义务兵役 yì wù bīng yì

noun (required time in the military)

Compulsory military service was known as "National Service" in the UK.

军校 jūn xiào

noun (for military training)

West Point is a highly-respected military academy.

军用飞机 jūn yòng fēi jī

noun (invariable (plane, helicopter)

武官 wǔ guān

noun (army officer on diplomatic mission) (驻外使馆的)

Colonel Gunfree is the military attaché for this crucial mission.

军乐队 jūn yuè duì

noun (instrumental group that plays on military occasions)

The military band was called to play at the governor's funeral, since he was an ex-Marine.

军事基地 jūn shì jī dì

noun (army facility)

My aunt's a civilian worker on a military base.

军营 jūn yíng

noun (army encampment)

The refugees were never so happy as when they first saw the military camp for the liberation forces.

军事行动 jūn shì xíng dòng

noun (planned operations by the army)

That battle was considered the turning point of the entire military campaign.

随军牧师 suí jūn mù shī

noun (clergyman who ministers to army personnel)

The military chaplain collapsed from exhaustion after ministering to so many casualties.

军事政变 jūn shì zhèng biàn

noun (military overthrow of government)

The president had to flee the country after a successful military coup.

勋章 xūn zhāng

noun (soldier's medal: award for honour or bravery)

He was awarded many military decorations for his bravery in combat.

军事独裁 jūn shì dú cái

noun (political control by armed forces)

军事机构 jūn shì jī gòu

noun (army base)

You must not take photographs anywhere near a military establishment.

军事情报 jūn shì qíng bào

noun (analysis of enemy operations)

Thanks to military intelligence, we have uncovered the enemy's operation in time.


noun (® (army vehicle) (商标)

军官 jūn guān

noun (member of military staff)

兵役 bīng yì

noun (compulsory period spent in the army)

Compulsory military service was abolished in Spain in 2001.

战术 zhàn shù

plural noun (army strategy)

By using unconventional military tactics, he was able to evade capture.


noun (24-hour clock) (24小时制)

军事训练 jūn shì xùn liàn

noun (drilling in army discipline and techniques)

War journalists are now often required to undergo military training before being allowed to go into the field.

军用运输工具 jūn yòng yùn shū gōng jù

noun (army vehicles)

军事单位 jūn shì dān wèi

noun (armed force or division)

His military unit has been called up for deployment.


adjective (supported by the armed forces)

非军事的 fēi jūn shì de

adjective (not involving the armed forces)

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military 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。