英语 中的 can 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 can 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 can 的说明。

英语 中的can 表示能 néng, 会, 有权 yǒu quán, 可以 kě yǐ, 可能,会 kě néng, 金属罐 jīn shǔ guàn, 罐头,罐,听 guàn tou ,guàn,tīng, 罐 guàn, 厕所,洗手间 cè suǒ,xǐ shǒu jiān, 监狱,监牢 jiān yù,jiān láo, 驱逐舰 qū zhú jiàn, 屁股 pì gǔ, 一听所装之物 yì tīng suǒ zhuāng zhī wù, 能 néng, 可能会 kě néng huì, 将…装入罐中保存, 解雇, 辞退, 停止做 tíng zhǐ zuò, 在罐中储存起来, 接受, 相信, 你唯一能做的 nǐ wéi yī néng zuò de, 你能做的一切 nǐ néng zuò de yí qiè, 畅吃的, 尽全力 jìn quán lì, 几乎看不见 jī hū kàn bú jiàn, 啤酒罐 pí jiǔ guàn, 要饭的不能挑肥拣瘦, 贪多嚼不烂, 办得到 bàn de dào, 等不及地 děng bù jí de, 有什么可以帮您的吗?, 闭嘴 bì zuǐ, 一团糟 yì tuán zāo, 开罐器 kāi guàn qì, 无法忍受, 能够忍受 néng gòu rěn shòu, 能忍耐, [can not 的缩约形式] [can not de suō yuē xíng shì ], 懒得, 懒得做某事, 嫌麻烦而不愿意做, 嫌麻烦而不愿意做, 不可避免 bù kě bì miǎn, 分身无术, 不禁…, 情不自禁 qíng bú zì jīn, 迫切地希望, 不得不 bù dé bù, 卡诺拉油 kǎ nuò lā yóu, 芥花籽油 gài huā zǐ yóu, 用尽一切办法的,抓住一切机会的, 自由式摔跤, 中外场, 中外场手, 中场手, (支票)活期帐户 zhī piào huó qī zhàng hù, 尽你所能 jìn nǐ suǒ néng, 竭尽全力 jié jìn quán lì, 尽一切努力做某事, 尽你最大努力 jìn nǐ zuì dà nǔ lì, 尽你的全力 jìn nǐ de quán lì, 驾驶证 jià shǐ zhèng, 垃圾桶 lā jī tǒng, 我能为您做什么吗?,您需要什么?, 我都等不及了,我迫不及待 wǒ dōu děng bù jí le,wǒ pò bú jí dài, 分期付款法, 五加仑的汽油罐 wǔ jiā lún de qì yóu guàn, 木材厂 mù cái chǎng, 牛奶罐 niú nǎi guàn, 无法做, 自找麻烦 zì zhǎo má fán, 油漆罐, 易拉罐, 看看能做些什么 kàn kàn néng zuò xiē shén me, 马车前端的横木 mǎ chē qián duān de héng mù, 喷漆罐 pēn qī guàn, 锡罐 xī guàn, 非常不擅长, 垃圾桶 lā jī tǒng, 一报还一报 yí bào huán yí bào, 喷壶 pēn hú, 是的,我们可以! shì de, 肯定 kěn dìng, 我同意 wǒ tóng yì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 can 的含义

能 néng

auxiliary verb (be able to) (表示能力)

I can carry those suitcases for you.

auxiliary verb (know how to) (表示技能)

She can play the piano.

有权 yǒu quán

auxiliary verb (have the right to)

The prime minister can call an election whenever he wants to.

可以 kě yǐ

auxiliary verb (be allowed to) (表示准许)

Can I borrow your car tonight?

可能,会 kě néng

auxiliary verb (be possible) (表示可能性)

Such things can happen if you're not careful.

金属罐 jīn shǔ guàn

noun (US (tin: metal container)

We need three more cans of paint.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我喝了四听啤酒,觉得头有点晕。

罐头,罐,听 guàn tou ,guàn,tīng

noun (US (tin: of food) (食品)

Pass me that can of peas.

罐 guàn

noun (fuel) (存储天然气等的)

We should fill this extra can with gas in case we run out.

厕所,洗手间 cè suǒ,xǐ shǒu jiān

noun (US, slang (toilet)

Excuse me. I have to go to the can.

监狱,监牢 jiān yù,jiān láo

noun (slang (jail, gaol)

He's been in the can for three months now.

驱逐舰 qū zhú jiàn

noun (slang (military: warship)

After a few repairs the can was back in the water heading across the ocean.

屁股 pì gǔ

noun (US, slang (buttocks)

That toilet seat's so cold you'll freeze your can sitting on it.

一听所装之物 yì tīng suǒ zhuāng zhī wù

noun (contents of a tin)

I'll just have a can of beans for lunch.

能 néng

auxiliary verb (have the qualifications to) (表示资历、能力)

A doctor can treat people more extensively than a nurse.

可能会 kě néng huì

auxiliary verb (tend to) (表示倾向性)

He can be really annoying sometimes.


transitive verb (preserve in a jar, etc.)

They canned most of their peppers for the winter.

解雇, 辞退

transitive verb (US, slang (fire, dismiss)

He should have been canned for that kind of behavior.

停止做 tíng zhǐ zuò

transitive verb (US, slang (stop doing)

You two! Can that fighting! Now!


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (preserve in a jar, etc.)

They canned up a lot of the berries for later use.

接受, 相信

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (accept, believe: [sth] surprising) (出人意料的事)

Paul is so gorgeous; I'm still trying to get over the fact that he asked me out.

你唯一能做的 nǐ wéi yī néng zuò de

noun (your only recourse)

When something bad happens, all you can do is make the best of it.

你能做的一切 nǐ néng zuò de yí qiè

noun (everything you are capable of)

All you can do is whine; you never fix your problems.


adjective (restaurant buffet: unlimited)

At the all-you-can-eat restaurant he stuffed himself with cheap food.

尽全力 jìn quán lì

adverb (to the best of your ability)

Muddle through as best you can, and we'll fix the mistakes later.

几乎看不见 jī hū kàn bú jiàn

verbal expression (have poor sight)

啤酒罐 pí jiǔ guàn

noun (can holding beer)

When the police arrested him for drunken driving, they found empty beer cans in his car.


expression (informal (When in need, take what's offered.) (比喻条件有限不能挑选)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (accept an overly ambitious task)

Gabriella thought she would enjoy being team leader, but she may have bitten off more than she can chew.

办得到 bàn de dào

interjection (informal (certainly) (非正式用语)

“Could you move those chairs and tables for me, please?” - “Can do!”

等不及地 děng bù jí de

verbal expression (feel impatient, excited)

I can hardly wait for my birthday! This has been such a rotten day, I can hardly wait for it to be over.


expression (to a customer)

Can I help you? asked the sales clerk.

闭嘴 bì zuǐ

interjection (slang, impolite (shut up!)

Can it! I don't want to hear another word from you!

一团糟 yì tuán zāo

noun (figurative, informal ([sth] controversial, problematic)

开罐器 kāi guàn qì

noun (gadget for opening tin cans)

How will I pour the condensed milk if I can't find a can opener? My mum has a special tin opener for people with arthritic hands.


verbal expression (informal (find intolerable)

I can't stand my overbearing, demanding boss.

能够忍受 néng gòu rěn shòu

verbal expression (be able to tolerate)

I hope that noise stops soon - I don't think I can stand it much longer!


verbal expression (be able to tolerate)

If you can stand to wait another 10 minutes, I'll walk you home. I can't stand seeing you so unhappy.

[can not 的缩约形式] [can not de suō yuē xíng shì ]

contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (can not) (口语)

I can't hear the doorbell when I'm in the back room.


verbal expression (UK, vulgar, slang (unwilling to make effort)


verbal expression (UK, vulgar, slang (unwilling to make effort)

I've lost the remote control and I can't be arsed to get up and change the channel.


adjective (informal (unwilling to make effort)

I can't be bothered with proofreading, so I just post my e-mails as they are, misspellings and all.


adjective (informal (unwilling to make effort)

不可避免 bù kě bì miǎn

verbal expression (informal (unavoidable)

It's a pity that Deborah can't come with us, but it can't be helped.


verbal expression (US, informal (have too many obligations) (因事情太多)

I can't be in all places at one time so someone will have to help me.


verbal expression (feel compelled to do [sth])

I can't help wondering if she really knows what she's doing.

情不自禁 qíng bú zì jīn

verbal expression (informal (be compelled to do [sth])

She can't help herself - she has to criticize everything I do.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (be impatient for) (表示不耐烦)

I can't wait for this day to be over.

不得不 bù dé bù

verbal expression (find unavoidable)

I cannot help but notice the enormous coffee stain on the front of your white blouse.

卡诺拉油 kǎ nuò lā yóu

noun (edible oil)

I usually use canola for cooking because it is relatively inexpensive.

芥花籽油 gài huā zǐ yóu

noun (edible oil)

Canola oil is often used for frying food. Rapeseed oil is delicious in salad dressings.


adjective (using whatever method, material possible)


noun (historical (type of wrestling)


noun (baseball: location) (棒球)

The ball flew into center field and Jeff caught it.


noun (baseball: player's position) (棒球)

You can be center field in today's game.


noun (baseball: player in center field) (棒球)

(支票)活期帐户 zhī piào huó qī zhàng hù

noun (bank account with instant access)

I'd like to pay this money into my checking account.

尽你所能 jìn nǐ suǒ néng

verbal expression (try hard)

I did all I could to catch the train, but it was too late.

竭尽全力 jié jìn quán lì

verbal expression (try your hardest)

I'm sure the police will catch the burglar; they're doing everything they can.


verbal expression (try your hardest to achieve [sth])

Choosing a university is an important decision, so make sure you do everything you can to get it right.

尽你最大努力 jìn nǐ zuì dà nǔ lì

verbal expression (try your hardest)

Just do the best you can. That's all anybody could ask for.

尽你的全力 jìn nǐ de quán lì

verbal expression (do everything possible)

驾驶证 jià shǐ zhèng

noun (permit to drive)

I've had my driver's license for 15 years.

垃圾桶 lā jī tǒng

noun (receptacle for waste)

Don't leave your trash on the floor. Throw it in the garbage can! A garbage can is large, often put on the street for garbage collection.


expression (what do you need?)

Store clerks often ask customers, "How can I help you?"

我都等不及了,我迫不及待 wǒ dōu děng bù jí le,wǒ pò bú jí dài

interjection (I am excited about [sth]) (表示期待)

"This time next week we'll be on holiday." "I can't wait!"


noun (finance: payment in installments)

五加仑的汽油罐 wǔ jiā lún de qì yóu guàn

noun (container for petrol)

木材厂 mù cái chǎng

noun (where timber is stored or sold)

牛奶罐 niú nǎi guàn

noun (large metal container for milk)

The farmer was very upset when the dog bumped into the milk can and spilt the milk.


expression (informal (that isn't possible)

自找麻烦 zì zhǎo má fán

verbal expression (figurative, informal (create controversy, problems)

Laura opened a can of worms when she mentioned Oliver's ex-girlfriend.


noun (tin container holding paint)


noun (US, regional (soda can, fizzy drink tin)

The aluminum recycling facility pays thirty cents a pound for used pop cans.

看看能做些什么 kàn kàn néng zuò xiē shén me

verbal expression (try to find solution)

The mechanic said he'd see what can be done to repair my car.

马车前端的横木 mǎ chē qián duān de héng mù

noun (crossbar in horse's harness)

喷漆罐 pēn qī guàn

noun (aerosol)

The chemicals in spray cans affect the ozone layer.

锡罐 xī guàn

noun (metal food container)

I hate eating soup from a tin can. Baked beans are sold in tin cans.


expression (extremely bad at [sth])

Heather couldn't bake a cake to save her life.

垃圾桶 lā jī tǒng

noun (receptacle for refuse)

Take those stinky shoes outside and throw them in the trash can!

一报还一报 yí bào huán yí bào

expression (figurative (intention to retaliate)

Two can play that game; if John refuses to help me, then I can refuse to help him!

喷壶 pēn hú

noun (for watering plants)

She prefers to use a watering can instead of a garden hose.

是的,我们可以! shì de

interjection (US (Obama's presidential campaign slogan) (奥巴马总体竞选标语)

肯定 kěn dìng

interjection (informal (that is certain)

Whatever the government does will cost us money -- you can bet on it!

我同意 wǒ tóng yì

interjection (slang (yes: emphatically)

“This new gadget's just brilliant.” “You can say that again!”

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