英语 中的 nail 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 nail 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 nail 的说明。

英语 中的nail 表示钉子 dīng zi, 指甲 zhǐ jiá, 钉牢,固定 dīng láo,gù dìng, 钉, 完美完成, 抓住,抓获 zhuā zhù,zhuā huò, 爪子 zhuǎ zi, 击出,打出 jī chū,dǎ chū, 集中注意力于 jí zhōng zhù yì lì yú, 击倒,击中,击杀 jī dǎo ,jī zhòng, 戳穿, 用钉子把…钉牢, 搞清楚 gǎo qīng chǔ, 全力以赴地斗争, 拼命斗争, 坚决斗争, 手指甲 shǒu zhǐ jiǎ, 正确无比 zhèng què wú bǐ, 美甲店, 甲床, 指甲刷 zhǐ jiǎ shuā, 指甲剪 zhǐ jiǎ jiǎn, 指甲油 zhǐ jiá yóu, 指甲锉 zhǐ jiǎ cuò, 射钉枪, 致命一击, 搞定, 指甲油 zhǐ jiá yóu, 指甲油清洗剂, 指甲刀 zhǐ jiǎ dāo, 指甲油 zhǐ jiá yóu, 紧张局势 jǐn zhāng jú shì, 令人非常紧张的, 钉头, 钉头装饰,钉头饰, 当场 dāng chǎng, 脚趾甲 jiǎo zhǐ jiǎ, 竭尽全力 jié jìn quán lì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 nail 的含义

钉子 dīng zi

noun (pin for hanging, etc.)

Paul hammered a nail into the wall and hung a picture on it.

指甲 zhǐ jiá

noun (often plural (fingernail, toenail)

Amy clipped her nails.

钉牢,固定 dīng láo,gù dìng

(attach using a nail) (用钉子)

Ben nailed a flier to the wall.

transitive verb (attach using a nail)

Miranda nailed the picture hook into the wall. Carrie nailed the sign high up on the door.


transitive verb (figurative, slang (accomplish perfectly)

The gymnast nailed the dismount.

抓住,抓获 zhuā zhù,zhuā huò

transitive verb (figurative, slang (criminal: catch) (因犯罪而被逮捕)

The cops nailed the suspect.

爪子 zhuǎ zi

noun (claw) (动物)

The cat's nails tore into the mouse.

击出,打出 jī chū,dǎ chū

transitive verb (figurative, slang (sports: throw, kick) (体育)

The batter nailed the ball hard.

集中注意力于 jí zhōng zhù yì lì yú

transitive verb (figurative (focus on)

The detective nailed his attention to the case.

击倒,击中,击杀 jī dǎo ,jī zhòng

transitive verb (figurative, slang (kill) (用枪击或投掷)

The sniper nailed four people in one day.


transitive verb (figurative (detect a lie)

Karen nailed her husband's lie when she caught him asleep in the park instead of at work.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (fasten with nails)

I need to nail down a few loose boards in the flooring.

搞清楚 gǎo qīng chǔ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (identify precisely)

We need to nail down exactly how much money was embezzeled by our accountant.

全力以赴地斗争, 拼命斗争, 坚决斗争

verbal expression (idiom (fight fiercely)

I'll fight tooth and nail to make a name for myself as an actor.

手指甲 shǒu zhǐ jiǎ

noun (often plural (nail on a finger)

My fingernails are painted gold.

正确无比 zhèng què wú bǐ

verbal expression (figurative (be exactly right)

Russell's comment really hit the nail on the head.


noun (shop that does manicures)

Julie goes to a nail bar to have her manicure done professionally.


noun (fingernail, toenail part)

指甲刷 zhǐ jiǎ shuā

noun (small brush for cleaning finger- and toe-nails)

I used a nail brush to scrub the dirt from under my nails after working in the garden.

指甲剪 zhǐ jiǎ jiǎn

plural noun (tool for cutting finger- and toenails)

What happens to all the nail clippers that get confiscated at airports?

指甲油 zhǐ jiá yóu

noun (cosmetics: lacquer for nails)

指甲锉 zhǐ jiǎ cuò

noun (tool for shaping fingernails)

Tracy smoothed the ragged tip of her broken fingernail with a nail file.


noun (power tool for inserting nails)


noun (figurative ([sth] that hastens [sb]'s demise)


verbal expression (get [sth] exactly right)

Frank really nailed it with that last comment.

指甲油 zhǐ jiá yóu

noun (cosmetics: lacquer for nails)

My sister has at least ten different colors of nail polish.


noun (solvent for removing nail polish)

指甲刀 zhǐ jiǎ dāo

(small scissors)

指甲油 zhǐ jiá yóu

noun (cosmetics: lacquer for nails)

That pink nail varnish matches the colour of my new dress.

紧张局势 jǐn zhāng jú shì

noun (figurative, informal (tense situation)


adjective (figurative, informal (tense, exciting)

No one spoke during the nail-biting final episode of our favourite TV show.


noun (flat top of a nail)


noun (ornament that looks like a nailhead)

当场 dāng chǎng

expression (UK, figurative (cash, payment: without delay) (现金、支付)

脚趾甲 jiǎo zhǐ jiǎ

noun (often plural (nail on a toe)

Henry sat on the porch, cutting his toenails.

竭尽全力 jié jìn quán lì

expression (figurative (fight: fiercely)

Sally fought tooth and nail to get the promotion.

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nail 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。