英语 中的 packing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 packing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 packing 的说明。

英语 中的packing 表示打包行李, 打包,包装 dǎ bāo,bāo zhuāng, 整个包装 zhěng gè bāo zhuāng, 包装费 bāo zhuāng fèi, 封装 fēng zhuāng, 捆扎 kǔn zhā, 装(箱), 把…放进行李箱, 打包 dǎ bāo, 一包 yì bāo, 一包,一盒 yì bāo,yì hé, 背包 bēi bāo, 狼群, 一群 yì qún, 一群 yì qún, 一副 yí fù, 一伙,一群,一帮 yì huǒ ,yì qún,yì bāng, 一盒 yì hé, 打包以便装运 dǎ bāo yǐ biàn zhuāng yùn, 把…装入, 塞满, 挤满, 打包 dǎ bāo, 压紧 yā jǐn, 把...装进, 携带 xié dài, 塞满,挤满 sāi mǎn,jǐ mǎn, 塞满,挤满 sāi mǎn,jǐ mǎn, 肉类加工 ròu lèi jiā gōng, 打包箱 dǎ bāo xiāng, 打包箱 dǎ bāo xiāng, 装箱单, 装箱单, 开始出故障的,开始出问题的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 packing 的含义


noun (act of preparing luggage)

Bella is going on holiday tomorrow and she hasn't finished her packing yet.

打包,包装 dǎ bāo,bāo zhuāng

noun (preparation for shipping) (货物)

The goods are collected from the warehouse, then brought to this room for packing, before being shipped.

整个包装 zhěng gè bāo zhuāng

noun (box and contents) (包括包装盒、包装填充物、内在的货物)

Packing must be strong enough to withstand transportation.

包装费 bāo zhuāng fèi

noun (charge for packaging)

The price does not include packing and delivery.

封装 fēng zhuāng

noun (industrial sealing)

捆扎 kǔn zhā

transitive verb (wrap for shipment)

Pack the books in a padded mailing envelope.


transitive verb (fill: suitcase, bag)

Have you packed your bags yet?


transitive verb (put in luggage)

Don't forget to pack your toothbrush and pyjamas.

打包 dǎ bāo

intransitive verb (fill suitcase, bag)

I need to pack for the trip to the beach.

一包 yì bāo

noun (bundle, package)

The beer comes in packs of six.

一包,一盒 yì bāo,yì hé

noun (US (packet, carton) (香烟)

Josh shook his last cigarette out of the pack.

背包 bēi bāo

noun (rucksack)

We went hiking for a week with all the food in my pack.


noun (group of wolves)

The wolf pack worked together to catch its prey.

一群 yì qún

noun (group of dogs) (狗)

The pack of wild dogs howled all night.

一群 yì qún

noun (figurative, informal (batch, group)

Those politicians are a pack of liars.

一副 yí fù

noun (UK (set of playing cards) (纸牌)

While we had a newer pack of cards, we still preferred to use this one.

一伙,一群,一帮 yì huǒ ,yì qún,yì bāng

noun (figurative (people: band) (人)

The travellers were robbed by a pack of thieves.

一盒 yì hé

noun (book, box: of matches) (火柴)

Do you have a pack of matches that I can use to light the candles?

打包以便装运 dǎ bāo yǐ biàn zhuāng yùn

intransitive verb (wrap packages for shipment)

We try to pick and pack the day an order is received.


transitive verb (fit, cram)

She packed everything tightly into a small box.

塞满, 挤满

transitive verb (figurative (cram together)

My wife always packs a lot of activities into a day.

打包 dǎ bāo

transitive verb (wrap up)

Pack everything in a duffel bag.

压紧 yā jǐn

transitive verb (compact, compress)

The sand was packed down by the weight of the trucks.


transitive verb (load into a car)

I need to pack the suitcases in the car before we go.

携带 xié dài

transitive verb (informal (carry or wear)

Watch out - he's packing a gun!

塞满,挤满 sāi mǎn,jǐ mǎn

(usu passive (fill with partisans)

The candidate's staff packed the hall with friendly supporters.

塞满,挤满 sāi mǎn,jǐ mǎn

(informal (fill with people) (人)

They packed the concert hall with so many people that you couldn't even see the band.

肉类加工 ròu lèi jiā gōng

noun (packaging of meat products)

打包箱 dǎ bāo xiāng

noun (storage container)

打包箱 dǎ bāo xiāng

noun (storage box)


noun (document listing items in a parcel)

Joe checked the contents of the parcel against the packing list.


noun (document listing items in a parcel)


adjective (UK, slang (starting to malfunction)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。