英语 中的 paid 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 paid 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 paid 的说明。

英语 中的paid 表示已付钱的 yǐ fù qián de, 需要付费的 xū yào fù fèi de, 付报酬的,有薪酬的, 领报酬的,领薪水的, 支付 zhī fù, 付账 fù zhàng, 给...支付, 结清 jié qīng, 为…付(钱), 给某人付(钱)买某物, 付钱给某人做某事, 给某人…(钱)做某事, 致以(敬意) zhì yǐ jìng yì, 工资 gōng zī, 工资表 gōng zī biǎo, 收费的,付费的 shōu fèi de, 对…有利 duì … yǒu lì, 支付报酬 zhī fù bào chóu, 有好处 yǒu hǎo chù, 付出代价 fù chū dài jià, 为…付出代价, 放松 fàng sōng, 给...上沥青, 产生…的收益, 纳(税), 所有费用都已付清的 suǒ yǒu fèi yòng dōu yǐ fù qīng de, 领到钱,得到报酬,得到酬劳 lǐng dào qián,dé dào bào chóu,dé dào chóu láo, 工资低的, 收入少的, 全额付款的 quán é fù kuǎn de, 带薪休假 dài xīn xiū jià, 带薪假期 dài xīn jià qī, 缴入的,实缴的, 付费的, 邮资付讫 yóu zī fù qì, 中断,了结 zhōng duàn,liǎo jié, 工资高的,薪酬不错的 gōng zī gāo de,xīn chóu bú cuò de, 工资高的,薪水高的 gōng zī gāo de,xīn shuǐ gāo de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 paid 的含义

已付钱的 yǐ fù qián de

adjective (for which payment has been made)

Margaret asked for a copy of the paid bill.

需要付费的 xū yào fù fèi de

adjective (for which payment must be made)

You can watch movies on demand, but it's a paid service.


adjective (work: remunerated) (工作)

Paid work isn't easy to find these days.


adjective (worker: remunerated) (工人)

This charity is recruiting paid and unpaid volunteers.

支付 zhī fù

intransitive verb (make a payment)

I have no money. Can you pay?

付账 fù zhàng

(give money in exchange)

He paid for his dinner when the bill came.


transitive verb (offer money to)

I'll pay you five dollars if you tell me where he went.

结清 jié qīng

transitive verb (settle)

I would like to pay my account now.


(give money for)

What a nice dress! How much did you pay for it?


(give money in exchange)

I'll pay you ten dollars for that shirt.


verbal expression (offer money to do [sth])

They paid him to redecorate their house.


verbal expression (give money in exchange)

My dad paid me five pounds to clean his car.

致以(敬意) zhì yǐ jìng yì

transitive verb (respects, tribute: show)

He paid his respects to the king.

工资 gōng zī

noun (wages, salary)

The pay at this company is pretty good.

工资表 gōng zī biǎo

noun (informal (payroll)

Linda is the secretary and Betty works on invoices and pay.

收费的,付费的 shōu fèi de

noun as adjective (US (not free of charge)

While most web sites are free, there are some pay sites.

对…有利 duì … yǒu lì

verbal expression (figurative (be beneficial)

It usually pays to be nice to people.

支付报酬 zhī fù bào chóu

intransitive verb (offer as salary)

It sounds like a good job, but what do they pay?

有好处 yǒu hǎo chù

intransitive verb (figurative (be beneficial)

It just goes to show—sometimes being nice to people pays.

付出代价 fù chū dài jià

intransitive verb (figurative (suffer consequences)

Don't do it! You are going to pay if you do!


(figurative, informal (suffer consequences)

You'll pay for what you did to me - I'll make sure of that!

放松 fàng sōng

transitive verb (nautical (let ship fall to leeward) (航海,绳索等)


transitive verb (nautical (tar ship's bottom) (航海)


transitive verb (yield as a return)

The stock paid six percent last year.


transitive verb (taxes: contribute)

As someone who pays her taxes, I like to have a say in what the council does with my money.

所有费用都已付清的 suǒ yǒu fèi yòng dōu yǐ fù qīng de

adjective (everything is free)

Geoff won an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii! Lucky guy!

领到钱,得到报酬,得到酬劳 lǐng dào qián,dé dào bào chóu,dé dào chóu láo

intransitive verb (informal (receive payment) (非正式用语)

Do you get paid weekly or monthly? I get paid every month in cash.


adjective (job: poorly remunerated) (工作)

Teaching is a low-paid job in Argentina.


adjective (worker: earning little) (工人)

Low-paid workers sometimes take on second jobs just to pay their day-to-day living expenses.

全额付款的 quán é fù kuǎn de

adjective (completely paid or repaid)

带薪休假 dài xīn xiū jià

noun (being paid while absent)

带薪假期 dài xīn jià qī

noun (uncountable (time off work with full pay)

Since I have two weeks of paid vacation, I can take that time off while still receiving an income. This year I'm entitled to three weeks' paid holiday.


adjective (dues, etc.: having paid)


adjective (who has paid fees)

George is a paid-up member of the club.

邮资付讫 yóu zī fù qì

adjective (stamped ready for mailing)

Please include a postage paid envelope with your application. You can claim your rebate simply by returning your receipt in the postage-paid envelope.

中断,了结 zhōng duàn,liǎo jié

verbal expression (informal (cause to end abruptly)

The heavy rain put paid to Jan's idea of having a picnic in the park.

工资高的,薪酬不错的 gōng zī gāo de,xīn chóu bú cuò de

adjective (person: earning high salary) (人)

The well-paid banker has a big house and a nice car.

工资高的,薪水高的 gōng zī gāo de,xīn shuǐ gāo de

adjective (work: earning high salary) (工作)

Finding well-paid work can be difficult if you don't have the right qualifications.

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paid 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。