英语 中的 painting 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 painting 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 painting 的说明。

英语 中的painting 表示画 huà, 绘画,绘画艺术 huì huà,huì huà yì shù, 油漆 yóu qī, 油漆工作,粉刷工作 yóu qī gōng zuò,fěn shuā gōng zuò, 涂刷, 画 huà, 油漆 yóu qī, 花马, 禁区 jìn qū, 绘画 huì huà, 涂油漆 tú yóu qī, 给…涂色 gěi tú sè, 为…化妆 wèi huà zhuāng, 用言语描述, 描绘, 人体彩绘, 洞穴壁画, 伪装漆, 面部彩绘, 用手指作画 yòng shǒu zhǐ zuò huà, 湿壁画 shī bì huà, 湿壁画艺术 shī bì huà yì shù, 风景画 fēng jǐng huà, 画壁画 huà bì huà, 壁画 bì huà, 裸体画 luǒ tǐ huà, 油画 yóu huà, 油画 yóu huà, 画彩色粉笔画 huà cǎi sè fěn bǐ huà, 彩色粉笔画 cǎi sè fěn bǐ huà, 肖像画 xiāo xiàng huà, 静物画 jìng wù huà, 静物画 jìng wù huà, 壁画 bì huà。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 painting 的含义

画 huà

noun (work of art, picture)

The Louvre has thousands of paintings on its walls.

绘画,绘画艺术 huì huà,huì huà yì shù

noun (uncountable (art of making paintings) (艺术)

She enjoys sculpture and painting.

油漆 yóu qī

noun (uncountable (covering [sth] with paint)

The painting of the dining room took five hours.

油漆工作,粉刷工作 yóu qī gōng zuò,fěn shuā gōng zuò

noun (uncountable (job: decorating) (工作)

He does painting and decorating for a living.


transitive verb (cover with paint)

He painted the wall.

画 huà

transitive verb (create or draw with paint)

She painted a picture, using oil paint.

油漆 yóu qī

noun (coloured coating)

We need to buy some tins of blue paint.


noun (abbreviation (horse breed: Paint horse) (马的品种)

The Paint is an American horse breed.

禁区 jìn qū

noun (basketball: part of court) (篮球)

The player remained in the paint for longer than three seconds, so the referee signaled a violation.

绘画 huì huà

intransitive verb (make a painting)

She loves to paint.

涂油漆 tú yóu qī

intransitive verb (colour [sth] with paint)

Working on the house, he painted all day long.

给…涂色 gěi tú sè

transitive verb (colour with paint)

He painted the room blue.

为…化妆 wèi huà zhuāng

transitive verb (nails: apply varnish to)

She spends hours painting her nails.

用言语描述, 描绘

transitive verb (figurative (describe with words)

The book painted the picture of the ideal family.


noun (decorating skin)

Humans have practiced body painting for centuries.


noun (picture in cave)

The cave paintings show various wild animals.


noun (warships: camouflage paint) (军舰)

The dazzle used on WW1 warships was different for every vessel.


noun (decorating the face with paint)

用手指作画 yòng shǒu zhǐ zuò huà

noun (using fingers to paint)

湿壁画 shī bì huà

noun (mural on plaster)

Probably the world's most famous fresco painting is Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper'.

湿壁画艺术 shī bì huà yì shù

noun (art of painting murals)

风景画 fēng jǐng huà

noun (art: depicting natural scenery)

I prefer to paint portraits as I'm not very good at landscape painting.

画壁画 huà bì huà

noun (painting an image on a wall)

Traditional fresco mural painting requires speed because the plaster dries quickly.

壁画 bì huà

noun (image painted on a wall)

A great example of mural painting by Rivera can be seen in a courtyard at the Detroit Institute of Arts.

裸体画 luǒ tǐ huà

noun (painted picture of a naked figure)

His mother was shocked by the nude painting he did for art class.

油画 yóu huà

noun (picture painted using oil paints)

The focal point of the room was a huge oil painting hung above the fireplace.

油画 yóu huà

noun (uncountable (art of painting with oils) (绘画方式)

画彩色粉笔画 huà cǎi sè fěn bǐ huà

noun (artmaking with dry pastel)

彩色粉笔画 cǎi sè fěn bǐ huà

noun (artwork made using dry pastel)

肖像画 xiāo xiàng huà

noun (art: painting a likeness)

Velasquez was a master of portrait painting.

静物画 jìng wù huà

noun (art form)

The artist specializes in still-life painting.

静物画 jìng wù huà

noun (artwork)

Van Gogh did many still-life paintings of flowers.

壁画 bì huà

noun (mural)

The CEO commissioned a wall painting for the reception area.

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painting 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。