英语 中的 pig 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 pig 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 pig 的说明。

英语 中的pig 表示猪 zhū, 猪一样的人, 贪婪的人,贪吃的人 tān lán de rén,tān chī de rén, 猪肉 zhū ròu, 困难的工作,艰难的任务 kùn nán de gōng zuò,jiān nán de rèn wù, 猪猡 zhū luó, 猪皮 zhū pí, 质量 zhì liàng, 生小猪 shēng xiǎo zhū, 生, 下, 大吃特吃, 豚鼠 tún shǔ, 实验对象 shí yàn duì xiàng, 大男子沙文主义猪 dà nán zǐ shā wén zhǔ yì zhū, 养猪户, 生铁 shēng tiě, 像猪一样住在脏乱差的环境里, 饕餮 tāo tiè, 猪耳朵, 一团糟,混乱 yì tuán zāo,hùn luàn, 愚蠢的,愚顽的,顽固的 yú chǔn de ,yú wán de,wán gù de, 猪崽 zhū zǎi, (烤)乳猪 kǎo rǔ zhū。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 pig 的含义

猪 zhū

noun (porcine animal) (动物)

We have a lot of pigs on our farm.


noun (figurative (dirty person)

Larry is a real pig, and his room is a mess.

贪婪的人,贪吃的人 tān lán de rén,tān chī de rén

noun (figurative ([sb]: greedy, selfish)

He was a pig at the buffet. He was acting like a real pig.

猪肉 zhū ròu

noun (pig meat: pork) (食物)

Many religions forbid eating pig.

困难的工作,艰难的任务 kùn nán de gōng zuò,jiān nán de rèn wù

noun (UK, informal, figurative (difficult task)

This job's a real pig.

猪猡 zhū luó

noun (often plural, offensive, slang (police officer) (对警察的蔑称)

The pigs came to arrest us.

猪皮 zhū pí

noun (pigskin)

Do you want goatskin gloves, or pig?

质量 zhì liàng

noun (mass of metal) (金属)

生小猪 shēng xiǎo zhū

intransitive verb (give birth to piglets)

The sow is getting ready to pig.

生, 下

transitive verb (give birth to piglets) (猪仔)

The sow pigged eight piglets.


phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (eat to excess)

Mardi Gras is a time to pig out before the Lenten fast begins.

豚鼠 tún shǔ

noun (small South American mammal)

Cosmetics may be tested for adverse reactions first on a guinea pig. Guinea pig is a delicacy in Peru.

实验对象 shí yàn duì xiàng

noun (figurative ([sb] used as experimental subject) (比喻)

We volunteered to be guinea pigs for the new untested class format.

大男子沙文主义猪 dà nán zǐ shā wén zhǔ yì zhū

noun (slang, pejorative (man with sexist attitude, misogynist) (俚语,轻蔑语)

I've met a lot of male chauvinist pigs before now but I think you're the worst ever!


noun ([sb] who raises pigs for meat)

Our senator is a lawyer but sometimes he acts like a rural pig farmer.

生铁 shēng tiě

noun (crudely processed iron) (冶金)

Pig iron is produced in a blast furnace.


verbal expression (US, informal (live like a pig)

Colin is pigging it in his apartment.

饕餮 tāo tiè

noun (slang (instance of overeating)

For Jen's birthday, she and her friends enjoyed a pig-out at her favourite restaurant.


noun (ear of a pig)

一团糟,混乱 yì tuán zāo,hùn luàn

noun (UK, figurative (mess, botched job)

愚蠢的,愚顽的,顽固的 yú chǔn de ,yú wán de,wán gù de

adjective (figurative, pejorative, slang (stubborn) (俚语)

I'm afraid my husband can be incredibly pig-headed at times.

猪崽 zhū zǎi

noun (piglet not yet weaned)

Suckling pigs need to be given water as well as milk.

(烤)乳猪 kǎo rǔ zhū

noun (dish of whole small pig) (一道菜)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。