英语 中的 playing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 playing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 playing 的说明。

英语 中的playing 表示玩乐 wán lè, 演奏,弹奏 yǎn zòu,tán zòu, 演奏,弹奏 yǎn zòu,tán zòu, 放,播放 fàng,bō fàng, 踢(球),打(球) tī ( qiú ),dǎ ( qiú ), 演绎(角色) yǎn yì jué sè, 话剧 huà jù, 剧本 jù běn, 休闲 xiū xián, 赌博 dǔ bó, 活动的空间 huó dòng de kōng jiān, 轮到的一次机会 lún dào de yí cì jī huì, 比赛中的表现 bǐ sài zhōng de biǎo xiàn, 光线闪动 guāng xiàn shǎn dòng, 注意力 zhù yì lì, 播放键 bō fàng jiàn, (一)击,(一个)动作, 参与,参加 cān yù ,cān jiā, 赌博 dǔ bó, 开玩笑 kāi wán xiào, 假装 jiǎ zhuāng, 假装 jiǎ zhuāng, 上演 shàng yǎn, 弹奏,演奏 tán zòu,yǎn zòu, 表演 biǎo yǎn, 为…下赌注 wèi xià dǔ zhù, 与...比赛, 假装, 假扮, 使晃动, 使摇曳, 欺骗…,骗… qī piàn, 在…中扮演角色 zài zhōng bàn yǎn jué sè, 嬉戏 xī xì, 与…比赛 yǔ bǐ sài, 伴奏 bàn zòu, 假意顺从 jiǎ yì shùn cóng, 假装与…合作, 尝试着摆弄, 嬉戏 xī xì, 拈花惹草, 摆弄某物 bǎi nòng mǒu wù, 用…玩耍, 假装 jiǎ zhuāng, 重播 chóng bō, 不看乐谱演奏 bú kàn yuè pǔ yǎn zòu, 贬低 biǎn dī, 代表…出赛 dài biǎo chū sài, 为争夺...而参赛, 在...和...挑拨离间, 加赛 jiā sài, 继续演奏 jì xù yǎn zòu, 利用 lì yòng, 表演 biǎo yǎn, 进行到底, 惹麻烦,制造麻烦 rě má fán,zhì zào má fán, 发挥 fā huī, 意外动作,意外情节, 轻而易举的事 qīng ér yì jǔ de shì, 开始起作用, 发挥你的作用 fā huī nǐ de zuò yòng, 打水漂, 公平比赛,公平竞争 gōng píng bǐ sài,gōng píng jìng zhēng, 违规行为 wéi guī xíng wéi, 用手爱抚, 处于可比赛状态, 起作用的 qǐ zuò yòng de, 开玩笑地 kāi wán xiào de, 太简单了 tài jiǎn dān le, 密纹唱片 mì wén chàng piàn, 基督受难剧 jī dū shòu nàn jù, 播唱片 bō chàng piàn, 担任角色, 在…中发挥作用, 负部分责任, 扮演角色 bàn yǎn jué sè, 奏乐 zòu yuè, 遵守规则 zūn shǒu guī zé, 遵守比赛规则 zūn shǒu bǐ sài guī zé, 遵守游戏规则 zūn shǒu yóu xì guī zé, 再次演奏 zài cì yǎn zòu, 重播 chóng bō, 游戏区,游乐场 yóu lè chǎng, 玩球, 和...打球, 合作 hé zuò, 与...合作, 了解最近情况, 赶工, 叫板, 玩伴 wán bàn, 装死, 耍花招 shuǎ huā zhāo, 降低…的重要性 jiàng dī … de zhòng yào xìng, 装聋作哑 zhuāng lóng zuò yǎ, 公平比赛 gōng píng bǐ sài, 行事光明正大, 草率做某事, 用欺骗的方法做某事, (对…)偏心 duì piān xīn, 玩叼球, 拖延 tuō yán, 玩把戏 wán bǎ xì, 玩游戏, 扮演上帝的角色,决定他人的生死 bàn yǎn shàng dì de jué sè,jué dìng tā rén de shēng sǐ, 欲擒故纵, 采用强硬的方法, 对…造成严重破坏 duì zào chéng yán zhòng pò huài, 逃学 táo xué, 玩过家家, 即席决定,临时再做打算, 演奏爵士乐 yǎn zòu jué shì yuè, 游戏垫, 演奏音乐 yǎn zòu yīn yuè, 播放音乐 bō fàng yīn yuè, 加时比赛 jiā shí bǐ sài, 玩文字游戏 wán wén zì yóu xì, 玩俄罗斯轮盘赌 wán é luó sī lún pán dǔ, 小心行事 xiǎo xīn xíng shì, 当...的副手, 进行体育运动 jìn xíng tǐ yù yùn dòng, 抓人游戏, 打鼓 dǎ gǔ, 乱搞男女关系 luàn gǎo nán nǚ guān xì, 装傻 zhuāng shǎ, 遵守规则,公平竞争 zūn shǒu guī zé,gōng píng jìng zhēng, 把手中的牌打好, 扮演…的角色 bàn yǎn … de jué sè, 扮演角色 bàn yǎn jué sè, 拉小提琴 lā xiǎo tí qín, 欺骗 qī piàn, 逃学 táo xué。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 playing 的含义

玩乐 wán lè

intransitive verb (do [sth] for amusement)

The children are playing.

演奏,弹奏 yǎn zòu,tán zòu

transitive verb (perform on: a musical instrument) (乐器)

He plays the piano and the guitar.

演奏,弹奏 yǎn zòu,tán zòu

transitive verb (music: perform) (音乐)

Play another Beethoven sonata.

放,播放 fàng,bō fàng

transitive verb (put on, listen to: music, a CD) (光盘、磁带等)

I am playing the new CD on the stereo.
我在(立体声)音响上播放一张新 CD。

踢(球),打(球) tī ( qiú ),dǎ ( qiú )

transitive verb (take part in: a sport or game) (运动)

Who'd like to play tennis? Let's play hide-and-seek!

演绎(角色) yǎn yì jué sè

transitive verb (act the role of)

Who wants to play Lady Macbeth?

话剧 huà jù

noun (performance)

I'd like to see a play for my birthday.

剧本 jù běn

noun (drama)

He wrote the play with specific actors in mind.

休闲 xiū xián

noun (recreational activity)

You have no time for play when you run your own company.

赌博 dǔ bó

noun (dated (gambling)

He acquired a lot of debts at play.

活动的空间 huó dòng de kōng jiān

noun (movement, looseness)

There's too much play between the wheel and the axle.

轮到的一次机会 lún dào de yí cì jī huì

noun (game: turn) (游戏、比赛等中)

It's my play. Can I have the dice, please?

比赛中的表现 bǐ sài zhōng de biǎo xiàn

noun (conduct of a game)

It's a tournament in which you'll see top class play.

光线闪动 guāng xiàn shǎn dòng

noun (movement of light)

They watched the play of the sunlight on the water.

注意力 zhù yì lì

noun (attention)

The double murder got a lot of play on the morning news.

播放键 bō fàng jiàn

noun (button)

Insert the CD and press play.


noun (sport, game: move) (体育运动、比赛)

In a single amazing play, the baseball team got three outs.

参与,参加 cān yù ,cān jiā

intransitive verb (take part) (比赛、游戏等)

We'd like to play, too.

赌博 dǔ bó

intransitive verb (gamble)

Minors are not allowed to play.

开玩笑 kāi wán xiào

intransitive verb (jest)

I didn't mean it. I was only playing.

假装 jiǎ zhuāng

intransitive verb (pretend)

She wasn't really injured; she was just playing.

假装 jiǎ zhuāng

intransitive verb (feign)

He's playing dead.

上演 shàng yǎn

intransitive verb (be performed)

What's playing tonight?

弹奏,演奏 tán zòu,yǎn zòu

intransitive verb (music: perform) (乐器)

He loves the violin. He plays all day.

表演 biǎo yǎn

transitive verb (stage a performance of)

They're playing "Waiting for Godot" all week.

为…下赌注 wèi xià dǔ zhù

transitive verb (bet on)

He likes to play the horses.


transitive verb (compete against)

No one wants to play him because he never loses.

假装, 假扮

transitive verb (pretend) (儿童游戏)

Let's play house.

使晃动, 使摇曳

transitive verb (direct light, water)

He played the spotlight on the entranceway.

欺骗…,骗… qī piàn

transitive verb (informal (deceive)

Kate didn't realize the man she'd met on a dating site was playing her until she'd spent half her savings on him.

在…中扮演角色 zài zhōng bàn yǎn jué sè

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (act a part in)

My brother's playing a role in the new production of The Phantom of the Opera. My brother is playing a role in the new theatre production.

嬉戏 xī xì

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK, informal (behave in a frivolous way)

Since we have a lot of work to do, there isn't any time to play about.

与…比赛 yǔ bǐ sài

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (have as an opponent)

Every time I play against Tom, he beats me in every game.

伴奏 bàn zòu

phrasal verb, intransitive (music: play accompaniment)

Joanna sang while Keith played along on the guitar.

假意顺从 jiǎ yì shùn cóng

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (feign co-operation)

Leo wanted me to join in when he pranked our teacher, but I refused to play along.


(figurative, informal (feign co-operation with)

I don't always do what my mother suggests, but I play along with her plans to make her happy.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (experiment)

I was just playing around to see if I could get the webcam to work.

嬉戏 xī xì

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (be frivolous)

Quit playing around and get back to work!


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (be unfaithful)

摆弄某物 bǎi nòng mǒu wù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (tamper)

Someone has been playing around with the projector and now it doesn't work.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (amuse yourself)

The dog was playing around with a stick he'd found on the ground.

假装 jiǎ zhuāng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (pretend, make believe [sth])

The children are playing at doctors and nurses.

重播 chóng bō

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (replay)

Thomas recorded himself playing guitar and then played the song back.

不看乐谱演奏 bú kàn yuè pǔ yǎn zòu

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (music: not follow a score)

I read music well, but I have a hard time playing by ear. He's amazing; he never learned to read music, he just plays by ear.

贬低 biǎn dī

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (minimize significance of)

In my job interview I played down my previous failures and emphasized my successes.

代表…出赛 dài biǎo chū sài

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (sports: represent) (体育)

David Beckham played for his country.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (compete for prize)

The top three teams in the league are all playing for the title.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (set against: [sth] else)

The capricious girl played off one suitor against the other.

加赛 jiā sài

phrasal verb, intransitive (sport: resolve a tied score)

The two teams will play off for the division title.

继续演奏 jì xù yǎn zòu

phrasal verb, intransitive (continue to make music)

利用 lì yòng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (exploit)

Many confidence tricksters play on the sympathy of their victims.

表演 biǎo yǎn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (enact)

The director made the actors play the scene out again with a slightly different emphasis.


phrasal verb, intransitive (proceed to the end)

Nobody knows how this little drama will play out.

惹麻烦,制造麻烦 rě má fán,zhì zào má fán

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK, informal (child: misbehave) (孩子)

The children got bored on the long journey and started playing up.

发挥 fā huī

transitive verb (align, line [sth] up)

Artillery was brought into play and this caused the enemy to retreat.


noun (incidental onstage action) (戏剧中)

轻而易举的事 qīng ér yì jǔ de shì

noun (figurative ([sth] very easy) (比喻)

I finished the crossword puzzle very quickly; it was child's play.


intransitive verb (become involved)

Tiredness comes into play near the end of a race.

发挥你的作用 fā huī nǐ de zuò yòng

verbal expression (mainly US (contribute, participate)

Martha did her part to make the event a success.


verbal expression (figurative (squander, handle recklessly) (金钱)

公平比赛,公平竞争 gōng píng bǐ sài,gōng píng jìng zhēng

noun (sportsmanship, fairness) (体育精神)

The concept of fair play is very important in the Olympics. Technically I win by default, but in the spirit of fair play I'll reschedule the match.

违规行为 wéi guī xíng wéi

noun (illegal act)

The senator died in a car crash, but foul play is suspected.


noun (sexual touching)

The couple were enjoying some hand play.


adjective (ball: not out) (球)

The ball was in play when the winger crossed it for the centre forward to score.

起作用的 qǐ zuò yòng de

adjective (figurative (active)

Lowering the interest rate is among ideas that are still in play.

开玩笑地 kāi wán xiào de

adverb (as a joke)

The comment was made in play and not intended to offend anyone.

太简单了 tài jiǎn dān le

expression (it's extremely easy)

It's so easy to do -- it's child's play, really.

密纹唱片 mì wén chàng piàn

noun (12-inch vinyl record)

I don't think you can find long play records any more.

基督受难剧 jī dū shòu nàn jù

noun (drama depicting Christ's suffering)

Passion Plays are traditionally staged at Easter.

播唱片 bō chàng piàn

verbal expression (abbr (put on a compact disc)

Olga decided to play a CD while she was driving the car.


verbal expression (act)

I'd like to play a part in the school musical, so I'm going to audition.


verbal expression (participate)

This was a real community effort, nearly everyone here played a part in creating the newsletter.


verbal expression (be partly responsible)

Oliver's tendency to trust people too easily played a part in his downfall.

扮演角色 bàn yǎn jué sè

verbal expression (act a part)

Several Nixon loyalists played a role in the Watergate scandal.

奏乐 zòu yuè

verbal expression (music: perform a melody)

Suzan taught me to play a tune on the piano.

遵守规则 zūn shǒu guī zé

verbal expression (game, sports) (在比赛、游戏中等)

Play the game according to the rules outlined below.

遵守比赛规则 zūn shǒu bǐ sài guī zé

verbal expression (game, sports)

At the beginning of the game, the referee reminded the players to play by the rules.

遵守游戏规则 zūn shǒu yóu xì guī zé

verbal expression (figurative (behave fairly) (比喻)

It's best to play according to the rules if you want to get on at work.

再次演奏 zài cì yǎn zòu

(live music: perform again) (现场音乐)

My wife really likes that tune, so I'm going to ask the band to play it again before we leave.

重播 chóng bō

(recorded music: put on again) (唱片等)

Even though the CD is really old, the kids want to play it again.

游戏区,游乐场 yóu lè chǎng

noun (designated zone for children's play) (孩子)

The children have a play area well away from the main road.


(throw, catch a ball)

Shall we play ball in the park?


verbal expression (throw, catch a ball with [sb])

My son often plays ball with the boy from next door.

合作 hé zuò

(figurative (co-operate)

The deal's off - John won't play ball.


verbal expression (figurative (co-operate with [sb])

The company needs smart people who can play ball with our software development team.


(informal (get updated)

Julia wanted to play catch-up and find out what had happened while she had been away.


(informal (do work missed due to illness)

I had to play catch-up after being away from work on sick leave.


(test courage)

The teenagers played chicken in their cars, driving directly towards one another.

玩伴 wán bàn

(appointment for children)


(lie as though dead)

Some animals play dead as a way of defending themselves when they are in danger.

耍花招 shuǎ huā zhāo

verbal expression (informal, figurative (use unfair or dishonest tactics)

If he continues to play dirty, they will disqualify him from the match.

降低…的重要性 jiàng dī … de zhòng yào xìng

verbal expression (minimize significance of)

We are trying to play down the importance of standardized tests in our school.

装聋作哑 zhuāng lóng zuò yǎ

verbal expression (informal (feign ignorance)

Phil played dumb when his dad asked him if he knew who had broken the window.

公平比赛 gōng píng bǐ sài

intransitive verb (games: be sporting)

It's the referee's job to ensure that both teams play fair.


intransitive verb (figurative (behave by the rules)

Hey, play fair! Take that ace out of your sleeve right now!


verbal expression (slang (do [sth] recklessly) (俚语)


verbal expression (slang (do [sth] deceitfully) (俚语)

(对…)偏心 duì piān xīn

verbal expression (show partiality)

My boss plays favorites; his buddies get the plum assignments, and the rest of us get the menial work.


(informal (dog: retrieve a thrown ball) (狗)

Try playing fetch with your dog every morning.

拖延 tuō yán

verbal expression (delay [sth]) (为了争取时间)

玩把戏 wán bǎ xì

(informal, figurative (be inconsistent)

I wish Derek would stop playing games and make a clear decision about what he intends to do.


(do sports, activities)

The children spent the afternoon playing games.

扮演上帝的角色,决定他人的生死 bàn yǎn shàng dì de jué sè,jué dìng tā rén de shēng sǐ

verbal expression (figurative (make life-and-death decisions) (比喻)

Ivan opposes euthanasia because he believes that nobody has the right to play God.


verbal expression (act aloof toward potential mate)

David really wants Zoe to be his girlfriend, but she's always playing hard to get with him.


verbal expression (be ruthless)

对…造成严重破坏 duì zào chéng yán zhòng pò huài

verbal expression (bring chaos to)

The train strike is playing havoc with my travel plans.

逃学 táo xué

verbal expression (mainly US, informal (play truant, be absent from school)

I regret having played hooky in high school.


(US (children: pretend to be family)

The children were playing house in the yard.


verbal expression (figurative (improvise) (没有预定计划)

What will we do tomorrow? Let's play it by ear.

演奏爵士乐 yǎn zòu jué shì yuè

verbal expression (make jazz music)


noun (floor covering)

演奏音乐 yǎn zòu yīn yuè

verbal expression (make music, play an instrument)

播放音乐 bō fàng yīn yuè

verbal expression (listen to recorded music)

加时比赛 jiā shí bǐ sài

noun (game or series of games played to break a tie)

The Lakers didn't make it to the play-offs this year.

玩文字游戏 wán wén zì yóu xì

noun (pun)

It wasn't serious, just a play on words.

玩俄罗斯轮盘赌 wán é luó sī lún pán dǔ

verbal expression (figurative (take a foolish risk) (比喻)

Driving while intoxicated is playing Russian roulette with other people's lives.

小心行事 xiǎo xīn xíng shì

verbal expression (informal (avoid taking risks)

The gymnast considered attempting the flip, but decided to play it safe and stick with the routine she knew well.


verbal expression (figurative (be considered less important)

She always played second fiddle to her talented older sister.

进行体育运动 jìn xíng tǐ yù yùn dòng

(participate in physical games)


verbal expression (children: chase one another)

打鼓 dǎ gǔ

verbal expression (music: be a drummer) (鼓手打鼓)

Francisco plays the drums for the group Watchmen.

乱搞男女关系 luàn gǎo nán nǚ guān xì

verbal expression (figurative, informal (have many relationships)

Simon has gained a reputation for playing the field.

装傻 zhuāng shǎ

verbal expression (behave in a silly way)

Bob enjoyed playing the fool in front of his grandchildren.

遵守规则,公平竞争 zūn shǒu guī zé,gōng píng jìng zhēng

verbal expression (figurative (co-operate, conform)

No wonder he's a success, he really knows how to play the game.


verbal expression (figurative (work with what you have)

扮演…的角色 bàn yǎn … de jué sè

verbal expression (act the role of)

Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman starred in "Casablanca", and Dooley Wilson played the part of Sam.

扮演角色 bàn yǎn jué sè

verbal expression (act the part)

拉小提琴 lā xiǎo tí qín

verbal expression (music: be a violinist)

He plays the violin in the orchestra.

欺骗 qī piàn

verbal expression (informal (deceive)

逃学 táo xué

verbal expression (be absent from school without permission)

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