英语 中的 ski 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 ski 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 ski 的说明。

英语 中的ski 表示滑橇 huá qiāo, 滑雪 huá xuě, 滑雪后派对,滑雪后社交活动, 与滑雪后派对有关的, 越野滑雪, 喷气式滑水车,水上摩托 pēn qì shì huá shuǐ chē,shuǐ shàng mó tuō, 开喷气式滑水车 kāi pēn qì shì huá shuǐ chē, 滑雪场 huá xuě chǎng, 滑雪靴 huá xuě xuē, 滑雪山, 滑雪教练, 滑雪夹克 huá xuě jiá kè, 跳台滑雪, 上山缆车, 滑雪面具 huá xuě miàn jù, 滑雪裤 huá xuě kù, 滑雪杖 huá xuě zhàng, 滑雪杆 huá xuě gān, 滑雪胜地 huá xuě shèng dì, 滑雪道,滑雪坡 huá xuě pō, 滑雪坡 huá xuě pō, 人造滑雪坡 rén zào huá xuě pō, 滑雪之旅, 奇度, 摩托雪橇, 雪道推平机, 滑水橇, 滑水 huá shuǐ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 ski 的含义

滑橇 huá qiāo

noun (for skiing)

Carol put on her skis and set off down the slope.

滑雪 huá xuě

intransitive verb (sport in snow)

Robert likes to ski and always spends his holidays in the mountains.


noun (social event following skiing)


adjective (relating to an après-ski)


noun (skiing across snowy fields)

Cross-country skiing is very different from downhill skiing.

喷气式滑水车,水上摩托 pēn qì shì huá shuǐ chē,shuǐ shàng mó tuō

noun (® (small motorized water vehicle) (商标)

My cousin just bought a new jet ski and can't wait to take it out on the lake. I think it would be fun to rent a jet ski.

开喷气式滑水车 kāi pēn qì shì huá shuǐ chē

intransitive verb (® (ride a jet ski)

滑雪场 huá xuě chǎng

noun (place where people pay to ski)

滑雪靴 huá xuě xuē

plural noun (heavy footwear for skiing)

My old ski boots had metal clamps; my new ones have plastic and are much lighter.


noun (slope used for skiing)


noun ([sb] who teaches skiing)

滑雪夹克 huá xuě jiá kè

noun (short padded coat worn for skiing)


(competitive event)


noun (carries skiers up ski slope) (运送滑雪者)

滑雪面具 huá xuě miàn jù

noun (headgear: balaclava)

I wear a ski mask when I'm on the slopes.

滑雪裤 huá xuě kù

plural noun (US (trousers worn for skiing)

When he finished, his ski pants were soaking wet.

滑雪杖 huá xuě zhàng

noun (one of two sticks used for skiing)

滑雪杆 huá xuě gān

plural noun (set of 2 sticks used for skiing)

滑雪胜地 huá xuě shèng dì

noun (place with skiing facilities)

滑雪道,滑雪坡 huá xuě pō

noun (slope used for skiing)

滑雪坡 huá xuě pō

noun (snow-covered hill at ski resort)

The steepest ski slope in the world is thought to be in Switzerland.

人造滑雪坡 rén zào huá xuě pō

noun (artificial hill for skiing)

Synthetic matting is used for the surface of these ski slopes.


noun (skiing holiday)


noun (® (snowmobile) (雪地摩托车品牌)


noun (small vehicle for travelling on snow)


noun (vehicle: flattens snow)


noun (ski for gliding on water)

滑水 huá shuǐ

intransitive verb (sport: ski on water)

I prefer to waterski on lakes rather than the sea.

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ski 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。