英语 中的 style 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 style 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 style 的说明。

英语 中的style 表示风度,格调,特色,气派,行为方式,作风 fēng dù ,gé diào ,tè sè ,qì pài ,xíng wéi fāng shì,zuò fēng, 风格,特色,特点 fēng gé ,tè sè ,tè diǎn, 流行 liú xíng, 品味 pǐn wèi, 设计, 把…设计成某种样式, 设计,款式,样式 shè jì,kuǎn shì,yàng shì, 类型 lèi xíng, 气派 qì pài, 文体 wén tǐ, 款式,款,型 kuǎn shì,kuǎn,xíng, 花柱 huā zhù, 做发型 zuò fà xíng, 设计 shè jì, 命名 mìng míng, 艺术风格 yì shù fēng gé, 装饰风格 zhuāng shì fēng gé, 后入地, 后入的, 过时 guò shí, 发型 fà xíng, 健康的生活方式, 高品味,高格调, 让人印象深刻地 ràng rén yìn xiàng shēn kè de, 时下流行的 shí xià liú xíng de, 学习方式, 生活方式 shēng huó fāng shì, 与生活方式有关的, 让人联想到美好生活方式的, 美好的生活方式, 书面体 shū miàn tǐ, 新风尚 xīn fēng shàng, 旧式风格 jiù shì fēng gé, 老土的, 过时的, 不时髦地 bù shí máo de, 传统时代风格 chuán tǒng shí dài fēng gé, 个人(着装)风格 gè rén zhuó zhuāng fēng gé, 个人(表达)风格 gè rén biǎo dá fēng gé, 简约风格 jiǎn yuē fēng gé, 时尚感,品味 pǐn wèi, 写作风格 xiě zuò fēng gé, 时尚的 shí shàng de, 教学方式,教学风格,授课风格。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 style 的含义

风度,格调,特色,气派,行为方式,作风 fēng dù ,gé diào ,tè sè ,qì pài ,xíng wéi fāng shì,zuò fēng

noun (manner) (人的)

She has a style all her own.

风格,特色,特点 fēng gé ,tè sè ,tè diǎn

noun (artistic features) (艺术)

Van Gogh has a distinctive style of painting.

流行 liú xíng

noun (vogue)

Those shoes are in style right now.

品味 pǐn wèi

noun (elegance)

She wears her clothes with style.

设计, 把…设计成某种样式

transitive verb (hair) (发型等)

She styled her hair for the party.

设计,款式,样式 shè jì,kuǎn shì,yàng shì

noun (clothing design) (服装的)

Her outfit has a hippie style.

类型 lèi xíng

noun (type)

I'm looking for a shirt of a certain style.

气派 qì pài

noun (luxury)

He likes to travel in style.

文体 wén tǐ

noun (literary features)

I don't like Dickens's style.

款式,款,型 kuǎn shì,kuǎn,xíng

noun (trade name) (汽车等)

Tell me the make, model and style and I'll see if I can find the product.

花柱 huā zhù

noun (of a plant)

The style shouldn't be confused with the stamen.

做发型 zuò fà xíng

intransitive verb (make decorative work)

Styling is my favourite part of hairdressing.

设计 shè jì

transitive verb (design)

She styled a horse from the clay.

命名 mìng míng

transitive verb (name, designate)

He styled his ship the Ariel.

艺术风格 yì shù fēng gé

noun (design or manner reflecting art)

I enjoy watching the artistic style of expression in ice skating.

装饰风格 zhuāng shì fēng gé

noun (ornamental or elaborate style)

Frank and Gillian did their living-room in a very ostentatious decorative style.


adverb (slang (sex: from behind) (性交)


adjective (slang (sex: from behind) (性交)

过时 guò shí

verbal expression (be dated) (衣物,款式等)

Hawaiian shirts went out of style after the '60s.

发型 fà xíng

noun (way hair is cut or arranged)

She's got a new, much shorter hairstyle.


noun (exercise, good nutrition, etc.)

More people are beginning to realize that a healthy lifestyle can prevent diabetes.


noun (elegance, great flair)

让人印象深刻地 ràng rén yìn xiàng shēn kè de

adverb (in an impressive way)

She entered the room in style, with a flourish of her scarf. Let's take a limousine - I want to arrive in style!

时下流行的 shí xià liú xíng de

adjective (currently fashionable)

Those shoes aren't really in style this year.


noun (preferred way of acquiring knowledge)

生活方式 shēng huó fāng shì

noun (way of living)

Karen liked living in a big city because it gave her the kind of lifestyle that she enjoyed.


adjective (pertaining to it)

Tom has made some bad lifestyle choices.


adjective (fashionable)

Shauna liked to shop at a lifestyle clothing shop down the street.


noun (desirable way of living)

Ben moved to California to try to get a taste of the lifestyle.

书面体 shū miàn tǐ

noun (writing, speech: formal or poetic language)

The author was congratulated for his unique literary style.

新风尚 xīn fēng shàng

noun (modern design or fashion)

Her boots were in the new style with high heels and pointed toes.

旧式风格 jiù shì fēng gé

noun (typography) (文字设计)

老土的, 过时的

adjective (old fashioned)

不时髦地 bù shí máo de

adverb (no longer fashionable)

传统时代风格 chuán tǒng shí dài fēng gé

noun (fashion of an earlier era)

The room was decorated in period style.

个人(着装)风格 gè rén zhuó zhuāng fēng gé

noun (individual dress or fashion sense)

Many fashion trends start out as an individual's personal style.

个人(表达)风格 gè rén biǎo dá fēng gé

noun (individual expression)

简约风格 jiǎn yuē fēng gé

noun (clear, simple use of language)

时尚感,品味 pǐn wèi

noun (awareness of what is tasteful or fashionable)

写作风格 xiě zuò fēng gé

noun (author's way of writing)

Although many considered his style of writing pompous and tiresome, his latest book soon became a best-seller.

时尚的 shí shàng de

adjective (fashionable)


noun (educational approach)

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style 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。