英语 中的 transport 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 transport 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 transport 的说明。

英语 中的transport 表示交通运输, 交通工具 jiāo tōng gōng jù, 运输,运送 yùn shū,yùn sòng, 运输, 运送, 运输,运送 yùn shū,yùn sòng, 运输 yùn shū, 狂喜 kuáng xǐ, 运输的, 使…狂喜 shǐ kuáng xǐ, 放逐 fàng zhú, 空运 kōng yùn, 运输机 yùn shū jī, 货运 huò yùn, 运输部, 货物运输工具 huò wù yùn shū gōng jù, 重型运输设备 zhòng xíng yùn shū shè bèi, 交通工具 jiāo tōng gōng jù, 军用运输工具 jūn yòng yùn shū gōng jù, 运输方式,交通方式, 公共交通 gōng gòng jiāo tōng, 交通运输总工会, (军用)运输船 jūn yòng yùn shū chuán, 运兵船 yùn bīng chuán。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 transport 的含义


noun (transportation)

Buses provide transport in and around the city.

交通工具 jiāo tōng gōng jù

noun (type of vehicle: bus, car, etc.)

What sort of transport do you use to get to work? For teenagers, having their own transport helps them become independent.

运输,运送 yùn shū,yùn sòng

noun (moving [sb] or [sth]) (载送货物或人)

We need to arrange transport of the painting to the museum.

运输, 运送

transitive verb (shipping: carry) (载送货物)

Lorries transported the goods from the factory to retail outlets around the country.

运输,运送 yùn shū,yùn sòng

transitive verb (provide transportation for) (乘客)

Every year, this airline transports hundreds of thousands of people to their holiday destinations.

运输 yùn shū

noun (shipping)

Transport of the goods took longer than expected.

狂喜 kuáng xǐ

noun (often plural (state of ecstasy)

The little girl went into transports of delight when she saw the puppy her parents had bought her. In a transport of passion, Oliver declared his love to Lucy.


noun as adjective (relating to transport)

Please visit our website for transport information.

使…狂喜 shǐ kuáng xǐ

transitive verb (figurative, usually passive (delight)

Arriving at the top of the mountain, the young couple were transported by the glorious panorama that met their eyes.

放逐 fàng zhú

transitive verb (historical, often passive (exile to penal colony)

In the nineteenth century, British criminals were often transported to Australia.

空运 kōng yùn

noun (shipping, travel by aircraft)

The goods were packed and shipped today for air transport to Taipei.

运输机 yùn shū jī

noun (aircraft used for this)

货运 huò yùn

noun (freight-carrying transport)


noun (UK, obsolete, initialism (Department of Transport)

货物运输工具 huò wù yùn shū gōng jù

noun (movement of cargo)

重型运输设备 zhòng xíng yùn shū shè bèi

noun (large haulage vehicles)

Heavy transport was banned from passing through the village, because the vibrations were undermining the older houses.

交通工具 jiāo tōng gōng jù

noun (vehicle or system of travel)

Her bicycle was her only means of transport.

军用运输工具 jūn yòng yùn shū gōng jù

noun (army vehicles)


noun (means of travel)

公共交通 gōng gòng jiāo tōng

noun (fare-paying travel)

The snow brought public transport to a halt.


noun (UK, initialism (Transport and General Workers' Union)

(军用)运输船 jūn yòng yùn shū chuán

noun (vessel carrying military equipment)

运兵船 yùn bīng chuán

noun (vehicle: carries soldiers)

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transport 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。