英语 中的 travel 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 travel 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 travel 的说明。

英语 中的travel 表示旅行 lǚ xíng, 前进 qián jìn, 传递,传播 chuán dì,chuán bō, 旅游 lǚ yóu, 旅程,旅途 lǚ chéng,lǚ tú, 移动,走动 yí dòng,zǒu dòng, 移动,往返的机械运动 yí dòng,wǎng fǎn de jī xiè yùn dòng, 走步 zǒu bù, 周游 zhōu yóu, 穿越…旅行 chuān yuè lǚ xíng, 穿越…旅行 chuān yuè lǚ xíng, 旅游至..., 航空旅行 háng kōng lǚ xíng, 航空旅程 háng kōng lǚ chéng, 商务旅行,出差 shāng wù lǚ xíng, 晕动病 yūn dòng bìng, 远洋航行 yuǎn yáng háng xíng, 太空旅行, 时间旅行 shí jiān lǚ xíng, 出国旅行, 交通警告, 旅游警告,旅行公告, 旅行社 lǚ xíng shè, 旅游代理商 lǚ yóu dài lǐ shāng, 旅游代理人 lǚ yóu dài lǐ rén, 差旅费, 旅游安排, 旅行伙伴, 旅游伴侣, 旅费 lǚ fèi, 导游 dǎo yóu, 旅游指南 lǚ yóu zhǐ nán, 旅游保险, 旅行杯, 旅行限制, 晕车(船、机) yūn chē ( chuán 、jī ), 旅行拖车 lǚ xíng tuō chē, 晕车的 yùn chē de, 旅途劳累的, 旅途劳顿的,风尘仆仆的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 travel 的含义

旅行 lǚ xíng

intransitive verb (move from place to place)

I love to travel. It took us all day to travel from the South of France to the ferry port in Calais.

前进 qián jìn

intransitive verb (advance)

The trucks travelled along the road.

传递,传播 chuán dì,chuán bō

intransitive verb (light, sound) (声音、光线等)

Sound travels far in the canyon.

旅游 lǚ yóu

noun (act of travelling)

My brother likes foreign travel.

旅程,旅途 lǚ chéng,lǚ tú

plural noun (journeys) (常作复数)

He met many people on his travels.

移动,走动 yí dòng,zǒu dòng

noun (US (movement on a road) (在道路上)

There is a lot of travel on this road.

移动,往返的机械运动 yí dòng,wǎng fǎn de jī xiè yùn dòng

noun (machinery: movement of a part) (机器部件等)

The travel on this chain really needs fixing.

走步 zǒu bù

intransitive verb (basketball) (篮球)

The player had definitely traveled and the referee called a foul.

周游 zhōu yóu

phrasal verb, intransitive (go to many places)

穿越…旅行 chuān yuè lǚ xíng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (cross, traverse)

If you travel over the Alps, you'd better take plenty of blankets.

穿越…旅行 chuān yuè lǚ xíng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (cross, traverse)

If you travel through the desert, you'd better take plenty of water.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (go or journey to: a place)

航空旅行 háng kōng lǚ xíng

noun (uncountable (plane journeys)

Air travel is no longer the journey of wonderment it was fifty years ago.

航空旅程 háng kōng lǚ chéng

noun (making journeys by passenger plane)

Since the events of September 11, 2001, airline travel has significantly changed.

商务旅行,出差 shāng wù lǚ xíng

noun (journeys: for work)

晕动病 yūn dòng bìng

noun (dizziness from movement)

远洋航行 yuǎn yáng háng xíng

noun (making journeys by sea)

I prefer air travel to ocean travel, it's much quicker.


noun (journeying by spacecraft)

时间旅行 shí jiān lǚ xíng

noun (sci-fi: transportation to past or future)


(go to a foreign country)


noun (warning of transport problems)


noun (warning of unsafe conditions in travel destinations)

旅行社 lǚ xíng shè

noun (company that arranges travel)

The travel agency can help you plan your itinerary. They went to the travel agency to buy a holiday.

旅游代理商 lǚ yóu dài lǐ shāng

noun (company that sells holidays)

I always book my holidays at the same travel agent.

旅游代理人 lǚ yóu dài lǐ rén

noun ([sb] employed to sell holidays)

The travel agent sold us a vacation to Bermuda.


noun (transport expenses)


plural noun (informal (plans for a journey)


noun (person with whom one journeys)


noun (person with whom one journeys)

旅费 lǚ fèi

plural noun (costs incurred during travel)

导游 dǎo yóu

noun (person: tour leader)

If the travel guide does a good job, we'll give her a nice tip.

旅游指南 lǚ yóu zhǐ nán

noun (guidebook)


noun (for duration of trip)


noun (lightweight cup with a lid)


plural noun (official limits imposed on traveling)

晕车(船、机) yūn chē ( chuán 、jī )

noun (nausea caused by motion)

He can't travel in trains for long periods because of travel sickness.

旅行拖车 lǚ xíng tuō chē

(mobile home)

晕车的 yùn chē de

adjective (UK (car sick, motion-sick)


adjective (tired from travel)


adjective (tired from travel)

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travel 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。