英语 中的 meaning 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 meaning 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 meaning 的说明。

英语 中的meaning 表示意思,意义 yì sī ,yì yì, 意义 yì yì, 意图 yì tú, 重要性 zhòng yào xìng, 意思是 yì sī shì, 有意做 yǒu yì zuò, 故意 gù yì, 表示 biǎo shì, 意思是 yì sī shì, 是认真的, 指 zhǐ, 小气的 xiǎo qì de, 缺德的 quē dé de, 下等的 xià děng de, 等级低的 děng jí dī de, 卑劣的 bēi liè de, 脾气坏的 pí qì huài de, 恶毒的 è dú de, 破旧的 pò jiù de, 很好的,出色的 hěn hǎo de,chū sè de, 灵巧的,娴熟的 líng qiǎo de ,xián shú de, 平均的 píng jūn de, 中间点 zhōng jiān diǎn, 平均值,平均数 píng jūn zhí,píng jūn shù, 方式,方法 fāng shì,fāng fǎ, 方法,手段 fāng fǎ,shǒu duàn, 金钱 jīn qián, 决心做, 打算做某事, 牵涉到 qiān shè dào, 可能造成, 意味着 yì wèi zhe, 通用意义 tōng yòng yì yì, 深意, 模棱两可 mó léng liǎng kě, 意味深长的 yì wèi shēn cháng de, 赋予...意义, 未明说的意思 wèi míng shuō de yì sī, 字面含义 zì miàn hán yì, 新的含义 xīn de hán yì, 真正意义 zhēn zhèng yì yì, 真实含义 zhēn shí hán yì, 确切的含义 què qiè de hán yì, 象征意义 xiàng zhēng yì yì, 真正的含义 zhēn zhèng de hán yì, 潜在的意义 qián zài de yì yì, 好意的,善意的 shàn yì de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 meaning 的含义

意思,意义 yì sī ,yì yì

noun (sense of a word) (文字等的)

What is the meaning of 'lean'?
‘lean' 是什么意思?

意义 yì yì

noun (significance)

He thought hard, trying to find the meaning of the puzzle clue.

意图 yì tú

noun (intent)

It's hard to tell with a typed message if someone's meaning is literal or ironic.

重要性 zhòng yào xìng

noun (importance)

Events in Africa often have no meaning for people in India. It doesn't affect their lives at all.

意思是 yì sī shì

transitive verb (word: signify)

What does the word 'available' mean?

有意做 yǒu yì zuò

verbal expression (intend)

I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you.

故意 gù yì


Did I just step on your foot? Sorry. I didn't mean to.

表示 biǎo shì

transitive verb (signify)

A green light means "go."

意思是 yì sī shì

transitive verb (with a clause: signify) (后接从句)

When the dog barks, it means that there is danger nearby.


transitive verb (say sincerely)

I really mean it when I say you're beautiful.

指 zhǐ

transitive verb (allude to)

I don't mean her, I mean her husband!

小气的 xiǎo qì de

adjective (stingy, miserly)

He is a mean man, unlike his generous brother.

缺德的 quē dé de

adjective (informal (malicious, unkind)

That was a mean thing you did.

下等的 xià děng de

adjective (inferior)

That's a mean imitation of an artwork.

等级低的 děng jí dī de

adjective (low in rank, station)

My grandmother was just a mean factory worker.

卑劣的 bēi liè de

adjective (base)

His motives are mean and vile.

脾气坏的 pí qì huài de

adjective (ill-tempered)

He has a mean disposition, and grumbles at everything.

恶毒的 è dú de

adjective (malevolent)

He has a mean streak - you can see it in his eyes.

破旧的 pò jiù de

adjective (shabby)

She was dressed in old and mean clothes, but was still the prettiest girl there.

很好的,出色的 hěn hǎo de,chū sè de

adjective (slang (impressive) (俚语)

The bartender makes a mean martini.

灵巧的,娴熟的 líng qiǎo de ,xián shú de

adjective (slang (skilful) (俚语)

That Frank is a mean bricklayer.

平均的 píng jūn de

adjective (intermediate, average)

The mean score on the test was 70%.

中间点 zhōng jiān diǎn

noun (middle point)

Today's temperature is near the mean for this time of year.

平均值,平均数 píng jūn zhí,píng jūn shù

noun (mathematics: average) (数学)

The mean is the average value of a set of numbers.

方式,方法 fāng shì,fāng fǎ

noun (method, way)

"The end justifies the means."

方法,手段 fāng fǎ,shǒu duàn

plural noun (methods, tools)

With his tools and his brain, he had the means to repair any stove.

金钱 jīn qián

plural noun (money, wealth)

Kevin lacks the means to buy a sports car.


(be determined)

I mean to win that race, even if it kills me!


transitive verb (intend)

Tony means to finish his drink in one gulp.

牵涉到 qiān shè dào

transitive verb (entail)

A delay in our flight means a missed connection.


transitive verb (informal (likely to result in) (非正式用语)

This means war!

意味着 yì wèi zhe

transitive verb (with gerund: involve) (做某事)

No, I can't take you to your sister's house now, as that would mean driving across town and back in the rush hour.

通用意义 tōng yòng yì yì

noun (common definition or use)

Dictionaries explain the accepted meanings of words.


noun (subtext, greater significance)

After becoming religious, Julie found deeper meaning in the most mundane of tasks.

模棱两可 mó léng liǎng kě

noun (ambiguity)

Much of the humour in Shakespeare's writing comes from double meanings.

意味深长的 yì wèi shēn cháng de

adjective (deeply symbolic or significant)

That song is full of meaning to me.


verbal expression (make [sth] significant)

When a student tells me how I helped him in life, it gives meaning to everything I do.

未明说的意思 wèi míng shuō de yì sī

noun (subtext)

If you dissect the pun in that sentence, it carries an additional hidden meaning.

字面含义 zì miàn hán yì

noun (strict, not figurative sense)

When people say they are dying to see you, they don't expect you to take the literal meaning.

新的含义 xīn de hán yì

noun (enhanced or additional significance)

The spoiled kid gave new meaning to the word "brat.".

真正意义 zhēn zhèng yì yì

noun (true significance)

The real meaning of the word decimate is to kill one man in ten.

真实含义 zhēn shí hán yì

noun (deep significance)

Love is the real meaning of life.

确切的含义 què qiè de hán yì

noun (literal or original sense)

The strict meaning of the word “Jew” is an Israelite of the tribe of Juda.

象征意义 xiàng zhēng yì yì

noun (what [sth] represents)

Flowers often have a symbolic meaning; red roses represent love, for example.

真正的含义 zhēn zhèng de hán yì

noun (real significance)

All of the holiday advertising makes us forget the true meaning of Christmas.

潜在的意义 qián zài de yì yì

noun (implicit significance, subtext)

I had a hard time trying to determine the poem's underlying meaning.

好意的,善意的 shàn yì de

adjective (having good intentions)

Sandra is well meaning, but can be a bit annoying.

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meaning 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。