英语 中的 wide 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 wide 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 wide 的说明。

英语 中的wide 表示宽的,宽阔的,宽广的 kuān de ,kuān kuò de ,kuān guǎng de, 宽度为…的 kuān dù wéi … de, 远离目标的 yuǎn lí mù biāo de, 充足的 chōng zú de, 广泛的,广博的,大量的,丰富的 guǎng fàn de ,guǎng bó de ,dà liàng de ,fēng fù de, 宽松的,宽大的 kuān sōng de ,kuān dà de, 睁得大大的,完全张开的 zhēng de dà dà de,wán quán zhāng kāi de, 狡黠的,诡计多端的,狡诈的 jiǎo xiá de,guǐ jì duō duān de ,jiǎo zhà de, 张得很大地,睁得很大地 zhāng de hěn dà de, 远离目标地,打歪地 yuǎn lí mù biāo de,dǎ wāi de, 覆盖…范围的, …范围的, 大范围搜索, 广泛撒网, 整个大陆的, 整个大陆, 出风头 chū fēng tou, 四处 sì chù, 避开 bì kāi, 在整个世界上 zài zhěng gè shì jiè shàng, 远景 yuǎn jǐng, 敞开的 chǎng kāi de, 全州的 quán zhōu de, 全州的 quán zhōu de, 全州地, 广角, 广角的, 运用广角的, 远远分开的 yuǎn yuǎn fēn kāi de, 完全清醒的 wán quán qīng xǐng de, 思维敏捷的 sī wéi mǐn jié de, 充分的余地 chōng fèn de yú dì, 离谱的 lí pǔ de, 偏靶的, 大开的,睁开的 dà kāi de, 大敞的, 大开的, 对...空门大开的,对...大敞的, 尚未决定的 shàng wèi jué dìng de, 大范围 dà fàn wéi, 多种多样 duō zhǒng duō yàng, 外接手, 宽镜头 kuān jìng tóu, 脱靶 tuō bǎ, 各种各样,种类繁多 gè zhǒng gè yàng,zhǒng lèi fán duō, 宽体飞机,宽机身飞机, 宽边网球拍, 重量级, 宽体的,宽机身的, 重量级的 zhòng liàng jí de, 宽边的, 宽边的, 睁大双眼的, 广泛的 guǎng fàn de, 张开的 zhāng kāi de, 嘴大的,口大的,宽口的 zuǐ dà de,kǒu dà de,kuān kǒu de, 万维网 wàn wéi wǎng, 全世界的,全球的 quán shì jiè de ,quán qiú de, 遍及全世界 biàn jí quán shì jiè, 世界自然基金会, 万维网 wàn wéi wǎng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 wide 的含义

宽的,宽阔的,宽广的 kuān de ,kuān kuò de ,kuān guǎng de

adjective (broad)

There is a wide space between the two buildings.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他兴趣非常广泛。

宽度为…的 kuān dù wéi … de

adjective (of a particular width)

The table is one metre wide. The carpenter chose three 20-centimeter wide planks.

远离目标的 yuǎn lí mù biāo de

adjective (shot: off-target)

The shot was wide of the target.

充足的 chōng zú de

adjective (ample)

You have a wide opportunity to network this week.

广泛的,广博的,大量的,丰富的 guǎng fàn de ,guǎng bó de ,dà liàng de ,fēng fù de

adjective (extensive) (知识、经验等)

He has wide experience in commercial law.

宽松的,宽大的 kuān sōng de ,kuān dà de

adjective (loose-fitting) (衣服等)

Aren't those pants too wide for you?

睁得大大的,完全张开的 zhēng de dà dà de,wán quán zhāng kāi de

adjective (eyes: fully open) (眼睛)

Her eyes were wide with wonder at the sight of the huge pink flower.

狡黠的,诡计多端的,狡诈的 jiǎo xiá de,guǐ jì duō duān de ,jiǎo zhà de

adjective (UK, figurative, slang (shrewd) (非正式用语,比喻人)

That man is a real wide one.

张得很大地,睁得很大地 zhāng de hěn dà de

adverb (widely) (眼睛)

He opened his eyes wide for the photograph.

远离目标地,打歪地 yuǎn lí mù biāo de,dǎ wāi de

adverb (shot: off-target) (射击)

Shelley fired at the target but her shot went wide.

覆盖…范围的, …范围的

suffix (extending across) (后缀)

There is a city-wide ban on watering the lawn to conserve water.


verbal expression (figurative (search over a large area)

The police cast a wide net whilst searching for the missing fugitive.


verbal expression (figurative (use wide range of resources)

The company is casting its net wide in its search for exactly the right person for the job.


adjective (throughout a continent)


adverb (in a way that covers a whole continent)

The virus quickly spread continent-wide.

出风头 chū fēng tou

verbal expression (figurative (be impressive)

四处 sì chù

expression (in or to many places)

Alice searched far and wide for the perfect place to live, but eventually she decided to live in her hometown.

避开 bì kāi

verbal expression (figurative (keep away from)

在整个世界上 zài zhěng gè shì jiè shàng

adverb (anywhere on earth)

If you could go anywhere in the whole wide world, where would you go first?

远景 yuǎn jǐng

noun (movie, photo: wide-angle view) (摄影)

The film begins with a long shot in which you can see the whole town.

敞开的 chǎng kāi de

adjective (door, eyes: wide open)

全州的 quán zhōu de

adjective (US (across an entire state)

全州的 quán zhōu de

adjective (across a state)


adverb (across a state)

The measure was popular locally, but not statewide.


noun (broad view)


adjective (lens: giving wide view) (镜头)


adjective (employing wide-angle lens)

The photographer took a wide-angle shot.

远远分开的 yuǎn yuǎn fēn kāi de

adjective (separated)

It's not a bad portrait except that his eyes are too wide apart.

完全清醒的 wán quán qīng xǐng de

adjective (fully conscious)

After my morning coffee I'm usually wide awake. The noise outside kept him wide awake all night long.

思维敏捷的 sī wéi mǐn jié de

adjective (figurative (alert, observant)

You need to be wide awake in this job and not let any opportunities pass you by.

充分的余地 chōng fèn de yú dì

noun (large gap or allowance)

Charles won the election by a wide margin.

离谱的 lí pǔ de

adjective (figurative (guess: inaccurate) (猜测)

Catherine tried to guess the price of the watch, but she was wide of the mark.


adjective (shot: missing the target) (射击、射箭)

The archer's first shot at the target was wide of the mark.

大开的,睁开的 dà kāi de

adjective (eyes: fully open) (眼睛)

I went into the situation with my eyes wide open.

大敞的, 大开的

adjective (door: fully open)

When you leave the door wide open, it lets all the heat out of the house.


adjective (figurative (exposed, vulnerable to [sth]) (比喻)

The infantry lay itself wide open to attack.

尚未决定的 shàng wèi jué dìng de

adjective (figurative (not yet determined)

When the only suspect gave an alibi, the murder case was thrown wide open.

大范围 dà fàn wéi

noun (large area)

This electronic tag allows animals to be tracked over a wide range.

多种多样 duō zhǒng duō yàng

noun (great variety)

The company offers a wide range of services to customers.


noun (American football player) (美式橄榄球球员)

宽镜头 kuān jìng tóu

noun (photography, film: wide-angle view) (摄影)

The director decided on a wide shot for the scene instead of a close-up.

脱靶 tuō bǎ

noun (sport: aim that misses mark)

各种各样,种类繁多 gè zhǒng gè yàng,zhǒng lèi fán duō

noun (extensive range)


noun (aircraft with two aisles)


noun (US (wide tennis racket)


noun (US, informal (sports: heavy person)


noun as adjective (aircraft: having two aisles) (飞机)

重量级的 zhòng liàng jí de

noun as adjective (US, informal (person: heavy)


noun as adjective (US (tennis racket: wide) (网球拍)


adjective (hat: having a large brim)


adjective (with astonishment, etc.) (因惊讶)

The wide-eyed child opened his Christmas presents.

广泛的 guǎng fàn de

adjective (broad scope)

The pharmacy has a wide-ranging selection of pain killers.

张开的 zhāng kāi de

adjective (gaping)

嘴大的,口大的,宽口的 zuǐ dà de,kǒu dà de,kuān kǒu de

adjective (having a wide mouth) (壶等)

万维网 wàn wéi wǎng

noun (internet, the Net)

The World Wide Web was developed as a way of sharing research papers.

全世界的,全球的 quán shì jiè de ,quán qiú de

adjective (spanning the world)

The worldwide shortage of rare metals is a threat to manufacturing.

遍及全世界 biàn jí quán shì jiè

adverb (all over the world)

Gus has travelled worldwide and has friends everywhere.


noun (initialism (World Wide Fund for Nature)

万维网 wàn wéi wǎng

noun (written, initialism (World Wide Web) (World Wide Web的缩写)

Tim Berners-Lee was the inventor of the WWW.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。