英语 中的 wild 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 wild 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 wild 的说明。

英语 中的wild 表示野性的 yě xìng de, 不文明的 bù wén míng de, 野生的,野的,未经栽培的 yě shēng de ,yě de,wèi jīng zāi péi de, 天然的 tiān rán de, 荒无人烟的,荒凉的 huāng wú rén yān de,huāng liáng de, 感情强烈的 gǎn qíng qiáng liè de, 狂暴的 kuáng bào de, 狂暴的,波涛汹涌的,波浪滔天的 kuáng bào de ,bō tāo xiōng yǒng de, 放纵不羁的,缺乏管束的,无法无天的 fàng zòng bù jī de,quē fá guǎn shù de,wú fǎ wú tiān de, 偏离目标的 piān lí mù biāo de, 野外 yě wài, 热爱 rè ài, 热衷于, 偏离目标地 piān lí mù biāo de, 使恢复自然状态, 圆叶风铃草 yuán yè fēng líng cǎo, 紫花锦葵, 澳洲犬 ào zhōu quǎn, 鳗草, 野外绝灭, 竹篮打水一场空, 热烈回应, 奢侈, 铺张, 铺张浪费地做..., 发疯的,疯狂的,激动的 fā fēng de ,fēng kuáng de ,jī dòng de, 蛇床子,寸金草,野茴香, 失去控制 shī qù kòng zhì, 乱猜,瞎猜 luàn cāi,xiā cāi, 野生动物 yě shēng dòng wù, 野兽 yě shòu, 野兽 yě shòu, 野猪 yě zhū, 百搭牌, 通配符, 变化莫测的人或事, 野孩子, 兽孩, 睁大的眼睛 zhēng dà de yǎn jīng, 野鹅, 徒劳的搜索,白费力气的搜寻, 野猪 yě zhū, 野马 yě mǎ, 天马行空的想象 tiān mǎ xíng kōng de xiǎng xiàng, 野生菌,野蘑菇,野生蘑菇, 菰米, 菰米, (美国早期的)西部荒原 měi guó zǎo qī de xī bù huāng yuán, 野生的 yě shēng de, 绝望地 jué wàng de, 野花。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 wild 的含义

野性的 yě xìng de

adjective (animal: untamed)

Tigers are wild animals.

不文明的 bù wén míng de

adjective (figurative (uncivilized)

As a teen, she caused her parents endless worry with her wild behaviour.

野生的,野的,未经栽培的 yě shēng de ,yě de,wèi jīng zāi péi de

adjective (growing uncultivated) (植物)

We used to pick wild flowers for our mom.

天然的 tiān rán de

adverb (naturally)

A large variety of flowers and herbs grow wild in the nearby meadow.

荒无人烟的,荒凉的 huāng wú rén yān de,huāng liáng de

adjective (place: uninhabited) (地方)

He set off for the wild spaces of the interior.

感情强烈的 gǎn qíng qiáng liè de

adjective (mood: furious, violent)

The man was wild at having his point disproved.

狂暴的 kuáng bào de

adjective (weather: stormy) (天气)

The skies here are dramatic when the weather is wild.

狂暴的,波涛汹涌的,波浪滔天的 kuáng bào de ,bō tāo xiōng yǒng de

adjective (sea: rough) (海洋)

The little boat was tossed about on the wild sea.

放纵不羁的,缺乏管束的,无法无天的 fàng zòng bù jī de,quē fá guǎn shù de,wú fǎ wú tiān de

adjective (person: unrestrained) (人)

That boy is wild. There is no controlling him.

偏离目标的 piān lí mù biāo de

adjective (figurative (missing the target)

His shooting was wild: only one shot was on target.

野外 yě wài

noun (uninhabited place)

Tigers live in the wild.

热爱 rè ài

(love [sb] passionately)

Lucas is wild about Carla and even proposed to her.


(like [sth] intensely)

Simon is wild about bananas; he eats one every day.

偏离目标地 piān lí mù biāo de

adverb (US, figurative (missing the target)

He shot wild three times in a row.


transitive verb (return land to natural state)

圆叶风铃草 yuán yè fēng líng cǎo

noun (woodland bellflower)

There are bluebells all over the woodland floor.


noun (flower: North America)

澳洲犬 ào zhōu quǎn

noun (Australian wild dog) (一种澳洲野狗)

The area has seen an increase in the number of attacks by dingoes.


noun (botany: marine plant)


expression (species: only alive in captivity)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (search in vain for [sth]) (比喻义)


(informal (respond enthusiastically)

When he returned to the stage to perform an encore, the audience went wild.

奢侈, 铺张

(informal (be extravagant)


verbal expression (informal (do [sth] extravagantly)

You really went wild with the décor in this room, didn't you?

发疯的,疯狂的,激动的 fā fēng de ,fēng kuáng de ,jī dòng de

adjective (US, figurative, informal (excited)

The hog-wild crowd were shouting and screaming.


noun (Eurasian herb; love-in-a-mist, etc)

失去控制 shī qù kòng zhì

intransitive verb (be uncontrolled)

Residents say that gangs are running wild in the streets.

乱猜,瞎猜 luàn cāi,xiā cāi

verbal expression (informal (make an uneducated estimate) (非正式用语)

I've no idea how many beans are in the jar, but I'll take a wild guess and say 5000.

野生动物 yě shēng dòng wù

noun (untamed creature)

Keeping wild animals as pets is a bad idea. When children eat too much sugar, they can begin to behave like wild animals.

野兽 yě shòu

noun (savage or fierce creature)

The explorer was attacked and eaten by wild animals.

野兽 yě shòu

noun (savage animal)

Many tourists go to Africa to see wild beasts in their natural habitat.

野猪 yě zhū

noun (wild pig)

Asterix and Obelix set off to hunt wild boar.


noun (card game: substitute card)


noun (figurative (computer code: substitute symbol) (计算机)


noun (figurative (unpredictable person or thing)


noun (UK (undisciplined teenager)

Sheila had a reputation for being a wild child.


noun (feral child)

The film is about a wild child who was found in a forest.

睁大的眼睛 zhēng dà de yǎn jīng

plural noun (eyes open wide in fear, etc.) (因恐惧等)

The terrified child stared at the bear with wild eyes.




noun (figurative, informal (pointless search)

The sheriff was sent on a wild goose chase to find the fugitive. Trying to find the missing papers turned out to be a wild-goose chase.

野猪 yě zhū

noun (variety of pig: boar)

野马 yě mǎ

noun (horse which is untamed)

A brumby is an Australian wild horse.

天马行空的想象 tiān mǎ xíng kōng de xiǎng xiàng

noun (tendency to fanciful invention)

My nephew has a wonderfully wild imagination and tells amazing stories.


noun (fungus species growing uncultivated)


noun (aquatic grass: North American)


noun (uncountable (grain of this grass)

(美国早期的)西部荒原 měi guó zǎo qī de xī bù huāng yuán

noun (historical (early western US) (历史用语)

Our image of the Wild West has been largely shaped by Hollywood.

野生的 yě shēng de

adjective (fish for eating: not farmed)

绝望地 jué wàng de

adjective (looking desperate or panicked)


noun (flower that grows in fields, etc.)

The park asks people not to pick the wildflowers.

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wild 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。