What does bakki in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word bakki in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use bakki in Icelandic.

The word bakki in Icelandic means bank, shore, tray. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word bakki


noun (edge of river or lake)


noun (land adjoining a large body of water)



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Bakki # (handvirkt
Tray # (Manual
Bakki # (fjölnota bakki
Tray # (MultiPurpose Tray
Bakki fyrir mörg blöð
Large Capacity Tray
Bakki # pappírstegund
Tray # Paper Type
Venjulegur bakki
Standard Tray
blaða bakki
sheet input Tray
Fjölnota bakki
Multi Purpose Tray
síður bakki
sheet input Tray
Valfrjáls bakki
Optional Tray
Hún hafði deliberated yfir þetta atriði, og hún kom halda smá bakki með óbyggðu frumvarp á henni.
She had deliberated over this scene, and she came holding a little tray with an unsettled bill upon it.
Handvirkt (bakki
Manual Feed (Tray
Vinstri bakki (snýr upp
Left Bin (Face Up
Þegar Frú Hall tók kvöldmat hans við hann, var hann þegar það frásogast í starfi, hella smá dropar úr flöskum í próf- slöngur, að hann hafi ekki heyrt hana fyrr en hún hafði hrífast burt megnið af hey og setja bakki á borðið, með nokkrum litlum áherslu kannski, sjá fram að gólfið var inn þá sneri hálft höfuðið og strax reyndist það í burtu aftur.
When Mrs. Hall took his dinner in to him, he was already so absorbed in his work, pouring little drops out of the bottles into test- tubes, that he did not hear her until she had swept away the bulk of the straw and put the tray on the table, with some little emphasis perhaps, seeing the state that the floor was in. Then he half turned his head and immediately turned it away again.
Bakki # (valfrjáls
Tray # (Optional
En rétt áður en Martha fór niður fyrir te- bakki, Mary spurði spurningu.
But just before Martha went downstairs for the tea- tray, Mary asked a question.
" En hvað er það sem þú vilt? " " Þegar frú Turner hefur fært í the bakki I mun gera það alveg ljóst að þér.
" But what is it you wish? " " When Mrs. Turner has brought in the tray I will make it clear to you.
" Upp yfir heiminn þú flýgur, eins og te- bakki á himni.
" Up above the world you fly, Like a tea- tray in the sky.
Hvalbakur (eða bakki) er þiljur eða hvelfing yfir fremsta hluta skips (fremsta rúmi í bát).
Upon hatching, the paralarvae gradually float or swim towards shallower waters.
Efri-Núpur Neðri-Núpur Torfastaðir (í eyði) Barkarstaðir Barkarstaðasel (í eyði) Litli Bakki (í eyði) Litli Hvammur (í eyði) Fosskot (í eyði) Þverá (í eyði) Núpsdalstunga .
The dulcimer, in which the strings are beaten with small hammers, originated from the psaltery, in which the strings are plucked.
Fjölnota bakki
Multi-Purpose Tray
Aftari bakki (síða upp
Rear Tray (Face-Up
Bakki # (pappírshylki
Tray # (Paper Cassette
Hún fyllti sinnep pottinn, og setja það með ákveðnum stateliness á gull og svart te- bakki, bar það inn í stofu.
Then she filled the mustard pot, and, putting it with a certain stateliness upon a gold and black tea- tray, carried it into the parlour.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.