What does val in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word val in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use val in Icelandic.

The word val in Icelandic means choice, selection, option. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word val


noun (option or decision)

Þú hefur val á milli súpu eða salats.
You have the choice of soup or salad.


noun (The portion of an on-screen file that has been marked as subject to user action.)

Sálmar úr sálmabókinni, sungnir án tilbrigða, eru ávallt gott val fyrir kórsöng.
Hymns from the hymnbook, sung without variation, are always appropriate as choir selections.



Ef þú virkjar þetta val, mun forsýningarglugginn ekki aðskiljast
If you enable this option, the preview area will not be separated

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" Good himnarnir! " Sagði Herra Bunting, hesitating milli tveggja hræðilegt val.
" Good heavens! " said Mr. Bunting, hesitating between two horrible alternatives.
Viđskiptavinir eiga nú val
%% Policy holders now have choices
Úrval mynda á myndbandaleigum hafði líka áhrif á val á tegund tækis.
His choice of equipment also influenced his style.
Gerir frjálst val
Makes a free-form selection
Ūađ var ekkert val, pabbi.
It wasn't a choice, Dad.
Við getum ekki fyllilega skilið val eða sálrænan bakgrunn fólks í heiminum, vinnunni, kirkjusöfnuðum og jafnvel fjölskyldum okkar því að við höfum sjaldan alla myndina af því hver þau eru.
We can’t fully understand the choices and psychological backgrounds of people in our world, Church congregations, and even in our families, because we rarely have the whole picture of who they are.
Ūú gefur honum ekkert val.
You have left him no choice.
Að lokum tekst Sval að flýja dalinn og taka Val fársjúkan með sér.
Raft's journey will ultimately take him to the Valley of the Flame.
Ég virđist ekki eiga neitt val.
Seems you've left me no choice.
Réttlát val ykkar mun gera ykkur hæfar til að gera og halda heilaga sáttmála sem munu binda fjölskyldu ykkar saman að eilífu.
Your righteous choices will qualify you to make and keep sacred covenants that will bind your family together eternally.
(1) Jehóva vill að við vöndum val okkar á vinum.
(1) Jehovah wants us to be selective about our associates.
Nota val með mús í stað klippispjalds
Use mouse selection instead of clipboard
Foreldrar þurfa því að hafa umsjón með börnunum og gefa þeim góðar biblíulegar leiðbeiningar um Netið, alveg eins þeir myndu gera í sambandi við val á tónlist eða kvikmyndum. — 1. Kor.
Parents therefore need to supervise their children and give them sound Scriptural guidance about using the Internet, just as they would guide them in their choice of music or movies. —1 Cor.
Viđ höfum ekkert val.
We got no choice.
Trúin er val, ekki tilviljun
Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice
Persónulegt val þitt
Your Personal Choice
Lúsífer beitir kænsku við að hafa áhrif á val okkar og blekkingum varðandi synd og afleiðingar.
Lucifer in clever ways manipulates our choices, deceiving us about sin and consequences.
Endrum og eins þarf að minna okkur á, líkt og ég var áminntur í Róm, hina dásamlegu og hughreystandi staðreynd að hjónabandið og fjölskyldan eru ennþá val og fyrirmynd flestra og að við erum ekki ein um þá afstöðu.
We need to remind ourselves once in a while, as I was reminded in Rome, of the wonderfully reassuring and comforting fact that marriage and family are still the aspiration and ideal of most people and that we are not alone in those beliefs.
" Lyf eiga að vera val, nema fyrir þá sem þurfa á því að halda ".
Drugs are optional, except for those that need them!
PRÓFIÐ ÞETTA: Næst þegar þú þarft að ræða ákveðið mál við táninginn hjálpaðu honum að sjá hvernig val hans hefur áhrif á orðstír hans.
TRY THIS: The next time you talk to your teen about an issue, help him to reason on how his choices reflect on him.
Sálmar úr sálmabókinni, sungnir án tilbrigða, eru ávallt gott val fyrir kórsöng.
Hymns from the hymnbook, sung without variation, are always appropriate as choir selections.
Ūitt val, félagi.
Your choice, mate.
Hann gaf þér ekkert val
He gave you no choice
Við hjálpum því ástvinum okkar best með hverju því sem vekur þá upp til meðvitundar um eigið val.
So the best help we can give is whatever leads those we love to watch over their own choices.
Gott val.
Oh, good choice.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of val in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.